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    enigmasphinx got a reaction from tommy in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    Thanks jock for this post. I was able to unbrick my device. I now have successfully installed Armbian on my device and loves its performance by following this post.
    My device is called Ninkbox N1 Max RK3318. I was trying to look for a firmware suitable for my device but I am unable to find the exact one. I tried asking support from their main website but to no avail. So I tried installing different firmware on my device with almost the same chips until I ended up bricking the device. Unfortunately I already bricked the device before landing into this post so I was not able to backup my original firmware. For some unfortunate twist of fate I also have those BGA chips with no exposed pins. Upon further examination there are two round copper at the back of the board where the BGA chip sits. After burning the image on an SD card I tried shorting the round coppers with a piece of staple wire and it gave me the Multiboot window.
    I am writing this for those other people who may have the same device as mine and is looking to setup Armbian or probably trying to unbrick their device.
    This is my EMMC Chip
    The picture of my device
    The round copper at the back of the board to short
    My device desktop after successful install
  2. Like
    enigmasphinx got a reaction from MattWestB in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    @jock had to wait for 24 hrs to reply to your post. I will try the other images when I have the time and play around with it.
    Here are the pics:
  3. Like
    enigmasphinx got a reaction from MattWestB in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    Thanks jock for this post. I was able to unbrick my device. I now have successfully installed Armbian on my device and loves its performance by following this post.
    My device is called Ninkbox N1 Max RK3318. I was trying to look for a firmware suitable for my device but I am unable to find the exact one. I tried asking support from their main website but to no avail. So I tried installing different firmware on my device with almost the same chips until I ended up bricking the device. Unfortunately I already bricked the device before landing into this post so I was not able to backup my original firmware. For some unfortunate twist of fate I also have those BGA chips with no exposed pins. Upon further examination there are two round copper at the back of the board where the BGA chip sits. After burning the image on an SD card I tried shorting the round coppers with a piece of staple wire and it gave me the Multiboot window.
    I am writing this for those other people who may have the same device as mine and is looking to setup Armbian or probably trying to unbrick their device.
    This is my EMMC Chip
    The picture of my device
    The round copper at the back of the board to short
    My device desktop after successful install
  4. Like
    enigmasphinx got a reaction from Huafu in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    Thanks jock for this post. I was able to unbrick my device. I now have successfully installed Armbian on my device and loves its performance by following this post.
    My device is called Ninkbox N1 Max RK3318. I was trying to look for a firmware suitable for my device but I am unable to find the exact one. I tried asking support from their main website but to no avail. So I tried installing different firmware on my device with almost the same chips until I ended up bricking the device. Unfortunately I already bricked the device before landing into this post so I was not able to backup my original firmware. For some unfortunate twist of fate I also have those BGA chips with no exposed pins. Upon further examination there are two round copper at the back of the board where the BGA chip sits. After burning the image on an SD card I tried shorting the round coppers with a piece of staple wire and it gave me the Multiboot window.
    I am writing this for those other people who may have the same device as mine and is looking to setup Armbian or probably trying to unbrick their device.
    This is my EMMC Chip
    The picture of my device
    The round copper at the back of the board to short
    My device desktop after successful install
  5. Like
    enigmasphinx got a reaction from jock in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    Thanks jock for this post. I was able to unbrick my device. I now have successfully installed Armbian on my device and loves its performance by following this post.
    My device is called Ninkbox N1 Max RK3318. I was trying to look for a firmware suitable for my device but I am unable to find the exact one. I tried asking support from their main website but to no avail. So I tried installing different firmware on my device with almost the same chips until I ended up bricking the device. Unfortunately I already bricked the device before landing into this post so I was not able to backup my original firmware. For some unfortunate twist of fate I also have those BGA chips with no exposed pins. Upon further examination there are two round copper at the back of the board where the BGA chip sits. After burning the image on an SD card I tried shorting the round coppers with a piece of staple wire and it gave me the Multiboot window.
    I am writing this for those other people who may have the same device as mine and is looking to setup Armbian or probably trying to unbrick their device.
