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  1. You misunderstood I was offering help with testing. Anyway, thanks for your explanation. I'm happy with my dts version as a patch for the armbian build (23.05), used to create Volumio' community porting. But I will make an effort to create an overlay for it, then do a PR as for the dts itself this makes no sense seeing Armbian is using overlays everywhere else.
  2. I used the armbian kernel and u-boot built .debs to create a Volumio image for Radxa Zero2 and Zero (via pre 23.05 to be precise, helping with that as well). Zero so far is absolutely flawless. I added SPDIF to the dts for both devices and informed Radxa about it. They promised to pick it up and create spdif overlays for both. The only issue I have with the Zero2 is wlan speed, it will never go over approx. 200Mb/s, where the zero reaches 433Mb/s easily. (My) both boards have the same AP6256 component. Who do I contact for further information, help with testing etc.? Jira/ altsassians tools I am not familiar with, so I apologize for being old school IT with ~40 years experience ...
  3. Additional information: Old u-boot is Khadas version "2015.01-geddbbf5", generated from Khadas Fenix New u-boot is Armbian version "2022.01-armbian" Error messages when issuing "gpio clear GPIOH_4" "GPIO: 'GPIOH_4' not found" "Command 'gpio' failed: Error -22" I do realise, that this was implemented in a different way with the legacy u-boot, I just wonder why it does not work with mainline. From the include files in include/dt-bindings/gpio it seems that GPIOH_4 has been defined.
  4. Hi, We're swapping the Khadas Fenix 4.9 and uboot v2015-01?? for the Armbian 5.10.y and corresponding mainline u-boot. In the "legacy" version we were able to use the u-boot script (then a dedicated boot.ini) for setting a gpio pin low like this gpio clear GPIOH_4 Unfortunately Armbian's mainline u-boot version does not recognize GPIOH_4 as a valid gpio pin name. Anyone able to help? Did the naming change? Gé
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