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  1. Hiya, Using a Banana Pi M1 as a factory production tester in China, running Armbian Mainline 4.6.3. Works fine here; never had the problem they're reporting, but they're saying: a) after a certain amount (unspecified) of time the boards crash and get stuck in a reboot loop displaying screen as shown in JPEG - "kernel panic not syncing - Attemped to kill init! exitcode=0x000000b" b ) rewriting the SD card image (from one I provided; a 4GB pre-configured image) fixes it (until it happens again) c) Only useful thing I can get from the photo attached is that the stack trace in the image (which is all I have to go on btw; trying to get a copy of the bad SD card now) indicates CPU0 is in "gic_handle_irq"; assume this is handling an IRQ from the NIC (gigabit on BPi) but it's not clear to me why that would happen (the boards do have an active wired LAN connection, don't know if it's 100 or 1000mbps) d) Obviously "SD card corruption" is an answer but it's never ever happened on my end and (for example) the fsck is shown passing e) The app this thing runs is not writing much to the SD card at all; the image I sent them occupies something like a 1.5G (it's a vanilla mainline Armbian server image with a few tens of megs of extra packages and stuff). I don't know the SD card brand they're using. I use fairly cheapo 4GB SDs on my board (because I like to be able to pull off the image and I don't want it to be huge from say a 32G card); I send them this image (once I'd set it up) in a zip that was just under 1G. I believe they then wrote that onto 8G cards (not sure). I don't know if the image will have expanded it's filesystem to their SD size or if the resizefs only happens on firstboot. Any suggestions to figure this out and prevent it happening would be very welcome, thank you! If I can get them to upload their broken image to me I'll be able to do more poking at it. Cheers, much appreciate your time. DrTune.
  2. Hi, I did read a lot about temperature and power consumption on this forum. Most is about bad parameters for the Orange Pi H3 boards. I use armbian 5.25 stable with 3.4.113-sun7i kernel. On both i run this same version, the only difference is that i use an other script.bin on the orangepi. The script.bin who is in the distrubution. I dont use a heatsink on both. I noticed the following On the Orange Pi: Load1 is max 0.50 with 2 values of 1.00, avg 0.20-0.25 Load15 is between 0.08 and 0.14 The temperature is between 49 degrees and 52 degrees Celcius The PMU current is between 400 and 800 mA PMU Consumption 2000-4000 mW On the BananaPi: Load1 is max 0.50 with 2 spikes of 0.75 and 2 of 1.5, avg 0.3 - 0.35 Load15 is between 0.14 and 0.16 The temperature is between 38 en 42 PMU current is between 250 and 500 mA PMU Consumption 1200-2900 mW I see that the Bananapi has a little more load, but has a much better powerconsumption (lower) and a much better PMU temperature. My question, which variables do i have to tweak in script.bin to get the orangepi, more or less the same as the bananapi. I ask this because i'm running tests on different boards: I have tested the H3 (OrangePi plus with no heatsink-with version armbian 5.20)on duration with a few programs (see below)and after 2 days 8 hours and 14 min all froze (no input possible) the same after 1 day 7 hours and 58 min I have run one test with the Orange Pi A20 - it stopped after 7 days 1 hour and 56 min. Now im testing with both the Orange Pi A20 and the BananaPi M1 (A20) (I want a board to run day and night - year after year) But i'm a little bit worried about the high temp of the Orange Pi (PS i have ordered heat sinks, but i think this will only lower the temp with about 3 degrees) Just for heaving an idea from the load. What have i installed: -task-lxee-desktop -task-xfce-desktop -xfce -xfce-goodies -icewaesel -samba-common -gvfs-backends -python (2.7) + pyserial -rrdtool -nginx -armbianmonitor -rpimonitor -arduino 1.6.1 on both there is a arduino-leonardo - which gets its power from the pi running: 2 sessions of vncserver a webbrowser nginx an indexpage which is build every 1 min rrdtool building every 5 min 30 graphs, and 4 new html-pages a read from ttyACM0 continously by python and a write to 4 rrdtool databases every 5 min. and a test every min if pyhonscript is running. Thanks Erik Checked script.bin The script.bin is mostly equal. The dvfs_table is. So i think the difference is a hardware thing. So i can do nothing about the greater power consumption. Can only hope Shenzhen Xunlong Software CO.,Limited will do something about this on future boards. [dvfs_table] max_freq = 912000000 min_freq = 720000000 LV_count = 7 LV1_freq = 1008000000 LV1_volt = 1450 LV2_freq = 912000000 LV2_volt = 1425 LV3_freq = 864000000 LV3_volt = 1350 LV4_freq = 720000000 LV4_volt = 1250 LV5_freq = 528000000 LV5_volt = 1150 LV6_freq = 312000000 LV6_volt = 1100 LV7_freq = 144000000 LV7_volt = 1050
