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    shineworld got a reaction from Jonas_1 in Raspberry pi Camera Module 2 for Rock pi4b   
    I'm in same conditions...
    I've a Orange PI 4 LTS and with an IMX447/IMX219.
    Arbiam for rockchip at moment do not manage rk-isp10 (ISP).
    I will try to add it in next days...
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    shineworld reacted to tkaiser in invalid cubietruck mac address   
    Based on the SoC's so called SID u-boot generates a unique and persistent locally administered MAC address. You should throw your router in the bin and should also start to think about the relevance of problems you're running into (since hundreds of thousands if not even millions of ARM devices get their MAC address this way)
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    shineworld reacted to Igor in Cubieboard2 and Monitor   
    It is possible that kernel does not support those screen parameters ... in that case you will need to dig into video driver. We are done with legacy kernels on those boards ...
    If you don't need MALI & video acceleration, better use mainline kernel, where you should not have those problems. Overall kernel 4.x is in much better shape.
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    shineworld reacted to zador.blood.stained in Log to root account   
    Your serial port name should be present in /etc/securetty in order to allow root login, but ttyS0 should already be there. Based on other errors in the log that should not normally happen I can assume that either this image is broken in general or you have some issues on your end like a bad SD card.
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