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  1. That seems very expensive, it’s clearly designed as a dev platform and not for general use so from that perspective it’s maybe not too bad IoT companies like ours might see it as a nice dev platform (but we can getter better for cheaper already). I’m not sure it has the right price or form factor to see any production use and therefore enough sales to pay for itself and be a long term option
  2. @chwe I used the Linux rkflashtool to poke the Android image but one of my guys has done it with the windows tool too. I seem to remember some maskrom limitations of the Linux tool but I can’t remember what at the minute. I’m on my way home from Germany at the min but I will have a look tonight and tell you what I did. I was planning to have a go at it tomorrow I did build a partially functional system using RKs own uboot, kernel and buildroot with only minor changes in June. When I retried using master branch from August the kernel was broken and I didn’t have the enthusiasm to find out why at that stage
  3. Domain Name: IX.IO Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.101domain.com Updated Date: 2018-09-20T07:04:58Z DNS servers have been changed today, probably just waiting for propagation although it should have happened by now. If you query against NS1.CHUNKHOST.COM instead of google DNS the domain is valid and active and you will see what the new records are. Strangely despite the change happening several hours ago there has been no propagation to any other major DNS systems
  4. I think the RK glamour xserver module has lead you down the wrong path. It has nothing to do with 3D acceleration and needs to be used with RKs customised xserver, it won’t work with a standard Ubuntu xserver. I would forget about glamour 2D acceleration, it doesn’t add much functionality and causes a lot of instability problems Can you do an “armbianmonitor -u” and paste the output url? You basically need to match the versions of kernel and userspace (libmali) code and make sure you have selected a version of libmali with the functionality you want. They don’t need to match exactly but be close enough the support the same function calls If you look at older commits for the RK Mali repo you will be able to download an older version to match what I presume is your 4.4 kernel image. There is more info here
  5. Try pre configuring the image and network with a static IP before boot There is a simple script in dev that will do that here: https://github.com/botfap/armbian-image-config git clone https://github.com/botfap/armbian-image-config.git cd armbian-image-config For Ethernet: sudo ./armbian-image-config armbian-image.img e|ethenet [dhcp|static] [ipaddr mask] [gw] [dns] e.g. sudo ./armbian-image-config armbian-image.img ethernet static mynet.lan For Wifi: sudo ./armbian-image-config armbian-image.img w|wifi [dhcp|static] ssid key [ipaddr mask] [gw] [dns] [search] e.g. sudo ./armbian-image-config armbian-image.img wifi static MyWifiAP MySecret mynet.lan Obviously replace armbian-image.img with the path and name or your Armbian image file. Then write that file back to SD Card
  6. Can you try setting the connection details and IP address manually in your image before boot? Does it still not connect? If your device has been randomizing mac addresses, then your DHCP pool may have run out of addresses, even though it doesn't list them as used If you run tcpdump on the dhcp box can you see any DHCP negotiation traffic?
  7. The armbian-image-config script is pretty much done, I'm about to push it to github but thought I best check a couple of things first with people who are more knowledgeable about Armbian than me Apart from sudo netdev audio video dialout plugdev input bluetooth systemd-journal and ssh, are there any other groups that you want the user adding to? What files need deleting or modifying after initial setup but before 1st reboot? (/root/.not_logged_in_yet, ~/Xauthority) For debugging 1st reboot problems, is there any interesting info outside of /var/log? (assuming log2ram is disabled) I have only added support for WPA-PSK in the wifi setup. IS WPA-Enterprise or radius auth used enough to justify adding support for them? IPv6 support is currently DHCP or auto config only. Are there many people who use IPv6 ONLY, no IPv4, with static addressing? @lrrr I understand that. I like the idea, we do something similar in our production boxes. start the rootfs at an 8mb offset and embed a 4mb hidden, compressed fat partition between uboot and rootfs containing config information. We then have a windows GUI tool to manipulate the 3 files we store in there. I just dont think its suitable for Armbian, its adds a small level of complexity that is difficult for non tech users to troubleshoot. It also requires any minor tweaks, say a change of hostname, to have to repack and reinsert data to the disk image or SD Card. I could be wrong, feedback would be appreciated
  8. I think its best to stop posting until you actually have something legitimate to post about. You constantly posting the same false messages doesn't help you, it just makes you look like a liar and damages not only your own reputation but the reputation of your employer. The law around the GPL is relatively straightforward and reasonably well tested in the law courts. You constantly pretending that the law doesn't apply to you is only pushing potential customers away The facts are simple; that you have a legal obligation to release the code when you release the software or product. Without that your product doesn't actually work properly and you a breaking the law in every EU, US and GB Commonwealth legal jurisdiction among many others. To add to that, you are openly hostile to developers that are trying to help YOU and when they ask for information you refuse to supply it. Combined this makes your board one of the least attractive on the market, despite its interesting PCIe and SATA connectivity I was personally interested in this board, I was thinking of ordering 350pc for a small project that needs flexible storage options. Then I started to research and came across the most unhelpful community support since I had to deal with RDA Micro, a lack of working code and a manufacturer that doesn't even understand the spec of their own boards...
