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William Bonnet

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  1. Thank you all for your help using armbian-install was the solution, i just add to adjust my partitioning it seems to work fine, the board id up and running now lets enjoy this new toy and the armbian running on top cheers W.
  2. Hi all I hava an orange pi 5 plus with a 512GO NVME SSD. I have installed the latest version od Armbian to a SD card it work well, but for speed reason i would like to install the OS to th SSD drive and boot from this device and no longer from the SD card. Is there a way to do this ? i mean from u-boot point of view? i can keep a SD card inside it to store u boot but i would like to move usr var and such to SSD Thanks in advance for your answers comment or ideas W.
  3. Hi Igor, i started to write such a tool for the same ûrpose as yours, it was a log time ago, for exactly the same target as yours (many things to talk;) ) it under Apache License and github, usung python and simple unit test. BTW i know verwell Ansible, and i'll be very happy to help you The tool is available under https://github.com/wbonnet/sbit It looks empty a first i need to push several things if you are interested, i will provide doc and some board auto test. The simpliest is maybe to start talkinng about it here or on IRC. deb packages are also availables online from the DFT project (githhub) also i'll look forward to you about this subject in the next days, i my have several other thing to share and contribute cheers William
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