  3. Hello all, i can't see Banana Pi M1 on the available downloads on Armbian site where can i find it? if that exists of couse. Thanks
  4. Hi, I was on the legacy kernel until recently with my bananaPi M1. I switched to the vanilla kernel but since then, when I try to use the GPIO python library (for bananapi from LeMaker github), it works quite well except for functions gpio.add_event_detect() or GPIO.wait_for_edge(channel, GPIO.RISING) This usually disconnect my network and the event is never detected. I have to reboot the PI to restore the state. Also, a normal read/write state GPIO.input(PIN_NUM) works perfectly... I assume it is due to the vanilla kernel but could not find any documentation on why this is happening... Any answer/comments would be much appreciated! Let me know if you need more info on my setup. Thanks and regards, Fabien
  5. Hi everyone, im playing quite a while with my BP and OMV simplenas Images. for perfomance reasons i decided to test armbian but i have some trouble with it. I prepare the SD boot them up change my root pw and set a user ... so far so well but everytime i tried a sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade my system freeze at the point where it should setting up linux-headers-sun7i 5.23 ... compiling headers please wait... first i thought i only have to wait but after 12h waiting while 100% Cpu usage i was quite sure there is somthing going wrong. did anyone saw this problem before and solved it? tried armbian Vanilla( xenial, jessie) also lagacy (xenial) without sucess greetings
  6. bananapi m1 armbian 5.20 configure smplayer acelered ? thanks
  7. Hi I have a suggestion to modify update-mot.d script 30-sysinfo. It reports battery chargin or not depending on percentage (if <100% then is charging): # Battery info for Allwinner # kernel 4.4+ axp_dir="/sys/power/axp_pmu" if [[ -e "$axp_dir" ]]; then status_battery_connected=$(cat $axp_dir/battery/connected) if [[ "$status_battery_connected" == "1" ]]; then status_battery_charging=$(cat $axp_dir/charger/charging) status_ac_connect=$(cat $axp_dir/ac/connected) battery_percent=$(cat $axp_dir/battery/capacity) # dispay charging / percentage if [[ "$status_ac_connect" == "1" && "$battery_percent" -lt "100" ]]; then status_battery_text=" charging" elif [[ "$status_ac_connect" == "1" && "$battery_percent" -eq "100" ]]; then status_battery_text=" charged" else status_battery_text=" discharging" fi fi fi However, at least on banana pi M1 (A20) it can be below 100% and not charging, Seems that the PMU doesn't charge just for 1-2%. So we can just use driver info to check if it is really charging, like this: # Battery info for Allwinner kernel 4.4+ axp_dir="/sys/power/axp_pmu" if [[ -e "$axp_dir" ]]; then status_battery_connected=$(cat $axp_dir/battery/connected) if [[ "$status_battery_connected" == "1" ]]; then status_battery_charging=$(cat $axp_dir/charger/charging) status_ac_connect=$(cat $axp_dir/ac/connected) battery_percent=$(cat $axp_dir/battery/capacity) # dispay charging / percentage if [[ "$status_ac_connect" == "1" && "$status_battery_charging" == "1" ]]; then status_battery_text=" charging" elif [[ "$status_ac_connect" == "1" && "$status_battery_charging" == "0" ]]; then status_battery_text=" charged" else status_battery_text=" discharging" fi fi fi Hope someone else finds it useful
  8. Hello everyone activating legend movie MPlayer vdpau? banana pi m1
  9. Hi guys, I'm getting this error while trying to boot my Banana Pi with an SD card. Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 switch to partitions #0, OK mmc0 is current device Scanning mmc 0:1... Found U-Boot script /boot/boot.scr 2447 bytes read in 211 ms (10.7KiB/s) ##Executing script at 43100000 Wrong image format for "source" command SCRIPT FAILED: Continuing... scanning bus for devices... Found 0 device(s). SCSI device 0: Device 0: not available [...] I'm coming from using Lubuntu with no problems for nearly a year. The SD card works no problem (or at least it worked perfectly fine with Lubuntu). I also tested with a way faster microSD 64GB I usually have in the GoPro, with the same result. What should I do to continue? I reckon this must be a n00b mistake, I must be missing something...
