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Posts posted by going

  1. 30.07.2023 в 20:37, kriptonus сказал:

    I've just compiled from armbian buil tools a new image for Orange Pi 3 LTS. Then flash it on sdcard, anything was well, but armbian doesn't start at all. Nothing on the HDMI, nothing on the debug serial. Also LED doesn't light. I've tried two images: ubuntu jammy with GNOME and next case XFCE. Both cases didn't work. I've downloaded prebuilt image from armbian.org and it starts well. In my opinion, some problem with custom images in u-boot. but I don't know how to give a diagnosis.

    In order for a doctor to make a diagnosis, he needs a patient.
    Tell us the build parameters. To narrow down the search, you need to know at least the version of the kernel that will be built.

  2. 13 часов назад, orangepinoob756 сказал:

    In order to have an external power switch, i made this:


    13 часов назад, orangepinoob756 сказал:

    using pin 7 and gnd and it works! the script is successfully doing a shutdown.

    Do you want to make an external power switch in this way?
    Do you want to send a signal to one of the pins of connector 40?
    Do you want the device to turn off?

    But at the same time, will the 5V power supply to the device be sold?
    There are pitfalls here.
    Are you interested in knowing them?
    And how will the external activation of the device be carried out?

  3. 1 час назад, schunckt сказал:

    [  593.498632] cma: cma_alloc: reserved: alloc failed, req-size: 1846 pages, ret: -16
    [  593.498684] sun6i-csi 1cb0000.camera: dma alloc of size 7561216 failed

    I am a bad advisor in this kernel subsystem. But in dts from manufacturers,

    I have seen lines that reserve a certain amount of memory in a fixed region for a specific purpose.
    Check the processor's data sheet. Maybe it's a hardware limitation?

  4. 4 часа назад, Something Name сказал:

    at 255 row I try add uart2 pins

    at 291 I try stop led

    at 576 I try disable serial@2500000

    at 616 I try okay serial@2500800

    I didn't see any obvious crime in your changes.
    The question of why they are not applied is still open.
    The only assumption is that the dtb is already in the kernel or in initramfs.
    Show the contents of the file in the extlinux folder.

  5. 14 часов назад, Something Name сказал:

    @Something Name The image you are using is something previously from the author Oleg @balbes150.

    This is some kind of early work. There is no support for allwinner D1 in the upstream kernel 5.19.

    Support starts with kernel version 6.3 riscv/boot/dts/allwinner/sun20i-d1-nezha.dts

    I don't think he will want to go back to the old images and support them.


    Try to use the last option on the 6.5 kernel:


    The author will be available soon. He's on vacation today. He will be able to help faster.

    By the way, it uses the extlinux mechanism to load the kernel. The /boot folder should have a directory of the same name with a boot configuration file.


  6. 8 часов назад, Something Name сказал:

    serial@2500800 from disable to okay

    Are you trying to enable UART2?


    This is the source code:

    		uart2: serial@2500800 {
    			compatible = "snps,dw-apb-uart";
    			reg = <0x2500800 0x400>;
    			reg-io-width = <4>;
    			reg-shift = <2>;
    			interrupts = <SOC_PERIPHERAL_IRQ(4) IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
    			clocks = <&ccu CLK_BUS_UART2>;
    			resets = <&ccu RST_BUS_UART2>;
    			dmas = <&dma 16>, <&dma 16>;
    			dma-names = "tx", "rx";
    			status = "disabled";


    Somewhere at the bottom of the text of the dts you need to add something like this:

    &uart2 {
    	pinctrl-0 = <&uart2_pb_pins>;
    	pinctrl-names = "default";
    	status = "okay";


  7. 1 час назад, Something Name сказал:

    Please, help

    Describe in more detail the sequence of actions.
    Show what is in the /boot/armbianEnv file.
    Show under the spoiler the file before the changes, what has changed.
    And see how the dtb was applied directly on a working device:

    dtc --sort -I fs -O dts /sys/firmware/devicetree/base > $HOME/device_tree.txt

  8. The overlay is not described quite correctly. Make in the image and likeness with this:

    Скрытый текст
    / {
        compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-r40";
        fragment@0 {
            target-path = "/aliases";
            __overlay__ {
                spi0 = "/soc/spi@1c05000";
        fragment@1 {
            target = <0xffffffff>;
            __overlay__ {
                #address-cells = <0x01>;
                #size-cells = <0x00>;
                status = "okay";
                pinctrl-0 = <&spi0_pc_pins>;
                pinctrl-1 = <&spi0_cs0_pc_pin>;
                spidev@0 {
                    compatible = "armbian,spi-dev";
                    status = "okay";
                    reg = <0x00>;
                    spi-max-frequency = <0xf4240>;
        fragment@2 {
            target = <&pio>;
            __overlay__ {
                spi0_pc_pins: spi0-pc-pins {
                    pins = "PC0", "PC1", "PC2";
                    function = "spi0";
                spi0_cs0_pc_pin: spi0-cs0-pc-pin {
                    pins = "PC23";
                    function = "spi0";
        __fixups__ {
            spi0 = "/fragment@1:target:0";


