I want to run some legacy program written in .NET on some of my arm SBCs. When I run it on the board natively connected to screen, I got same issues drecribed in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28674759/running-simple-winforms-application-on-mono-for-arm and https://github.com/mono/mono/issues/13049
I tested it does not work on LePotato and Orangepi3B, but works on Rock 5B so I think this is more general than specific board, but not affecting all boards.
On the other hand, the program executes correctly when I run it through SSH with X forwarding. It also works with vendor provided image on Orangepi3B and Rock 4B.
Some answer in the stackoverflow page suggests that "HW cursor size seems to be actually reported by video driver, so you can probably just try another one, like recent xf86-video-fbdev." So I am not sure if this is related to how armbian or graphic drivers handle certain information. Maybe it is as simple as changing a default cursor size can fix it? I just don't know where to look.
This might be more general than specifically LePotato board.
I would appreciate any hint / suggestions!