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    luizkun got a reaction from Bee in [GUIDE] Kodi on Orange Pi 5 with GPU Hardware Acceleration and HDMI Audio   
    Beside that , i'd like to share my ATV image for Opi5 too, hope you will like it 
    This is image for SD card , can burn it via balenaetcher or image burning tool
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    luizkun reacted to amazingfate in [GUIDE] Kodi on Orange Pi 5 with GPU Hardware Acceleration and HDMI Audio   
    @roykWell done! I've just uploaded a new version of ffmpeg to my ppa.
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    luizkun reacted to royk in [GUIDE] Kodi on Orange Pi 5 with GPU Hardware Acceleration and HDMI Audio   
    @amazingfate HDR problem is solved by https://github.com/JeffyCN/FFmpeg/commit/2e578b9ce6f46c4e2ab7f5bc3e066a7be1d586bc
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    luizkun got a reaction from royk in [GUIDE] Kodi on Orange Pi 5 with GPU Hardware Acceleration and HDMI Audio   
    Beside that , i'd like to share my ATV image for Opi5 too, hope you will like it 
    This is image for SD card , can burn it via balenaetcher or image burning tool
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    luizkun reacted to royk in [GUIDE] Kodi on Orange Pi 5 with GPU Hardware Acceleration and HDMI Audio   
    @luizkunPerhaps you're trying to play a hdr video in Wayland? AFAIK hdr doesn't work in Wayland, you should run Kodi directly from the login screen.
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    luizkun got a reaction from MarcAndro in [GUIDE] Kodi on Orange Pi 5 with GPU Hardware Acceleration and HDMI Audio   
    Thank you to Armbian forum users @royk and @amazingfate , i tried to run Kodi on Armbian trunk release , everything works well except HEVC or X265 codec show only black screen ( i can hear the sound from playback but no display)
    Do you have any idea to fix this issue ?
    And one more question , i tried to update lib panforst-mali from launchpad to DDK version 15 with hope can fix this issue, but after "sudo apt dist-upgrade ;sudo apt install mali-g610-firmware" , i checked current version only 13,
    @amazingfate can you help update your launchpad to latest version ? Thanks
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    luizkun reacted to adr3nal1n27 in [GUIDE] Kodi on Orange Pi 5 with GPU Hardware Acceleration and HDMI Audio   
    Kodi on Orange Pi 5 with GPU Hardware Acceleration and HDMI Audio
    Huge thanks to user @roykon the Armbian forums for the directions on this in their various forum posts and Armbian forum user @amazingfate for maintaining the PPAs and software builds required for GPU acceleration. I have simply listed below, for the reference of others, the minimum Steps used to get Kodi running with GPU hardware acceleration (for x264/x265 decode) plus HDR auto switching and with HDMI Audio output*. (I am using the Orange Pi 5 with a Samsung 4K TV)
    *No instructions added yet for enabling HDMI passthrough.
    ** No instructions added yet for enabling HDMI CEC.
    Step 1 (SD card image creation)
    Download the image below, uncompress it and write it to an SD card.
    Step 2 (First boot)
    Boot the SD card image and complete the on-screen prompts for user & password creation.
    Note down the IP address of the Orange Pi 5, you will need it in step 3.
    Step 3 (SSH into the Orange Pi 5)
    SSH to the IP address of your Orange Pi 5 and login using the user account and password you set up in Step 2.
    Step 4 (Enable PPAs and install other elements required for GPU hardware acceleration)
    At the command line, enter the following commands (highlighted in Blue):
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:liujianfeng1994/panfork-mesa
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:liujianfeng1994/rockchip-multimedia
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt full-upgrade
    sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop kodi
    When prompted on-screen if you wish to use gdm or lightdm, select gdm. 
    Step 5 (Configuration file additions & changes)
    At the command line, enter the following commands (highlighted in Blue):
    sudo mv /usr/share/xsessions/kodi.desktop /usr/share/wayland-sessions/kodi-wayland.desktop
    sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/11-rockchip-multimedia.rules
    KERNEL=="mpp_service", MODE="0660", GROUP="video" KERNEL=="rga", MODE="0660", GROUP="video" KERNEL=="system-dma32", MODE="0666", GROUP="video" KERNEL=="system-uncached-dma32", MODE="0666", GROUP="video" RUN+="/usr/bin/chmod a+rw /dev/dma_heap"  
    sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf
    Add the line below and save the file.
    sudo nano /usr/share/alsa/cards/HDMI-OUT.conf
    Add all of the content below and save the file.
    # configuration for HDMI connection which just expose the # audio out device <confdir:pcm/hdmi.conf> HDMI-OUT.pcm.hdmi.0 {         @args [ CARD DEVICE CTLINDEX AES0 AES1 AES2 AES3 ]         @args.CARD {                 type string         }         @args.DEVICE {                 type integer         }         @args.CTLINDEX {                 type integer         }         @args.AES0 {                 type integer         }         @args.AES1 {                 type integer         }         @args.AES2 {                 type integer         }         @args.AES3 {                 type integer         }         type hw card $CARD  }  
    sudo nano /usr/share/alsa/cards/aliases.conf
    Add the line below and save the file.
    rockchip-hdmi0 cards.HDMI-OUT
    Step 6 (Reboot and Start Kodi)
    At the command line, enter the following commands (highlighted in Blue):
    sudo reboot
    At the login screen, select “kodi” in the bottom right hand corner menu.
    Now login using your username and password. Kodi should now load.
    Step 7 (Adjust Kodi settings)
    From within Kodi goto Settings -> Player -> Videos goto the bottom left corner of the screen and change it from Standard to Expert. From within Kodi goto Settings -> Player -> Videos, Playback, and change Adjust display refresh rate to “On start/stop” From within Kodi goto Settings -> Player -> Videos, Processing, enable "Allow using DRM PRIME decoder" and "Allow hardware acceleration with DRM PRIME". And set "PRIME Render Method" to "Direct To Plane" From within Kodi goto Settings -> System -> Display, and change the resolution to 1920x1080p From within Kodi goto Settings -> System -> Audio, and change the Audio output device to “Built in Audio Digital Stereo (HDMI),HDMI / DisplayPort (PULSEAUDIO)”  
    Step 8 (Test video playback and check that GPU acceleration & HDMI Audio are working)
    During video playback, press ‘o’ on the keyboard, and it should show Video decoder: ff-hevc_rkmpp-drm_prime (HW) During video playback, if you have a Samsung TV, press the “Info” button on your Samsung TV remote to show the current playback resolution, frame rate and whether or not HDR is in use. (Depending on the video content being played)
    Thank you again to Armbian forum users @royk and @amazingfate 

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    luizkun reacted to maximumsettings in We are ready to offer a Bountysource donation to Armbian   
    After establishing a connection to the host, you have the option to press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S. In this demonstration 60Mbps was utilized, but it is possible to achieve decent results with 40Mbps at a resolution of 1920x1080p and a frame rate of 120 FPS.

    For this demo, a resolution of 1440p and a frame rate of 165fps has  been configured, utilizing an  80Mbps stream. We  typically use the CBR preset in most of our demos. 

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