    This should be described in a separate fragment

    pinctrl-0 = <&spi0_pc_pins>;
    pinctrl-1 = <&spi0_cs0_pc_pin>;

  9. 1 час назад, Fran A100 сказал:

    Some outputs from the Kernel:


    [   52.133406] CAN device driver interface
    [   52.918270] mcp251x spi1.0 can0: MCP2515 successfully initialized.
    [ 1163.417322] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): can0: link becomes ready
    [ 1182.919088] can: controller area network core
    [ 1182.919249] NET: Registered PF_CAN protocol family
    [ 1183.000429] can: raw protocol

    Good! The driver is loaded.

    After you try to connect, no error messages appear in dmesg?

  10. 14 минут назад, Fran A100 сказал:
    74:          0  sun20i-intc  31 Edge      sun6i-spi


    15 минут назад, Fran A100 сказал:
    111:          4  sun20i-intc  32 Edge      sun6i-spi

    This is an interrupt for SPI

    But I don't see the mcp251x driver here.

    43 минуты назад, Fran A100 сказал:
    compatible = "microchip,mcp2515";

    This line should cause the driver to load.


    Check the presence of the module in the kernel:

    grep -n CONFIG_CAN_MCP251X /boot/conf* 


    Check the correct application of the overlay in the dts:

    dtc --sort -I fs -O dts  /sys/firmware/devicetree/base > $HOME/device_tree.txt


  11. 1 час назад, schunckt сказал:

    I've a armbian VM build environment ready, did build once successfully but I'm not experienced in linux.

    Is there an easy way to find and integrate the changes mentioned above?

    Then I could give it a try, maybe just the code to be pasted into the respecitve files...

    Just build EDGE or install the EDGE kernel ready to confirm or refute my assumptions.


    P.S. BRANCH=edge

    Today it is the core v6.4.8

  12. 28 минут назад, jock сказал:

    BTW this is the commit on my private branch were the work is in progress (based upon 6.3, but I will rebase upon 6.4 soon)

    Thanks, I saw it.


    30 минут назад, jock сказал:

    I cut out those patches which seems to be non applicable to the case, but still there are plenty of them (I actually count 48 of them) that, in a way or another, touch the rockchip HDMI subsystem; some of them are difficult to remove because there depend from each other, but I will try to refine to get a small group of patches.


    Those changes seem to solve problems both with rk3399 and with rk3318/rk3328 and also provide new features, but I don't want to encounter the wall of the last time I did the refactor of the rockchip64 patches into series.

    48 fixes or 148 is a small difference.
    The main thing in switching to the series is the ease of maintenance, there are a large number of small patches (several thousand) of the code.

    I think people are used to something different. They are used to experiencing the torment of processing several dozen patches, and we say

    that there will be 1000 patches and it will be easier to maintain, they just don't believe it.

  13. 01.08.2023 в 15:31, jock сказал:

    I prepared an experimental minimal build for Orange Pi 4 LTS with some extra patches that may fix the HDMI issues:




    Please describe briefly the problem that you managed to solve in order to make HDMI work


    P.S. @jock Or just let me take a look at the changes in the git repository.

  14. 19.06.2023 в 22:50, siteswapjuggler сказал:

    but a few second after reboot it seems to go low as all other GPIO... resulting in an unwanting reset of the µcontroller.

    Allwinner processors in the kernel do not have their own driver, but a common one is used. This driver doesn't exactly match the hardware implementation.
    Resetting the GPIO level and then returning to the initial state in some situations is a fixed fact.
    But you write that all GPIOs change the level when the device is rebooted. This should be taken into account when developing your composite device and either include various interconnected devices in a certain sequence. Or provide a communication relay and turn on the connection when all transients on the pins of the device have ended.

  15. 19.06.2023 в 22:50, siteswapjuggler сказал:

    The allwinner H3 datasheet state that the GPIOA6 (the one linked to ICSP) should start with HIGH-Z and no resistance pulling

    See doc:
    sudo apt install gpiod libgpiod2
    See manual:
    * gpiodetect - list all gpiochips present on the system, their names, labels
                   and number of GPIO lines
    * gpioinfo   - list all lines of specified gpiochips, their names, consumers,
                   direction, active state and additional flags
    * gpioget    - read values of specified GPIO lines
    * gpioset    - set values of specified GPIO lines, potentially keep the lines
                   exported and wait until timeout, user input or signal
    * gpiofind   - find the gpiochip name and line offset given the line name
    * gpiomon    - wait for events on GPIO lines, specify which events to watch,
                   how many events to process before exiting or if the events
                   should be reported to the console


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