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Ryder.Lee got a reaction from Tido in Banana Pi R64
Add latest U-boot support for BPI-R2 & BPI R64 (not yet)
I’ve already sent the first round patches for MT7623n, and the most of the drivers are based on mainline Linux, like clock, timer, mmc, pinctrl, watchdog, power domain and DTS.
I will also upstream U-boot and ATF for MT7622 (BPI-R64) in the future.
The following are the major differences between Linux and U-boot:
-Modify the driver interface to adapt the U-boot DM framework.
-Remove unneeded DT nodes as they don’t have proper drivers in U-boot yet.
-Just add the basic functions (step-by-step) so that we can monitor the size.
-Reuse UART driver ns16550.c but add a highspeed register for MediaTek chips.
The current progress for R2:
-Boot from eMMC or SD card.
-ROM -> MediaTek preloder -> U-boot -> Linux
Todo list:
-Ethernet driver
-Other peripheral drivers.
-U-boot for MT7622
-ATF (arm trusted firmware) for MT7622
The patch sets:
How to build:
-make mt7623n_bpir2_defconfig; make
Ryder.Lee reacted to chwe in BananaPi R2 (.csc mt7623 as new boardfamily)
u-boot had to learn bootz and ext commands first.
diff --git a/configs/mt7623n_bpir2_defconfig b/configs/mt7623n_bpir2_defconfig index 642dc9f..ce30e40 100644 --- a/configs/mt7623n_bpir2_defconfig +++ b/configs/mt7623n_bpir2_defconfig @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ CONFIG_DEFAULT_FDT_FILE="mt7623n-bananapi-bpi-r2" # CONFIG_DISPLAY_BOARDINFO is not set CONFIG_HUSH_PARSER=y CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT="U-Boot> " +CONFIG_CMD_BOOTZ=y CONFIG_CMD_BOOTMENU=y # CONFIG_CMD_ELF is not set # CONFIG_CMD_XIMG is not set @@ -25,6 +26,8 @@ CONFIG_CMD_READ=y # CONFIG_CMD_SETEXPR is not set # CONFIG_CMD_NFS is not set CONFIG_CMD_PING=y +CONFIG_CMD_EXT4=y +CONFIG_CMD_EXT4_WRITE=y CONFIG_CMD_FAT=y CONFIG_CMD_FS_GENERIC=y CONFIG_OF_EMBED=y but that's because armbian doesn't use fat for kernel and zImages instead of uImages..
Far away from 'automated' but yes boot up isn't much an issue:
was just a quick and dirty test..
you can test it on https://github.com/chwe17/build/tree/mt7623 only dev kernel currently tested (btw. the gmac2 patch should be removed it never worked as expected), next is probably broken at the moment..
Ryder.Lee got a reaction from chwe in BananaPi R2 (.csc mt7623 as new boardfamily)
Add latest U-boot support for MT7623 SoC
I’ve already sent the first round patches for MT7623n, and the most of the drivers are based on mainline Linux, like clock, timer, mmc, pinctrl, watchdog, power domain and DTS.
The following are the major differences between Linux and U-boot:
-modify the driver interface to adapt the U-boot DM framework.
-remove unneeded DT nodes as they don’t have proper drivers in U-boot yet.
-just add the basic functions (step-by-step) so that we can monitor the size.
-reuse ns16550.c but add a highspeed register for MediaTek UARTs.
The current progress:
-Boot from eMMC or SD card.
-ROM -> MediaTek preloder -> U-boot -> Linux
The patch sets:
How to build:
-make mt7623n_bpir2_defconfig; make
Ryder.Lee got a reaction from Lion Wang in Banana Pi R64
The best news is that the final patchset version for HNAT framework was accepted ( kernel 4.16) and it's based on nftables. - https://www.spinics.net/lists/netfilter-devel/msg50973.html
We will try to add netfilter-base HNAT support for MT7622 & MT7623 in the future.
