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  1. I did hook up a serial to it after installing to emmc. It's not lying in theis message. You have to flash it with the RKDEVTOOL in order to ahve any kind of functionality back from the emmc
  2. I loaded the vendor kernel(6.1) one, then I used armbian config to roll back to the 5.10 legacy kernel and then proceeded from there IDK what happened but stuff really seemed to go off the rails with armbian on this specific board variant on the newer kernels
  3. Downgrading the kernel from current or vender to the legacy-5.10.160 makes everything work properly. By everything working i mean the wifi and the emmc, and the install to emmc. I also discovered in my poking around that the current kernel regularly locks up the orange pi5b. It wont even respond to network traffic when it locks up.
  4. I always had the dtb set to 5b I did manage to get it onto the emmc manually by using 2 SD cards 1. manually creating an ext4 on the emmc 2. I installed to SD 3. Installed again on a second SD 4. Booted off second SD 3. Attached the usb to SD reader 3. made a /mnt/old /mnt/new and rsync'ed the entire filesystem over to the emmc 4. adjusted the /boot/armbianEnv.txt on the booting SD card and the fstab on the emmc to point to the UUID of the emmc storage. I cant boot off just the emmc, but this sort of uses the sd card as a springboard to load the stuff in emmc. Anyways, armbian-install doesnt work on the 5b. The part that is failing seems to be the bootloading part. Whatever happens before /boot/armbianENV.txt is loaded, that part's broke for emmc
  5. I have attempted this with the vendor kernels and the mainline kernels, and they both do the same thing. The vendor kernel cannot see the EMMC at all after running updates on it. So that version would kill itself when updated even if it did install and boot off the emmc. The wifi also doesnt work on the mainline, so the options are mainline with no wifi or vendor with no emmc. Install to SD card --> to through setup wizard --> change firmware to 5b instead of 5.--> reboot --> armbian-install --> boot from emmc, system on emmc ---> spends a long time on counting files ---> file transfer screen flashes by in 1 second. --> shutdown ---> boot from emmc. ---> completely dead, the lights on the board never even flash green like they do with an SD inserted This has worked in the past, many many versions ago, but it did not do this when it worked "spends a long time on counting files ---> file transfer screen flashes by in 1 second" Files appear to be there though when mounting the filesystem. Correct uuids in the armbianEnv and fstab I also attempted to just burn it from the sd to the emmc with dd, but that also didnt work How can I load a current version of amrbian onto my emmc for the orange pi 5b?
  6. The issue is lightdm, something is probably misconfigured but I dont have the time to track it down right now Swap it for another display manager like gdm3 and it works I spoke too soon, as soon as I logged in there was no display again Seeing as how gdm worked, i decided to go down the gnome rabbit hole gdm3+ gnome desktop environment works, no other DE or DM worked
  7. I found this post when looking for the video decoder hardware in the RK3399 The mali is a gpu, it does 3d rendering. So unless you are using something like openGL, the mali isn't going to do anything. It does not do the encode/decode of codec. There is another part in the SOC called a vpu Video Proccessing Unit -that does that. I know it's difficult to seperate them in the mind because most gpu cards have a encode/decode chip on them and we refer to the entire piece as a gpu but gpus and vpus are seperate
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