    This is my EMMC Chip
    The picture of my device
    The round copper at the back of the board to short
    My device desktop after successful install
  6. Like
    enigmasphinx reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    ­DISCLAIMER (PLEASE READ): everything you can find in this thread (binaries, texts, code snippets, etc...) are provided AS-IS and are not part of official Armbian project. For this reason not people from Armbian project nor myself are responsible for misuse or loss of functionality of hardware.

    Please don't ask about support or assistance in other non-community forums nor in the official Armbian github repository, instead post your questions in this thread, in the TV Boxes forum section (hardware related) or in the Peer-to-peer support section (general linux/software related).

    Thank you!
    This thread is to give stable and mature long-term range support to rk3318/rk3328 found in many tv boxes in Armbian project as Community Supported Configuration (CSC).
    The current work is mainlined into Armbian project, but your mileage may vary; most recent developments live on my personal fork on github -> here <-
    Important notes: is just a personal opinion, but apparently widely supported, that rk3318 chip is not an official rockchip part. They probably are scrap rk3328 parts which have not passed conformance tests but are sold anyway to tv boxes manufacturers. They don’t reach the same operating frequency of the rk3328, have much higher leakage currents (and thus higher temperatures) and often the boards they are installed on are low quality with low quality components, in fact a very very common issue is the eMMC failure due to bad parts and bad soldering. So said, I personally suggest not to buy any rk3318 tv box, but instead find a properly supported SBC (Single Board Computer) if you need a reliable product. In the unfortunate case you already have such product, this thread may help you have some fun with them.
    What works:
        • Works on RK3318 and RK3328 TV boxes with DDR3 memories
        • Mainline u-boot
        • Mainline ATF provided as Trusted Execution Environment
        • All 4 cores are working
        • Ethernet
        • Serial UART (configured at stock 1.5Mbps)
        • Thermals and frequency scaling
        • OTG USB 2.0 port (also as boot device!)
        • EHCI/OHCI USB 2.0 ports and XHCI USB 3.0 ports
        • MMC subsystem (including , SD and sdio devices)
        • Hardware video acceleration (fully supported via RKMPP on legacy kernel, support via hantro and rkvdec kernel driver on mainline)
        • Various WIFI over SDIO are supported
        • Full acceleration on legacy kernel and mainline kernel
        • U-boot boot order priority: first the sdcard, then the USB OTG port and eventually the internal ; you can install u-boot (and the whole system) in the internal and u-boot will always check for images on external sdcard/USB first.
    Technically, rockchip devices cannot be bricked. If the internal flash does not contain a bootable system, they will always boot from the sdcard. If, for a reason, the bootable system on the internal flash is corrupted or is unable to boot correctly, you can always force the maskrom mode shorting the clock pin on the PCB. The procedure is explained here for rk322x, but for rk3318/28 is the same.

    In most of the rk3318/28 boards, shorting the clock pin is difficult or impossible because eMMC are BGA chips with no exposed pins. Pay double attention when burning something on the internal flash memory and always test first the image booting from the sdcard to be sure it works before burning anything in internal flash.
    This is a list of posts where forum users have been able to spot the eMMC clock pin to trigger the maskrom mode:
    H96 Max+ (board signature: RK3318_V1.4) by @Gausus X88 PRO 10 (board signature: X88_PRO_B) by @mathgaming HK1 Max (board signature YX_RK3318) by @Constantin Gatej Ninkbox N1 Max RK3318 by @enigmasphinx  
    Partecipation and debugging:
    If you want to partecipate or need help debugging issues, do not hesitate to share your experience with the installation procedure of the boxes.
    In case of issues and missed support, provide as many as possible of these things is very useful to try and bring support for an unsupported board:
    some photos of both sides of the board. Details of the eMMC, DDR and Wifi chips are very useful! upload the device tree binary (dtb) of your device. We can understand a lot of things of the hardware from that small piece of data; and alternative is a link to the original firmware (you can do a full backup with the Multitool); dmesg and other logs (use armbianmonitor -u that automatically collects and uploads the logs online) attach a serial converter to the device and provide the output of the serial port;  
    Mainline kernel: 3D acceleration is provided by Lima driver and is already enabled. Hardware video decoding: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/19258-testing-hardware-video-decoding-rockchip-allwinner/ Legacy kernel: If you need multimedia features, like OpenGL/OpenGL ES acceleration, hardware accelerated Kodi, ffmpeg and mpv you can take a look to this post  
    Installation (via SD card):
    You can build your own image follow the common steps to build armbian for other tv boxes devices: when you are in the moment to choose the target board, switch to /TVB/ boards and select "rk3318-box" from the list.
