I have attempted this with the vendor kernels and the mainline kernels, and they both do the same thing. The vendor kernel cannot see the EMMC at all after running updates on it. So that version would kill itself when updated even if it did install and boot off the emmc. The wifi also doesnt work on the mainline, so the options are mainline with no wifi or vendor with no emmc.
Install to SD card --> to through setup wizard --> change firmware to 5b instead of 5.--> reboot --> armbian-install --> boot from emmc, system on emmc ---> spends a long time on counting files ---> file transfer screen flashes by in 1 second. --> shutdown ---> boot from emmc. ---> completely dead, the lights on the board never even flash green like they do with an SD inserted
This has worked in the past, many many versions ago, but it did not do this when it worked "spends a long time on counting files ---> file transfer screen flashes by in 1 second"
Files appear to be there though when mounting the filesystem. Correct uuids in the armbianEnv and fstab
I also attempted to just burn it from the sd to the emmc with dd, but that also didnt work
How can I load a current version of amrbian onto my emmc for the orange pi 5b?