Ryder.Lee reacted to chwe in BananaPi R2 (.csc mt7623 as new boardfamily)
a shortly:
GbE still sucks and the current network defaults may need some rework anyway (getting it's IP via DHCP doesn't work on firstrun) There are a bunch of generic drivers missing (my el cheapo 2.5'' USB3 enclosure isn't recognized, whereas it's no problem to access it from every other Armbian kernel I use... after adding some other generic mass storage drivers at least the cheap USB stick gets properly recognized... Anyone a clue what's needed for a 'Innostor IS621' USB-Sata drive to work? Cause the stick will suck in performance anyway, there's no chance to determine how fast USB is at the moment.. (it get's recognized as SuperSpeed USB but it's a 20$ 64GB noname stick, not worth to test something with it)... I got fooled by the dev kernel... booted it once just for fun.. Cause debug UART is on UART2, I expected that in bootargs console=ttyS2, actually this was never true for Franks 4.14 Kernel, as soon as you switch to a 'unpatched mainline' (that's what dev is) the console gets silent as soon as ttyS is initialized. Rebooted probably to early and messed up something so that the FS was corrupted. I could see that setting bootargs to ttyS2 will work but the Image was too much corrupted to bring it up. So we need to patch either franks kernel to the default behavior or patch mainline to franks behavior (I prefer to patch mainline cause I think most other boards will have debug UART on UART0, similar to the reference board, but dev kernel has no priority for me) CPU temperatures aren't accessible yet (probably also a missing module or 'not working' yet). So for anyone want to join the party. USB-UART is a must, not only a 'makes things easier'..
Ryder.Lee reacted to moore in BPI-R2 Board Bring-up
Hi all,
I tried to share my experience about how to burn preloader/uboot/OpenWRT image, and then boot from eMMC on BPI-R2...
1.Download flash tool from https://spflashtool.com/
windows: https://spflashtool.com/download/SP_Flash_Tool_v5.1628_Win.zip
linux: https://spflashtool.com/download/SP_Flash_Tool_exe_Linux_64Bit_v5.1520.00.100.zip
2. Install MT65xx drivers for your windows PC. You need to install drivers in order to connect your device properlyhttps://spflashtool.com/download/MediaTek_USB_VCOM_drivers.zip
3. Hardware setup before starting up hacking the board
1) use 12v power adaptor
2) use micro usb to supply extra power when developing on the board that would help reload the images through flash tool (will be introduced in section 4 as the following) just by power off/on to the board manually after images are all selected done.
3) use console to retrieve the log for debugging purpose
4) that is wan port
5) that is lan3 port, so the intermediate ports are listed as lan0, lan1, lan2, and lan3 reviewing from wan port
4.Flash tool configuration
1) download agent: MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin
2) BPI-R2_OpenWRT_scatter.txt ( https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6wnb6XNnEQVUXFYWXNUVlFTbnpWVGNPV2NnaEZjX2xjRTZv )
3) Images
- Preloader: preloader_iotg7623Np1_emmc.bin ( https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6wnb6XNnEQVTHZiazNzaGduZVh3VkxBQVRBOFRRYmN1MWt3 )
- GPT (named MBR here): MBR ( https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6wnb6XNnEQVcEhDWTJ3NnZ5V3ZiTVlBQl81VkZtRndKeXFJ )
- Uboot: mt7623_lzma.uboot ( https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6wnb6XNnEQVVWdDa0FGTGlQUnNWNmg1OENzRkplN1JVeWxV )
- BOOTIMG: lede-mediatek-32-uImage-mt7623n-bananapi-bpi-r2-initramfs ( https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6wnb6XNnEQVMXRJV1ZLZkVqYl9td3FlTWR0bERJeEtoRFlZ )
4) press download button on Flash tool
5) power off BPI-R2
6) power on BPI-R2, and then flash tool will update image automatically.
5 system hang here after upgrading images.
6 try to power off BPI-R2, and on. finally, you can boot from eMMC and see uboot menu. please choose 1 to download OpenWRT FW via TFTP server (e.g., Tftpd64)
Ryder.Lee got a reaction from garywang in Banana Pi R2
Just enable CONFIG_SND_SOC_MT7623_WM8960, then you can use aplay now...