  10. Hello ! I recently reimaged my BPi M1 with the vanilla headless Debian Jessie from Armbian. But I have two problems: Main problem (the worst): I have a RAID SATA to USB enclosure (this one: BS-EHD-35/DUALB). After some times and randomly, the drives stops spinning and the enclosure stops itself. I've disabled any power management on hard drive, setup a cron job to write a file every 5 min, disabled autosuspend in usb core... I didn't have this problem with the legacy kernel. I cannot downgrade to it, because I'm using BTRFS with some non-compatible extensions. Note: this is a server with apache, Deluge, Plex and Sonarr. Side problems (I can live with if the first is OK): Also, if the drive isn't connected, the BPi won't boot, and after the enclosure stops, the BPi hang and need a force reset to remount the drive and restart services. Tried a udev rule to automate it, but no luck. Don't understand why the enclosure stops itself, it's not really documented, and tried everything I could think. Thank you, Arno
  11. Hi Thank you in advance for the help and the magnificent work ??Has "(BananaPi M1)" KVM kernel supports in Ubuntu Mate 16. I would like to virtualize Windows XP or Windows 7 in "(BananaPi M1)" a social project for non-profit. I'm about to go crazy is this compatible with this board (BananaPi M1) Thank you
  12. i install armbian into banana pi M1 . cat .asoundrc-X pcm.!default { type hw card 2 } ctl.!default { type hw card 2 } and get sound from TV namely HDMI . then i attach HDMI cable to sharp TV . $ aplay -l **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** card 0: sunxicodec [sunxi-CODEC], device 0: M1 PCM [sunxi PCM] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 1: sunxisndhdmi [sunxi-sndhdmi], device 0: SUNXI-HDMIAUDIO sndhdmi-0 [sunxi HDMI PCM] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 ~$ cat .asoundrc pcm.!default { type hw card 1 } ctl.!default { type hw card 1 } from sharp TV , i cannot get sound from TV, i get it only from audio out . i cannot understand . ---- regards
  13. Hi! Is PMP support build-in in newer armbian images? I installed ARMBIAN Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 4.4.3-sunxi on my banana pi. Or is a recompile still needed? With the default image i can see a dmesg "error ahci-sunxi 1c18000.sata: controller can't do PMP, turning off CAP_PMP". If recompile is needed can someone please post a link where to find step-by-step instructions how to recompile armbian with PMP support? Is the guide on htpcguides.com still correct? Thank you
  14. Hello I have a bananapi m1 with armbian Linux bananapi 4.3.3-sunxi #3 SMP Mon Dec 28 11:27:16 CET 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux I need to add serial ports so I think I need to rebuild a kernel as described here: http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/371-cubietruck-uart-3-4-7-pin-out-serial-ttys/ I follow the step described here: http://www.armbian.com/using-armbian-tools/ But when I run the compile.sh script, I don't found banapim1 in the list of device, I see banapim2, bananapipro, banapim2plus but not my deice. Could you indicate which ne must be selected? Thank you
  15. Hi! I plan to use a Banana Pi as a file server and install the system on the hard drive. The documentation page says: SATA/USB: pre-partitioned SATA or USB storage How does the nand-sata-install script work? Will I need to pre-partition my hard drive or will the script do it? Will it just partition it as one big ext4? Is it possible to make at least two partitions, one for the system and one for the files?
  16. Hi, 3 flashing led diodes of my Banana Pi make good party atmosphere when I want to sleep. what are ways to disable led diodes on Banana Pi? Is there a way to disable them without recompiling kernel? Can it be done by editing script file in /boot? What exactly do I need to change to switch them off? Thank you very much!
  17. Hello, I want to buy this display https://www.adafruit.com/products/2354 will seamlessly work with ubuntu on bananapi m1?
  18. I have a BananaPi running 4.2 (with Wheezy) and I am getting poor network speed. When testing download a file from the internet, I am averaging ~500k/s. I have another BananaPi running 3.4 (also with Wheezy) and on that board, I am averaging ~3MB/s downloading the same file from the same location. I tested this multiple times and the results are pretty much the same. Any idea why network performance is so poor on 4.2? Thanks.
