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Posts posted by halfa

  1. On my side I've been running  5.16.11 from linux-image-edge-rockchip64_22.02.1 and it has been rather stable, with occasional (once every 2 months?) lockups. I'm running on a jammy base.

    Just saw that the 6.6.2 kernel is available in the test repos, anyone gave it a try?


    armbian-bsp-cli-helios64/jammy 23.11.1 arm64 [upgradable from: 22.02.1]
    armbian-firmware/jammy,jammy,jammy 23.11.1 all [upgradable from: 22.05.1]
    linux-dtb-edge-rockchip64/jammy 23.11.1 arm64 [upgradable from: 22.02.1]
    linux-headers-edge-rockchip64/jammy 23.11.1 arm64 [upgradable from: 22.02.1]
    linux-image-edge-rockchip64/jammy 23.11.1 arm64 [upgradable from: 22.02.1]


  2. I confirm that I have the same issue, on kernel 5.18.0 with the default armbian build the fans are not detected by the hwmon module:

    # uname
    Linux helios64 5.18.0-rockchip64 #22.05.1 SMP PREEMPT Sat May 28 08:41:43 UTC 2022 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
    # dmesg | grep hwmon
    [    8.480887] hwmon hwmon2: temp1_input not attached to any thermal zone
    [    8.480906] lm75 2-004c: hwmon2: sensor 'lm75'
    # # ll /sys/class/hwmon
    total 0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  5 18:47 hwmon0 -> ../../devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/hwmon0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  5 18:47 hwmon1 -> ../../devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone1/hwmon1
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  5 18:47 hwmon2 -> ../../devices/platform/ff120000.i2c/i2c-2/2-004c/hwmon/hwmon2
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  5 18:47 hwmon3 -> ../../devices/platform/ff3d0000.i2c/i2c-4/4-0022/power_supply/tcpm-source-psy-4-0022/hwmon3
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jun  5 18:47 hwmon4 -> ../../devices/platform/gpio-charger/power_supply/gpio-charger/hwmon4

    On kernel 5.17 it was working fine. Now digging into what could have caused this...

  3. @ebin-dev I have 0 ideas how you ended up in that situation but on my side the version 21.05.8 is installed and it indeed contain the legacy udev rule (and you can confirm for yourself by looking at the package in the mirror at http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/armbian-apt/pool/focal-utils/a/armbian-bsp-cli-helios64/)

    root@helios64 $ dpkg -s armbian-bsp-cli-helios64
    Package: armbian-bsp-cli-helios64
    Status: install ok installed
    Priority: optional
    Section: kernel
    Installed-Size: 1
    Maintainer: Igor Pecovnik <igor.pecovnik@****l.com>
    Architecture: arm64
    Version: 21.05.8
    Replaces: zram-config, base-files, armbian-tools-focal, linux-focal-root-legacy-helios64 (<< 21.05.8~), linux-focal-root-current-helios64 (<< 21.05.8~), linux-focal-root-edge-helios64 (<< 21.05.8~)
    Provides: linux-focal-root-legacy-helios64, linux-focal-root-current-helios64, linux-focal-root-edge-helios64
    Depends: bash, linux-base, u-boot-tools, initramfs-tools, lsb-release, fping
    Recommends: bsdutils, parted, util-linux, toilet
    Suggests: armbian-config
    Breaks: linux-focal-root-legacy-helios64 (<< 21.05.8~), linux-focal-root-current-helios64 (<< 21.05.8~), linux-focal-root-edge-helios64 (<< 21.05.8~)
    Description: Tweaks for Armbian focal on helios64
    root@helios64 $ dpkg -L armbian-bsp-cli-helios64 | grep legacy


  4. For anybody here looking for a solution, see the other thread (where you will find a manual fix)


    @ebin-dev you need to look at what file you have in /etc/udev/rules.d/, as long as you didn't reboot you'll not have the issue.


    Hello back @Heisath! I updated to armbian 21.05.8 and indeed I'm back on the old udev rule. If we still don't now why sometime the build mess up with the legacy settings, but if it's the ONLY thing that is related to the legacy switch, we might as well either merge both files into one, accommodating both CPU device tree thermal tree path. @Igor what do you think? I think I can make a PR for that.

  5. The 21.05.6 release fixed the regression in the package build process (couldn't find a related commit, maybe during the build targets reworks?), removing the "legacy" udev rule and adding the correct one.

    root@helios64:~ # apt info armbian-bsp-cli-helios64
    Package: armbian-bsp-cli-helios64
    Version: 21.05.6

    Given that this is fixed, I don't know if there is a need to patch the upstream Heisath. I'm willing to test you're version of the merged udev rule but I don't have a legacy env. to properly test the other one.

