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  1. I would like to build an ARM workstation that I would use daily for browsing and working on my FOSS projects (mainly C and C++ projects). And, if there's enough resource available, I could also build a NAS and a Frigate based NVR!
  2. Hi! I recently managed to boot Armbian on the QuartzPro64 board (RK3588) from Pine64. I also installed Proxmox, which worked out of the box. This is really amazing to me! To do this, I manually replaced the kernel and DTB file from the Armbian image for the OrangePi5 board, since it's based on the same CPU. Now, I would like to build the image for the QuartzPro64 using the Armbian build script. So far, I've already : added a new .conf file in config/boards (based on orangepi5-plus.conf) added a new .config file in config/kernel added a new entry in the list of branch in config/sources/families/rockchip-rk3588.conf. Megi) # Megi's kernel SKIP_BOOTSPLASH="yes" LINUXFAMILY=rockchip-rk3588 LINUXCONFIG='linux-rockchip-rk3588-'$BRANCH KERNEL_MAJOR_MINOR="6.5" # Major and minor versions of this kernel. KERNELPATCHDIR='rockchip-rk3588-megi' # Empty/nonexisting, so zero patches, hopefully KERNELSOURCE='???' KERNELBRANCH='???' KERNEL_DRIVERS_SKIP+=(driver_rtw88) # This is a custom kernel, while the rtw88 driver patching expects pure mainline ;; As you can see, I would like to build Megi's kernel (https://xff.cz/git/linux/log/?h=orange-pi-6.5). The kernel tree is not available on Github or Gitlab, and is only available using Git bundles. So, to build the kernel, I need to clone torvalds/linux, then apply the Git bundle file from Megi. Does Armbian support this way of fetching the kernel sources? Is there another similar board I could use as inspiration? Thanks!
  3. Thank you for your help, @Igor. It's just that I have a lot of doubt about what I was doing this afternoon (a lot of things at the same time), and I thing that the bug is me, this time. I'll download the last version of Armbian, install it and reinstall all my services
  4. Ok, I don't know what happened, but it's possible that I interrupted the update process when it wasn't finished... I think I'm going to reinstall the whole system...
  5. I still have an old prompt opened from the odroid: Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.25 stable Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 3.10.104-odroidxu4
  6. /etc/armbian-release BOARD=odroidxu4 BOARD_NAME="Odroid XU4" VERSION=5.25 LINUXFAMILY=odroidxu4 BRANCH=default ARCH=arm IMAGE_TYPE=stable Header of /etc/armbian.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Armbian 5.25 Odroidxu4 Debian jessie default Kernel: Linux 3.10.104 Build date: 02.02.2017 Authors: http://www.armbian.com/authors Sources: http://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib Support: http://forum.armbian.com/ Changelog: http://www.armbian.com/logbook/ Documantation: http://docs.armbian.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've nearly connected the serial pins of the odroid on a RaspberryPi in order to see debug messages until... I noticed that the odroid pins are 1.8V TTL... it won't work :/ Note that this file refers to kernel 3.10.104 BUT.. in the BOOT partition, I see these files: * config-3.10.105-odroidxu4 * initrd.img-3.10.105-odroidxu4 * system.map-3.10.105-odroidxu4 * (folder) dtb-3.10.103-odroidxu4.old So, It seems there is a backup of a kernel 3.10.103, a new kernel 3.10.105, but nothing that refers to 3.10.104.
  7. Unfortunately... No, I do not have the serial adapter :/ I can mount the SD card on a linux computer, if it can help.
  8. Hi! I've been using Armbian on my Odroid XU4 for some months now. It runs LogitechMediaServer, Home-assistant, Openmediavault,... It's great. However, today, I've just ran apt-get upgrade, reboot because of an update of the kernel and then... no reboot! The blue LED of the Odroid is lit (it doesn't blink), there is nothing on the HDMI output, nothing on the network,... It seems like the odroid cannot load the kernel. Is there anything I could do to try to make it boot again ? Yeah, I know, I should have done a backup of the SD card before the update ... Thanks for your help!
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