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  1. Hey @amazingfate, the above-mentioned av1 decoder issue was fixed, turned out that the Rock 5A and a few other boards did not have the av1d node enabled in the device tree. I did update ffmpeg and added some patches to mpv last night, after testing everything it looks good to go. The packages ffmpeg, librga, libv4l-rkmpp, mpp, and mpv are ready to be copied to your PPA. https://launchpad.net/~jjriek/+archive/ubuntu/rockchip-multimedia/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=jammy
  2. The `av1_rkmpp` decoder is broken in my PPA and I need to update ffmpeg again. Let me do some more debugging and I will let you know when this is fixed. https://github.com/Joshua-Riek/ubuntu-rockchip/issues/613#issuecomment-1971250537
  3. @amazingfate No worries, I'm happy to work on this! There are no changes to librist, v4l-util, and mpv, I have them in my PPA for testing/development. The only packages that need to be copied are ffmpeg, librga, libv4l-rkmpp, and mpp.
  4. Hi @amazingfate! Can you take a look at some of the changes I made to ffmpeg, librga, librist, libv4l-rkmpp, mpp, mpv, and v4l-utils? I would love to update these packages in your PPA for compatibility with the 6.1 kernel. I have my changes available here on launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~jjriek/+archive/ubuntu/rockchip-multimedia?field.series_filter=jammy
  5. I was missing a patch for libv4l-rkmpp, now chrome is working with 4k 60fps playback on youtube again.
  6. I've been doing some work on the 6.1 kernel and would be happy to help adapt it to the build framework. I do think the Edge 2 will need some work as I had to drop some patches related to the board during my rebase. But I'd like to sort out mpp, ffmpeg, and chrome first as they all need changes to work properly. These packages should be patched in Amazingfate's PPA before upgrading the kernel to prevent breaking HW accel on jammy systems currently using the 5.10 kernel. So far, I have patched packages for everything except chromium. For some reason when using chrome to play 4k 60fps videos on YouTube, the video will stutter.
  7. The user here has different DDR and BL31 blob being used in u-boot. The recent RKBIN blobs have a warning in the release about this. I assume the user installed the bootloader to the SPI FLASH using the official OrangePi distro which has these newer RKBIN blobs. Updating RKBIN for Armbian should address this. But I worry as miss-matched RKBIN blobs could introduce this issue to existing installs. Anyone have any thoughts?
  8. With the vendor kernel, the orangepi5-usb2-init.service is used to put the USB 2.0 port into host mode. I would not worry about the service failing on mainline Linux.
  9. This WiFi + Bluetooth card should now fully work on the legacy kernel. Bluetooth was fixed by the below commit. Users may need to install armbian-firmware-full to get the required firmware. https://github.com/armbian/linux-rockchip/commit/0d05f8c90fbdcf35e63fa58c0d0400a19bc3a33f
  10. The led blinking means the kernel has been loaded. You need to use UART to interact with the device.
  11. I think this is due to the bootloader. Try to revert the below commit in u-boot. https://github.com/orangepi-xunlong/u-boot-orangepi/commit/1f70ac3a968d121d86350092a7eff0dbd56114b7 This u-boot patch was accompanied by a kernel patch where boards set the mac address based on a serial number. This kernel patch is not in the legacy rockchp kernel, so try to revert the above commit in u-boot.
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