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  1. Hi, Can you provide logs with armbianmonitor -u helps with troubleshooting and significantly raises chances that issue gets addressed.
  2. Could you please share your dmesg log? Which kernel version are you using? Please provide some information to help us understand the issue.
  3. Which variant are you using? Minimal or standard? Usually wireguard is preinstalled https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/5e8d48cb7a1202336e2e3cf3b89aef2a0f1b9c09/config/cli/common/main/packages#L43
  4. @krupecek When you install it on emmc can you dump the logs of uboot and send here? Via serial console.
  5. Thanks, but I've already done it, I thought someone had already tried it
  6. Hi there, I wanted to know if anyone know if there are any power limits from the SATA power ports, the question is can you power 1 or more 3.5" NAS disks at the same time? Or as a precaution, I take power from the PSU? Thanks, Dany
  7. I've tried personally the minimal version with vendor kernel, but i didn't experience your problem.
  8. I see that the driver is loaded correctly, for check status of VPU run: cat /sys/kernel/debug/rkrga/load
  9. SuperKali


  10. i have the same problem with nanopc t6, but with the kernel 6.5 i never tried to downgrade the kernel.
  11. Hello, I tried to install Armbian on my NanoPC T6, but when I boot it and look at the dmesg, I see some errors related to the emmc module. The emmc module is not the problem; I have tried different operating systems, and I don't encounter these issues. Here are the logs: https://paste.superkali.me/dajiqaloxa.yaml Thank you in advance.
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