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  1. @jiapei100 speaking from experience: ESWIN driver is bad software put someone in a haste from proprietary legacy drivers for the purpose of shipping some Wi-Fi with VisionFive 2 and then abandoned -- it's slow, buggy, lock-ups after little use and then oops the kernel. Suggest a different well supported USB stick that has in-tree driver, or a wire. https://github.com/eswincomputing/eswin_6600u
  2. Thank you for your work! I've tested Armbian_23.09_Starfive2_lunar_current_6.1.31_xfce_desktop.img.xz Armbian_23.09_Starfive2_lunar_legacy_5.15.131_xfce_desktop.img.xz images on a 8GB VisionFive 2 with stock U-Boot (2021.10, Dec 19 2022) and it works reasonably well, modulo minor oddities with mouse cursor offset in Xfce. I also upgraded SPI flash to 3.7.5 via TFTP, presumably keeping the env, and the board booted successfully (from an SD card). Any particular reason now to choose legacy over current image? Also, could be generic Armbian issue yet during initial setup when I agreed to set timezone and locale from auto-detected location, the ~user/.xsessionrc file were created with root:root ownership. --------EEPROM INFO-------- Vendor : StarFive Technology Co., Ltd. Product full SN: VF7110B1-2253-D008E000-00001794 data version: 0x2 PCB revision: 0xb2 BOM revision: A
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