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miguipda got a reaction from Jens Bauer in Lamobo R1 - ARMBian 5.00 - No IP for SSH connection
Dear Jens Bauer,
three things :
1) when you said : "Since 'ping' reports timeout for the loopback interface, I strongly believe that you do not have a valid network connection and therefore SSH will not be available."
That is exactly why I explained here my problem to not having SSH connection and no IP address.
2) I used the perfect Jessie Legacy image burned on a new SD but ...
I changed the /etc/network/interfaces.default to which /etc/network/interfaces is linked to it. I will check the rights to see if they are the same as the default installed when I burned the armbian image on the SD card.
3) your idea that could try to boot to the attached HDD (on the SATA port) let me remember I need to test it again without the HDD and perhaps it will solve (in part the boot problem).
I will do it during the week-end and will come back with the results.
Have a ncie day and thanks for your help ;-)
miguipda got a reaction from Jens Bauer in Lamobo R1 - ARMBian 5.00 - No IP for SSH connection
Dear Jens Bauer,
from you all instructables here above when you start to tell me I may try to see if the given shell could contact the modem/router at the IP address I regret to tell you that :
1) I explained I got an unknown shell that appears with only those two character "=>".
2) when I tried a simple ping to the modem/router at here is what I got :
=> ping
ethernet@01c50000 Waiting for PHY auto negotiation to complete ......... TIMEOUT !
ethernet@01c50000: No link.
ping failed; host is not alive
Then I tested with and I got exactly the same error except it talked about
As I saw a command line called version (when I launched the help command line to see all the available commands) I got :
U-Boot 2016.01-armbian-sun7i (Feb 10 2016 - 20:22:20 +0100) Allwinner Technology
arm-linux-gnuabihf-gcc (Ununtu/Linaro 4.8.2-16ubuntu4) 4.8.2
GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.24
Then it let me believe I am still in the U-Boot and not further in the ARMBian (Jessie Legacy) operating system.
This was why I talked about an unknown shell kind.
So what could I do now to go further ?
Sincerely thanks ;-)
miguipda got a reaction from Jens Bauer in Lamobo R1 - ARMBian 5.00 - No IP for SSH connection
Dear Jens Bauer and others,
you right with the bad speed used in putty that generate bad caracters (white and black pixels).
By using it at the good speed 115200 it gave me a comprehensive text (part of it here below).
I used the last here above recommended static IP setup where I forced the static
After having display a lot of systemm informations it gave :
ethernet@01c50000 Waiting for PHY auto negociation to complete ........ TIMEOUT!
ethernet@01c50000: No link.
missing environment variable: pxeuuid
missing environment variable: bootfile
Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/01-03-c9-03-42-36-97
ethernet@01c50000 Waiting for PHY auto negociation to complete ........ TIMEOUT!
Then it continued with Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/00000000
from eight zeros to only one zero : Retrieving file: pxe.cfg/0
Always with TIMEOUT!
Then it tried with : Retrieving file:
Then after still telling :
ethernet@01c50000: No link.
Config file not found
ethernet@01c50000 Waiting for PHY auto negociation to complete ........ TIMEOUT!
ethernet@01c50000: No link.
it just returned a prompt like this :
and typing help gave me a lot of command
Internet could be contact (like now) but always the same situation :
modem/router keep the gateway default IP Address
the laptop got the IP Address
But I can not know if Lamobo R1 got an IP ADDRESS because nothing could be returned by pinging the or even the
As the laptop got a 192.168.1.x IP I know trying to ping the /etc/network/interfaces forced IP Address could not work but I tested to be able to confirm you that it did not work too (I know this is normal).
Then I was not able to try a SSH connexion. And I did not find any command line in the give shell => to try knowing it IP Address
What could I still try to help you understand what happends and be able to go further with this Jessie ;-)
Thank you all of you for your precious time and your help.
miguipda got a reaction from wildcat_paris in Lamobo R1 - ARMBian 5.00 - No IP for SSH connection
Dear wildcat_paris,
I said I can not access the router with SSH then I can not see the file content.
But I will use the USB/TTL I bought recently to login. Then I could give you the /etc/network/interfaces content.
Sincerely thanks.
miguipda got a reaction from wildcat_paris in [Lamobo BPi R1] Network issue / sudden reboot / quick USB UART how-to
dera Tido, thank you for you great idea and link.
I appreciate and will follow all you information to help armbian user and admin to know what happend really.
Have a nice day,
Miguipda ;-)
miguipda got a reaction from wildcat_paris in [Lamobo BPi R1] Network issue / sudden reboot / quick USB UART how-to
merci pour le brochage.
Je viens de commander ledit USB/TTL. Je devine qu'il faudra au moins une semaine (vient de chine).
Etant sous Debian, je vais donc chercher comment exploiter ce /dev/ttyUSB0 afin de vous donner le meilleur retour d'info pour comprendre ce qu'il se passe.
Encore un grand merci pour vos conseil et retour d'info.
Au plaisir d'aider aussi.
Excellente journée.
Miguipda ;-)