    Prebuilt images:
    Nightly stables - built from trunk by Armbian servers and GPG-signed: https://github.com/armbian/community  
    Multitool - A small but powerful image for RK3318/RK3328 TV Box maintenance. Download it from here  
    Quick installation instructions on eMMC:
    Build or download your preferred Armbian image and a copy of the Multitool; Burn the Multitool on an SD card; once done, place the Armbian image in images folder of the SD card NTFS partition; Plug the SD card in the TV box and plug in the power cord. After some seconds the blue led starts blinking and the Multitool appears; OPTIONAL: you can do a backup of the existing firmware with "Backup flash" menu option; Choose "Burn image to flash" from the menu, then select the destination device (usually mmcblk2) and the image to burn; Wait for the process to complete, then choose "Shutdown" from main menu; Unplug the power cord and the SD card, then replug the power cord; Wait for 10 seconds, then the led should start blinking and HDMI will turn on. The first time the boot process will take a couple of minutes or more because the filesystem is going to be resized, so be patient and wait for the login prompt. On first boot you will be asked for entering a password for root user of your choice and the name and password for a regular user Run rk3318-config to configure the board specific options Run armbian-config to configure timezone, locales and other personal options Congratulations, Armbian is now installed!  
    Despite the procedure above is simple and reliable, I always recommend to first test that your device boots Armbian images from SD Card.
    Due to the really large hardware variety, there is the rare chance that the images proposed here may not boot. If a bad image is burned in , the box may not boot anymore forcing you to follow the unbrick section at the top of this post.
    Quick installation instructions to boot from SD Card:
    If you are already running Armbian from eMMC, skip to the next step. Instead if you are running the original firmware you need to first erase the internal flash; to do so download the Multitool, burn it on an SD Card, plug the SD Card and power the TV Box. Use "Backup flash" if you want to do a backup of the existing firmware, then choose "Erase flash" menu option. Build or download your preferred Armbian image; Uncompress and burn the Armbian image on the SD Card; Plug the SD Card in the TV Box and power it on; Wait for 10 seconds, then the led should start blinking and HDMI will turn on. The first time the boot process will take a couple of minutes or more because the filesystem is going to be resized, so be patient and wait for the login prompt; On first boot you will be asked for entering a password for root user of your choice and the name and password for a regular user Run rk3318-config to configure the board specific options Run armbian-config to configure timezone, locales and other personal options, or also to transfer the SD Card installation to internal ; Congratulations, Armbian is running from SD Card!  
    Tutorial - How to install Armbian on your TV Box (by @awawa) :
    A note about boot device order:
    With Armbian also comes mainline U-boot. If you install Armbian, the bootloader will look for valid bootable images in this order:
    External SD Card External USB Stick in OTG Port Internal  
    The Multitool does not boot / How to burn image directly on eMMC:
    Some boards have the sdcard attached to an auxiliary (called also sdmmc_ext or external) controller which is not the common one.
    Forum findings declare that those boards are not able to boot from sdcard with stock firmware and they neither do in maskrom mode: the stock firmware always boots even if you put the multitool on sdcard.
    In such case, burning images directly on eMMC is the only way to have a working Armbian installation.
    You can follow these instructions by @fabiobassa to burn images directly on eMMC:
    Notes and special hardware:
    Script to change DDR memory frequency here Wireless chip AP2734, SP2734, HY2734C and similars: they are clones of AmPAK AP6334 which is combo wifi + bluetooth of broadcom BCM4334/B0 chips. You may need a special nvram file, instructions by @paradigman are here  
    Critics, suggestions and contributions are welcome!
    @fabiobassa for his ideas, inspiration, great generosity in giving the boards for development and testing. The project of bringing rk3318 into armbian would not have begun without his support! @hexdump for his precious support in early testing, ideas and suggestions
    @MX10.AC2Nfor his patience in testing mxq-rk3328-d4 board support
    All the rockhip64 maintainers at Armbian project who have done and do most of the work to support the platform
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