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Marco Schirrmeister

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  1. The 6.12.17-current-rockchip64 now works for me just fine. Wanted to test again and capture some verbose boot logs if it fails. But now it works just fine. Not sure if it is related to the patch from the pull request 7887, that was mentioned above.
  2. On my OPi4LTS I do not have EMMC and it is stuck. Like I wrote it is stuck during hardware initialization, so I think it has no problem with finding the right kernel to boot.
  3. I think the "apt list --upgradable" still shows packages that are hold. Run a "apt upgrade" and in there you should see what is held back. If all looks good, you can hit Y.
  4. Of course can the OPi4LTS users install the rolling image. Which works fine, so no need for a custom build. But typically you don't want to run this on a production or stable machine. You never know what else will break down the road. Given that this works, the question is why does the 6.12 kernel images break the stable supported version. There is also no good way to debug, since all you see is initializing the hardware and then it is stuck at one point. But it is not fully clear what it does not like.
  5. The real question is, why is is not booting or if it is supposed to be working. The download page has all kinds of images for the OPi4 with kernel 6.12, but it seems they do not work?
  6. I would go with, like you wrote, ext4 or xfs. If something breaks, you can still mount the disk on any other linux system without any issue. Ext4 should also not have any problems with big file sizes. I am running xfs without any problems since years. Even if there was a hard crash, the filesystem could easily be mounted since nothing really happened on it or the recovery was smooth. I would probabyl still argue that ext4 is even more robust. For a simple disk to store some data it might still be the best choise.
  7. I noticed the same and since I mainly run server stuff and don't rely on a monitor, my current workaround is modprobe -r synopsys_hdmirx. Don't know what this module is for, but console output is still working via hdmi. And to do it permanently, I have the following: root@dumpster ~# cat /etc/modprobe.d/hdmi.conf blacklist synopsys_hdmirx
  8. A while ago I debugged the ssh problem and added some comments in this thread here. I don't remember if I used bookworm or trixie. Seems to me a timing issue or in which order things start. For now, whenever I do some dev work, I just do either another reboot after the first setup or restart the sshd service.
  9. I think this issue here https://github.com/htop-dev/htop/issues/1160 describes the problem. Might be a problem that needs to be fixed within htop. If you are willing to switch tools, have a look at btop. That should give you should give you the overall temperature.
  10. @Efe Çetin, PR is created. https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/6276 Bear with me, it is my first PR. So let me know whatever is wrong or needs to be changed.
  11. Thank you for the confirmation @Vijay Gill. Here is the patch I use. I did also add the poweroff support. Splitting it into multiple files might be better, but it is good enough for my test builds. root@dumpster /m/t/t/n/build (main)# cat userpatches/kernel/rockchip-rk3588-edge/1000-arm64-dts-fix-rtc-add-poweroff-support-Orange-Pi-5-Plus.patch From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: John Doe <john.doe@somewhere.on.planet> Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2024 12:51:13 +0100 Subject: Patching kernel rockchip-rk3588 files arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3588-orangepi-5-plus.dts Signed-off-by: John Doe <john.doe@somewhere.on.planet> --- arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3588-orangepi-5-plus.dts | 6 ++++-- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3588-orangepi-5-plus.dts b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3588-orangepi-5-plus.dts index 88bfce6237db..70cc6bd5a0af 100644 --- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3588-orangepi-5-plus.dts +++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3588-orangepi-5-plus.dts @@ -462,11 +462,11 @@ &pcie3x4 { }; &pinctrl { hym8563 { hym8563_int: hym8563-int { - rockchip,pins = <0 RK_PB0 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_none>; + rockchip,pins = <0 RK_PB0 RK_FUNC_GPIO &pcfg_pull_up>; }; }; leds { blue_led_pin: blue-led { @@ -572,10 +572,12 @@ pmic@0 { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&pmic_pins>, <&rk806_dvs1_null>, <&rk806_dvs2_null>, <&rk806_dvs3_null>; spi-max-frequency = <1000000>; + system-power-controller; + vcc1-supply = <&vcc5v0_sys>; vcc2-supply = <&vcc5v0_sys>; vcc3-supply = <&vcc5v0_sys>; vcc4-supply = <&vcc5v0_sys>; vcc5-supply = <&vcc5v0_sys>; @@ -592,11 +594,11 @@ pmic@0 { gpio-controller; #gpio-cells = <2>; rk806_dvs1_null: dvs1-null-pins { - pins = "gpio_pwrctrl2"; + pins = "gpio_pwrctrl1"; function = "pin_fun0"; }; rk806_dvs2_null: dvs2-null-pins { pins = "gpio_pwrctrl2"; -- Created with Armbian build tools https://github.com/armbian/build
  12. Building on an Orange Pi 5 works just fine. I build image for the OPi5+ and Rock5b on my OPi5. @Gullik, what improvements do you expect to see in rc2 or rc3? Like Werner wrote the other day, he has not changed it to rc2, since there were no relevant changes. Same most likely goes for rc3. There are no commits for rk3588 or at least none where you would say, I need this right now. Even if there are changes, many are board specific.
  13. I think that is normal. Same for me, fut fan should stop and if you measure the power on the outlet, you will see it is not drawing anything. I don't remember how it behaves on the Rock-5b. But I can power it on another day and check.
  14. If you installed an image from the nightly builds, then the apt source list should have the beta repo in it. Which means you will see kernel and other updates relative often. root@orangepi5-plus ~# cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg] http://beta.armbian.com trixie main trixie-utils trixie-desktop
  15. The edge or mainline kernel version is defined in config/sources/mainline-kernel.conf.sh. So yes, an update/PR to that file is needed, I think. If you want to change to your own newer version, you can define it for the compile.sh script. builder@dumpster /m/t/t/n/build (main)# cat userpatches/lib.config KERNELBRANCH="tag:v6.8-rc2"
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