  19. Hi all, I've been using a banana pi as a home server since forever. It's currently running bananian with a legacy kernel. I want to use docker to make it cleaner to use so mainline is needed. My banana pi is running off a 256Go SSD (SATA) and connected through a Gigabit Switch (that's why I did not find many replacement over the years, both low power, SATA and Gigabits are hard to find even with Hardkernel stuff). So first what's running on my server now : * nzbget * nfs server * nginx as reverse proxy * nginx + php * MQTT server (Mosquitto) * MQTT relay server (with mqttwarn) * homemade domotic stuff For all of this, I guess docker will be ok. Next I'm also using some stuff over GPIO : * a DHT22 sensor * a Nokia 5110 LCD * two pushbuttons * An Uart connected to an arduino (for domotic nodes) I have another banana pi so I installed latest armbian and made some tests. I was using WiringBP (https://github.com/LeMaker/WiringBP) and it seems to be still working with a mainline kernel so the DHT22, Nokia LCD and pushbuttons are OK (even if I was using SPI for the nokia display with legacy kernel and had to bitbang with mainline). For the uart, If I read well I'll have to edit the dtc to enable it (I was using the J11 headers for ease of use). I'll try to read more and do that. So for all that it should work. No the hard stuff : * I was using the csi camera, it seems it's not supported with mainline ? * I also wanted to replace my smallish nokia LCD screen with a larger one (to tell the truth, wife's order), so I naturally thought of using Lemaker screens : 7' or 5' . Again it seems it's not supported. Is there any workaround, alternative ? Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post.
  20. Hi, is the image for the M1 and Pro the same? Because after downloading, the file name is "Armbian_5.04_Bananapipro_Debian_jessie_4.4.3". On the download page for M1 and Pro the download links point to the same file. Looking at http://mirror.igorpecovnik.com/i see only 5.00 for the M1. Another question i have: After the login i see 12 updates and i should run APT. Since years I'm using aptitude since it is the preferred and newer program for Debian. So the question is if i can safely use aptitude? Or is there something pre-installed and i mix up the package management. I will never understand why every tutorial on the web is using APT.
  21. Hallo, I have got the Banana Pi (no Pro) with Armbian Trusty Desktop and Legacy Kernel 3.4.109 installed. All updates done. Problem: No Sound on HDMI Output. Any suggestions? Known Problem? bewoco
  22. Hello, First of all thanks for the very nice dist, it's clean and optimized. Unfortunately the Banana Pi is unbootable after having done the following: Migrate the root fs to my USB drive and make it bootable with the nand-sata-install script Change the hostname (modify /etc/hosts, modify /etc/hostname, run /etc/init.d/hostname.sh, reboot) run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade, reboot Each time the Banana Pi could not boot anymore, and that happened with both Jessie and Wheezie images. I can't get any screenshots of the boot screen because it's a headless server. Any ideas? mk16
  23. Hi, I have the following problem when a extern USB disk is connected the Banana Pi won’t boot., if I unplug the USB disk the Banana PI boots from the SATA disk fine. I’m using debian jessie and use the nand-sata-install to boot from SATA disk Kind regards,
  24. Hi, I read about the Allwinner Security System Cryptographic Accelerator. Is somebody actually using it with cryptsetup or OpenVPN? Is it powerful like Intel AES-NI? Thank you! Kind regards, matt
  25. Hi, yesterday I moved my root partition to a 128GB SSD by running "nand-sata-install" Everything works fine. Now I got a SD-Card in my Banana Pi with one big partition: fdisk -l Disk /dev/sda: 128.0 GB, 128035676160 bytes 30 heads, 63 sectors/track, 132312 cylinders, total 250069680 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x93d6d043 Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sda1 2048 250069679 125033816 83 Linux Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 3965 MB, 3965190144 bytes 46 heads, 9 sectors/track, 18706 cylinders, total 7744512 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x00043861 Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/mmcblk0p1 2048 7744511 3871232 83 Linux df Dateisystem 1K-Blöcke Benutzt Verfügbar Verw% Eingehängt auf rootfs 123071852 1523900 115296264 2% / /dev/root 123071852 1523900 115296264 2% / devtmpfs 504172 0 504172 0% /dev tmpfs 131072 232 130840 1% /run tmpfs 5120 0 5120 0% /run/lock tmpfs 131072 0 131072 0% /run/shm /dev/mmcblk0p1 3810928 1307224 2343624 36% /media/mmc /dev/mmcblk0p1 3810928 1307224 2343624 36% /boot tmpfs 1048576 128 1048448 1% /tmp /dev/root 123071852 1523900 115296264 2% /var/log.hdd ramlog-tmpfs 262144 11492 250652 5% /var/log What do I have to do to prepare a new SD-Card (256MB) and move the Boot-Partition to it? In /media/mmc is my old /root, isn't it? Thanks. Steffen
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