  9. As for the armbian-image-config https://github.com/botfap/armbian-image-config Tool to pre-configure basic system settings on Armbian images. Each module can be used independently on an image but using the same module twice will overwrite not combine any changes. This tool needs superuser permissions to mount and write to system files on disk images, you will need to run it with sudo or in a root shell armbian-image-config armbian-image.img module [options] modules: n|hostname [mynewhostname] e|ethernet [dhcp|static] [ipaddr mask] [gw] [dns] [search] w|wifi [dhcp|static] ssid key [ipaddr mask] [gw] [dns] [search] u|user [username] [password] l|log2ram [enabled|disabled] d|debug [enabled|disabled|save] r|remote [ssh|xrdp] [enabled|disabled] t|template [package|template.tgz] x|rootshell h|help Image Info Image file can be any standard Armbian image (or ubuntu 18 / debian 9). Either self built or downloaded Replace image name with keyword "template" to generate just the config files ready to make a template package Module Help and Examples hostname or n Sets the system hostname for the image armbian-image-config armbian-image.img h|hostname [mynewhostname] n|hostname name armbian-image-config armbian-image.img h myserver ethernet or e Sets up ethernet networking for the first detected card for either DHCP or static IP addressing armbian-image-config armbian-image.img e|ethenet [dhcp|static] [ipaddr mask] [gw] [dns] e|ethernet d|dhcp s|static ipaddr mask [gw] [dns] [search] armbian-image-config armbian-image.img e d armbian-image-config armbian-image.img e s mynet.lan wifi or w Sets up wifi networking for the first detected card for either DHCP or static IP addressing armbian-image-config armbian-image.img w|wifi [dhcp|static] ssid key [ipaddr mask] [gw] [dns] [search] w|wifi d|dhcp ssid key s|static ssid key ip mask [gw] [dns] [search] s6|staticipv6 ssid crypto key ip6 mask6 [gw6] [dns6] [search] armbian-image-config armbian-image.img w d MyWifiAP MySecret armbian-image-config armbian-image.img w s MyWifiAP MySecret mynet.lan user or u Sets the username and password of the primary system user armbian-image-config armbian-image.img u [username] [password] log2ram or l Enable or disable log2ram for troubleshooting startup issues armbian-image-config armbian-image.img l [enabled|disabled] remote or r Enable or disable remote access via ssh and rdp armbian-image-config armbian-image.img r [ssh|xrdp] [enabled|disabled] debug or e Sets the boot diagnostics to enabled / disabled or save logs from image to a local archive armbian-image-config armbian-image.img d|debug [enabled|disabled|save] d|debug enabled disabled save e.g. armbian-image-config armbian-image.img d save rootshell or x Mount the image and start a chroot shell armbian-image-config armbian-image.img rootshell template or t Inject a config template into the image. Can be any files in a compressed tar archive which is extracted at root (/) on the image root file system. See also Creating templates below armbian-image-config armbian-image.img t|template [package|template.tgz] t|template package template.tgz e.g. armbian-image-config armbian-image.img t aic-template.tgz Creating templates To create a config template, consisting of the config of 1 or more modules, use the keyword "template" instead of an image file name. This will populate the "tmproot" folder with the generated config files ready for packaging. To create a package use the command "armbian-image-config template package" and a config packaged named aic-template.tgz will be created armbian-image-config template n tvbox armbian-image-config template w d MyWiFi wpa-psk MySecret armbian-image-config template package Development Status Active #### Module Progress - hostname - done, needs testing - ethernet - done, needs testing - wifi - done, needs testing - user #TODO - log2ram - testing in botfap branch - debug - testing in botfap branch - template done, needs testing - rootshell #TODO - help - done, needs testing
  10. @lrrr I like the concept but its too complicated and doesn't provide what people seem to be looking for which is a way to quickly edit the settings on the sd card from a windows pc @tkaiser @Igor Thats a whole different conversation. Let me get this tool finished tonight / tomorrow as its become useful to me and others and then lets have a conversation about that. While 80% of the functionality of what you seem to be asking for is implemented in my tool, integrating that with the existing first boot is a very different task. Im happy to have a look at creating such a system but I need to ask a few questions about how the Armbian first boot currently works. What we now seem to be talking about is a combined "first boot" and "pre configuration" framework along with a mechanism to display and edit this info on a standard Windows PC or Mac along with help and info? Am I understanding correctly? @lanefu Seems entirely sensible
  11. I feel left out but it’s 2:30am and the fanciest action in my kitchen is a Molotov cocktail
  12. You can flash it with a standard USB A-A cable in the USB3 A port From what I could work out at the time, the designs were all the same but the swapped ram, emmc, wifi and others between productions runs based on whatever was cheapest / available. All the different branded / cased boxes appear to share this board with some variant of peripherals
  13. Yes I pre loaded an android 7.1 image for the H96 max. I didn't test your actual board but I tested a few and android booted straight up after a 3 min black screen. You might have to zero the first 4M of the eMMC to force SD boot or I think there may be a reset button behind the audio port. On the serial console side, I think it may switch uart's when the bootloader starts but Im not 100% sure, it was a while ago and I see a lot of different boards I have discovered I have 3 different revisions of the board (dark blue, light blue and green pcb's) mfg in 2017-11, 2017-08, 2017-06. They all have 4G+32G+AP6255 stickers and are visually identical though I haven't had chance to actually compare them yet We should probably start a H96 Max TV Box thread
  14. Did it boot in android? Did you check the hardware was as listed? Also is there a 2nd uart header on the board? I seem to remember there being 2 serial headers but I may be wrong
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