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  1. until

    Still not seeing a meeting link
  2. I am listed as the community maintainer for the Banana Pi M2 Zero. I haven't actually done any maintaining but I am thinking about doing so now. But before I do, a couple of quick questions. 1) The latest build (as far as I can see), is Aug-31st, 2023. Do I have that right? Or am I missing something? 2) The main page for the Banana Pi M2 Zero (https://www.armbian.com/bananapi-m2-zero/) shows a link to Armbian_community_24.11.0-trunk.273_Bananapim2zero_bookworm_current_6.6.54_minimal.img.xz which is for "Minimal/IOT images with Armbian Linux v6.6". Is that a generic build for all community maintained sunxi hardware? Or is that a specific Banana Pi M2 Zero build and I just don't know where the main builds are stored? 3) I happen to like the Banana Pi M2 zero but are there are reasons that anyone can think of that makes it a waste of my time to maintain this older board? Apologies for the basic questions. I am trying to get up to speed so that I can begin contributing to Armbian. UPDATE: I answered questions 1 and 2 by referring to the https://docs.armbian.com/Board_Maintainers_Procedures_and_Guidelines/ page. And, I answered question three myself. The Banana Pi M2 Zero is still manufactured and sold as of 2024 and I use it in one of my products. So I will get down to the business of supporting it with Armbian.
  3. I also have the same problem. The last image that worked for me was focal (buster also works). Bookworm boots but does not activate USB. Jammy does not boot at all. I'd like to help and have volunteered to help with maintaining the BPIm2zero. No word from the armbian crew if I will be accepted.
  4. Thanks for that Igor, I don't suppose there is an example I2C buss overlay lying around somewhere? 🙂 If not, I will just have to skip on using armbian on RaspPi. Which is no big deal. I use bananaPi and OrangePi in my products anyway.
  5. Hardware: RPi4B Image: Armbian_22.05.1_Rpi4b_jammy_current_5.15.36.img.xz armbian-config does not show "Hardware" option under "System". I used the best SDcard I have. The PSU works for everything I've plugged it into. I re-flashed the SDcard several times. And I tried some ways that I googled and some postings here. All to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated.
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