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    spaceship got a reaction from Werner in Enable spi/i2s on Orange pi one plus   
    Thank you very much @martinayotte !

    It works like a charm! We're able to communicate with an external device.

    We will try and see what's going on in the sun4i-i2s driver.

    Again great job martinayotte, thank you!

    Edit: Donated a little bit of money, it would be nice that others looking for help would do the same.
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    spaceship reacted to martinayotte in Enable spi/i2s on Orange pi one plus   
    I got the things working !
    Although I didn't tested it with real SPI device, I've at least tested it with loopback wire between MISO/MOSI and executed spidev_test ...
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    spaceship got a reaction from Igor in Enable spi/i2s on Orange pi one plus   
    Igor, i commend you for all the work done here. With the growth of ARM architecture, Armbian will set both feet under the spotlight in the years to come, i foresee great adoption of this distro . I cannot thank you enough for what you and your team have done so far (And at least will donate. Regarding this issue, would be nice to make it more visible, the option to donate) .

    I blame the hardware producers, not the ones doing pro bono work.
    @martinayotte where are de latest images available? I would guess the download section would point us in the right direction.

    Edit: Will just lay here the links with respect to information regarding custom builds (if someone stumbles upon this thread):

    We'll dig into this. Thank you all.
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