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    fensoft got a reaction from fedes_gl in 20USD 4GRAM RK3528 host (cheap dq08 tvbox)   
    What you need:
    - A DQ08 (got mine from aliexpress)
    - An sdcard (4g if you want to use external usb3 ssd or 32g if not)
    If you're lazy and trust my image (you shouln't, as I can bundle malwares inside):
    - flash this using this - usb2serial included
    - put in DQ08 and plug it in ethernet
    - scan for the ip using this
    - in windows terminal, using password=1234:
    ssh root@BOXIP

    To build the sd card, i've used this tutorial:
    - install wsl on your windows
    - apply this patch

    - open wsl shell
    - install docker on wsl:
    curl -fsSL get.docker.com | sh
    - run docker:
    sudo /etc/init.d/docker start
    - permit to use docker:
    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
    - open a new shell (important)
    - follow this

    - flash the img file found in Linux/Ubuntu/home/XXX/armbian-build/output/image using this
    - put in DQ08 and plug it in ethernet
    - scan for the ip using this
    - in windows terminal, using password=1234:
    ssh root@BOXIP
    If, like me, you want to use an USB3 SSD:
    - flash the usb3 drive with the same image
    - plug to the box
    e2label /dev/sda2 ssd
    - change /boot/armbianEnv.txt:
    - reboot
    - check free size with:
    df -h /
    - optional: remove unused boot partition:
    fdisk /dev/sda + d + 1 + w + q
    - optional: remove unused data partition:
    fdisk /dev/mmcblk0 + d + 2 + w + q
    If, like me, you have usb2serial adapters:
    - follow this but remove all parameters at the end of
    ./compile.sh build and during kernel configuration, enable this: Device Drivers -> USB Support -> USB Serial Converter Support -> FTDI and PL230x
  2. Like
    fensoft reacted to SteeMan in 20USD 4GRAM RK3528 host (cheap dq08 tvbox)   
    They aren't officially supported, but there are many TV boxes that are Community Maintained and available on the Armbian download page.
    No need to remove the binaries, your warnings are good enough.
  3. Like
    fensoft got a reaction from Lizzo69 in HELP- DQ08 RK3528 4Go RAM 64go SSD can't boot with multitool (with photos)   
    you're comparing 20USD android tv box with a 60USD rpi4/4go or a 300USD with ram intel nuc. That's not comparable, sorry
  4. Like
    fensoft got a reaction from Energokom in HELP- DQ08 RK3528 4Go RAM 64go SSD can't boot with multitool (with photos)   
    you're comparing 20USD android tv box with a 60USD rpi4/4go or a 300USD with ram intel nuc. That's not comparable, sorry
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    fensoft got a reaction from Lizzo69 in HELP- DQ08 RK3528 4Go RAM 64go SSD can't boot with multitool (with photos)   
    I also added a usb3 ssd to the usb3 port.
    To use it, you still need to load the kernel from an internal SD.
    - flash the usb3 drive
    - plug to the box
    - e2label /dev/sda2 ssd
    - change /boot/armbianEnv.txt : rootdev=LABEL=ssd
    i also removed /dev/sda1 and /dev/mmcblk0p2 with fdisk
    also, to install homeassistant/haos, here's the tutorial
    Reboot and voilà !
  6. Like
    fensoft got a reaction from Lizzo69 in HELP- DQ08 RK3528 4Go RAM 64go SSD can't boot with multitool (with photos)   
    As i don't trust img distributed over googledrive/mega, here is a script to build it yourself: https://github.com/ilyakurdyukov/rk3528-tvbox/issues/4
    git clone https://github.com/ilyakurdyukov/rk3528-tvbox.git cd rk3528-tvbox git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/armbian/build armbian-build cp -R armbian-patch/* armbian-build/ cd armbian-build ./compile.sh build BOARD=rk3528-tvbox BRANCH=legacy BUILD_DESKTOP=no BUILD_MINIMAL=yes EXPERT=yes KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no KERNEL_GIT=shallow RELEASE=bookworm cd ../.. cat <<EOF > rk3528-tvbox/build.sh #!/bin/bash cd /build IMAGE=\`ls /build/armbian-build/output/images/*.img\` losetup -D losetup --partscan /dev/loop0 \$IMAGE mount /dev/loop0p1 /mnt cd devicetree cp orig/*.dtsi . patch -p1 -i rk3528-tvbox.patch make NAME=rk3528-vontar-dq08 PRESET=LINUX cp rk3528-vontar-dq08.dtb /mnt/dtb/rockchip sed "s#fdtfile=.*#fdtfile=rockchip/rk3528-vontar-dq08.dtb#" -i /mnt/armbianEnv.txt losetup -D cat \$IMAGE | gzip > /build/\`basename \$IMAGE\`.gz EOF chmod a+x rk3528-tvbox/build.sh docker run -it -v /dev:/dev --privileged=true -v `pwd`/rk3528-tvbox:/build --rm armbian.local.only/armbian-build:initial /build/build.sh  
    Tooks almost 30minutes to generate the image. Should works with WSL if you have docker.
    Note that you can change BUILD_DESKTOP BUILD_MINIMAL and RELEASE if you want.
    Also, nomore corruption with automatic partition extender.
    I've put the link here for lazy guys
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