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    acdpsn reacted to Igor in OPi5 does not see mPCIe SSD module.   
    This is the only "fix" we can finance from your donations:

    "PCI support is broken on vendor kernel (6.1.xx) on versions higher then 24.8.1. Use this version and freeze kernel (armbian-config -> system) prior to updating OS. PCI works on other Rockchip 3588 devices, while fixing this on all represent expensive technical challenge which we can't finance. With Orangepi devices we have extremely high negative support budget while your yearly donations are not on the level to compensate this loss. Alternative operating systems that relies on our work face the same problem. We appreciate for your understanding."

    So does previous Armbian image.

    Use provided instructions or only buy (probably a bit more expensive) from vendors that supports open source developers.
  2. Like
    acdpsn reacted to Igor in OS cannot be installed   
    Orangepi OS (Arch) is custom / re-branded Manjaro and Manjaro is not doing much else then shipping (selling) their Arch derived OS while taking our and community work on kernel maintainace. This is the story how Orangepi "supports" open source - by primarily supporting code dealers that already mainly have negative contribution to open source development. But who cares other then small group of people called "developers"?

    In general, HW vendors have interest to block or at least control other OS providers and it is possible they purposefully compiled SPI boot-loader to not load anything else then their OS. This would explain why you can't load our OS. Manjaro already provided (or tried to) this "solution" to Pine64, so average users would have troubles changing OS. Details: https://blog.brixit.nl/why-i-left-pine64/ 
    For us, this is easy to work-around, but bulk of people might still need to stick to their official promo/spy/pirate-ware.

    Debian based OS:
    sudo apt update sudo apt install mtd-utils sudo flash_eraseall /dev/mtd0  
    Arch based OS:
    sudo pacman -Syy sudo pacman -S mtd-utils sudo flash_erase /dev/mtd0  
    Then boot armbian from SD card and run:
    sudo armbian-install  
    And choose "update MTD boot-loader" or "Install it to NVME", which will also update boot-loader and transfer image to SSD. Tested right now with Opi5 lying on my desk.
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    acdpsn reacted to Werner in How to upgrade armbian from 23.02.2 to 23.5?   
    Depends. If you are impatient yes, you have to download new img and use this.
    If you can wait a bit until our apt repositories are up to date then a common apt upgrade will do.
  4. Like
    acdpsn reacted to SteeMan in New Fresh Install or System Upgrade?   
    Upgrade to what newer version?  A userspace version (i.e. ubuntu focal to ubuntu jammy) or a kernel upgrade (i.e. 23.02 based armbian kernel to 23.05 armbian kernel)?
    For userspace it is recommeded to do an install, as upgrades are not tested (but I just did a focal to jammy upgrade last night and they generally do work).
    For the kernel, you can just do apt update/upgrades to continue following the builds over time (assuming you don't have your kernel frozen in armbian-config).
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    acdpsn reacted to mitu in What is the recommended way to change the hostname?   
    Using hostnamectl
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    acdpsn reacted to Colton Daiber in BigTreeTech HDMI 7 no video output   
    Hello, I have had a similar problem with a waveshare 5" knockoff display on my orange pi 5.
    I started to build the kernel so I could make changes to the hdmi driver in an attempt to make the display work. I make a clean build without any changes just to make sure that the pi would be able to install the kernel and everything.
    To my surprise, when I rebooted after installing that build of the kernel the display just started working.
    I am assuming that the kernel that was compiled is a newer version than the one armbian has released and someone else made a change to the hdmi driver to fix this issue. (I was very surprised and happy when it started working)
    You can look into building the kernel yourself, but I will also supply the .deb (links below) that I installed that fixed this issue for me!
    to install this .deb file, first download it and then run the command: sudo dpkg -i FILENAME
    Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RFAC6DlSqPcIHc4bpZtY6kB_k9sXl-Ho/view?usp=share_link
    Media Fire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/79nctsr6e8dbyeh/linux-image-legacy-rockchip-rk3588_23.05.0-trunk--5.10.110-S6547-D3037-P0000-C6cddHfe66-HK01ba-Vc222-B1666_arm64.deb/file
    Hopefully this helps some of you guys out!
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