  6. For anybody passing by, the issue is due to the fact that for some reason the armbian-bsp-cli-helios64 package for 21.05.2 (EDIT: clarify, 21.05.1 is fine as seen below) was build with the old udev rule (for 4.4 kernels):

    $ ls armbian-bsp-cli-helios64_21.05.1_arm64.deb\data.tar\.\etc\udev\rules.d\
    $ ls armbian-bsp-cli-helios64_21.05.2_arm64.deb\data.tar\.\etc\udev\rules.d\

    The content of the 90-helios64-hwmon.rules is indeed correct and match the 5.10.x kernel device tree: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/packages/bsp/helios64/90-helios64-hwmon.rules


    I tried reversing the build system to find why the old file was used instead of the other, but the best I could find is

    # in config/sources/families/include/rockchip64_common.inc
    395         ### Fancontrol tweaks
    396         # copy hwmon rules to fix device mapping
    397         if [[ $BRANCH == legacy ]]; then
    398             install -m 644 $SRC/packages/bsp/helios64/90-helios64-hwmon-legacy.rules $destination/etc/udev/rules.d/
    399         else
    400             install -m 644 $SRC/packages/bsp/helios64/90-helios64-hwmon.rules $destination/etc/udev/rules.d/
    401         fi


  7. Posting here following what was recommended on twitter.

    After updating my helios64 earlier this week and rebooting to get the new kernel, I realized it was suspiciously silent.

    A quick check to sensor temps readings and physical check made me realize the fan were not spinning.


    After a quick read on the wiki, I checked fancontrol which was indeed failing:

    root@helios64:~ # systemctl status fancontrol.service
    ● fancontrol.service - fan speed regulator
         Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/fancontrol.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
        Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/fancontrol.service.d
         Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2021-05-28 00:08:13 CEST; 1min 42s ago
           Docs: man:fancontrol(8)
        Process: 2495 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/fancontrol --check (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
        Process: 2876 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/fancontrol (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
       Main PID: 2876 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
    May 28 00:08:13 helios64 fancontrol[2876]:   MINPWM=0
    May 28 00:08:13 helios64 fancontrol[2876]:   MAXPWM=255
    May 28 00:08:13 helios64 fancontrol[2876]:   AVERAGE=1
    May 28 00:08:13 helios64 fancontrol[2876]: Error: file /dev/thermal-cpu/temp1_input doesn't exist
    May 28 00:08:13 helios64 fancontrol[2876]: Error: file /dev/thermal-cpu/temp1_input doesn't exist
    May 28 00:08:13 helios64 fancontrol[2876]: At least one referenced file is missing. Either some required kernel
    May 28 00:08:13 helios64 fancontrol[2876]: modules haven't been loaded, or your configuration file is outdated.
    May 28 00:08:13 helios64 fancontrol[2876]: In the latter case, you should run pwmconfig again.
    May 28 00:08:13 helios64 systemd[1]: fancontrol.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    May 28 00:08:13 helios64 systemd[1]: fancontrol.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.


    Basically fancontrol expect a device in /dev to read the sensors value from, and that device seems to be missing. After a bit of poking around and learning about udev, I managed to manually solve the issue by recreating the device symlink manually:

    /usr/bin/mkdir /dev/thermal-cpu/
    ln -s /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp /dev/thermal-cpu/temp1_input
    systemctl restart fancontrol.service
    systemctl status fancontrol.service

    Now digging more this issue happen because udev is not creating the symlink like it should for some reason. After reading the rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/90-helios64-hwmon-legacy.rules and a bit of udev documentation, I managed to find how to test it:

    root@helios64:~ # udevadm test /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0
    Reading rules file: /etc/udev/rules.d/90-helios64-hwmon-legacy.rules
    Reading rules file: /etc/udev/rules.d/90-helios64-ups.rules
    run: '/bin/ln -sf /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0 ' <-- something is wrong here, there is no target
    Unload module index
    Unloaded link configuration context.

    After spending a bit more time reading the udev rule, I realized that the second argument was empty because we don't match the ATTR{type}=="soc-thermal" condition. We can look up the types like this:

    root@helios64:~ # find /sys/ -name type | grep thermal
    root@helios64:~ # cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/type
    cpu <-- we were expecting soc-thermal!

    and after rewriting the line with the new type, udev is happy again

    # Edit in /etc/udev/rules.d/90-helios64-hwmon-legacy.rules and add the following line after the original one
    ATTR{type}=="cpu", ENV{HWMON_PATH}="/sys%p/temp", ENV{HELIOS64_SYMLINK}="/dev/thermal-cpu/temp1_input", RUN+="/usr/bin/mkdir /dev/thermal-cpu/"
    root@helios64:~ # udevadm control --reload
    root@helios64:~ # udevadm test /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0
    run: '/usr/bin/mkdir /dev/thermal-cpu/'
    run: '/bin/ln -sf /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp /dev/thermal-cpu/temp1_input'
    Unload module index
    Unloaded link configuration context.

    Apparently for some reason the device-tree changed upstream and the thermal type changed from soc-thermal to cpu?

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