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Everything posted by orb

  1. I assume you try to bridge your eth0 and wlan0. This thread might help you to achieve this. https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/88954/workaround-for-a-wifi-bridge-on-a-raspberry-pi-with-proxy-arp Oli
  2. Hi Alexander, Mine situation got worse over time. SATA1 doesn’t spin up, or if it adds with the SATA2 and emits ‘beep’ style sound generated by heads. They are both powered by the ‘b’ rail. I used ATX 12v DC instead of the provided power supply, same results. The only way to operate requires an ATX SATA connector. My setup is 5*3″ 5, I am not sure I would be a good idea to merge them on the ‘a’ rail. I enjoy this kind of DIY NAS and I ordered on ASRock JTX board. I might come back later to try what wrong but I am afraid some SMD on the board is involved. Today, buying a new case, add an ATX power supply is the only option. Oli
  3. Hi Alex, I had a simillar issue. The dmesg had SATA 1.5GB messages and decided to shutdown the SATA port. It seems connector doesn't pinch enough to keep a proper signal transport. The NAS was a secure place and hasn't been physcaly touched for a long time. First,I removed and plug back the impacted hardrive, nothing changed even worst 2 more went down. I did check all voltages and everything was fine. I solved the issue by using contact cleaner fluid (stays a little bit greasy but transport signals), scrap with a special gum the harddrive connector.Everything went back to normal right after. My final fix was to use screws to fix the hardrives in place Regards, Oli
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