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  1. Hi all, I have found a weird condition. I have a home built image running off sd card with no probs. my EMMC has friendly distro on it. I ran nand-sata-install to install armbian to EMMC. then I ran growpart and resize2fs against the EMMC and rebooted. afterwards, host failed to boot from emmc. so I thought "no probs, boot of sd". But SD failed to boot also. I tried same SD card in 1st gen nanopim4. boot happened fine. retried boot in nanopim4v2 and failed to boot. re-wrote arbian image and still failed to boot from SD. wrote friendly image to sd card and boot happened fine. ran dd against emmc and re-wrote same armbian image to SD card. machine booted fine. it seems if you have armbian on emmc and it's corrupted, it won't boot armbian from the SD card. lucky I've spent plenty of time to get good backups of pretty much any SBC, whether on SD or emmc
  2. Hi guys. I've received the NanoPi M4 V2 today. I tried Armbian images for the M4 on SD and eMMC. None boot. So I tried the RockPi4 images since that's got lpddr4 too. That works. Of course no on-board wifi since another chip. So my guess is the lpddr4 isn't supported by the uboot for the M4. It is a nice board. I've got the metal case with NVMe hat too. Looks all very nice. But a bit impractical if you need to acces eMMC. Cheers
  3. I've got an m4v2 running current armbian (Armbian_19.11.4_Nanopim4_bionic_legacy_4.4.192_desktop.7z) I get a stack of messages on tty1 and in dmesg stating "get wrong frequency". it was also logging via syslog, but I have disabled those from logging. it also seems to generate one of these messages every time I hit a key on the keyboard. somehow related to kbd interrupt? ondemand cpu freq scaling works, running cpu intensive jobs, the following frequencies were observed Jan 11 10:45:01 m4-2 root: CPUTEMP 45.00 (600.00/600.00) Jan 11 21:50:01 m4-2 root: CPUTEMP 44.44 (1416.00/600.00) Jan 11 21:55:01 m4-2 root: CPUTEMP 45.62 (1416.00/600.00) Jan 11 22:00:02 m4-2 root: CPUTEMP 58.33 (1416.00/1800.00) Jan 11 22:05:01 m4-2 root: CPUTEMP 47.50 (600.00/1800.00) Jan 11 22:10:01 m4-2 root: CPUTEMP 46.25 (1416.00/600.00) Jan 11 22:15:01 m4-2 root: CPUTEMP 60.62 (1416.00/1800.00) Jan 11 22:20:01 m4-2 root: CPUTEMP 64.38 (1416.00/1800.00) [ 7.156821] rockchip-dmc dmc: Get wrong frequency, Request 528000000, Current 856000000 [ 7.215030] rockchip-dmc dmc: Get wrong frequency, Request 528000000, Current 856000000 [ 7.266670] rockchip-dmc dmc: Get wrong frequency, Request 800000000, Current 856000000 [ 7.268762] rockchip-dmc dmc: Get wrong frequency, Request 528000000, Current 856000000 [ 7.320885] rockchip-dmc dmc: Get wrong frequency, Request 528000000, Current 856000000 [ 7.373161] rockchip-dmc dmc: Get wrong frequency, Request 400000000, Current 856000000 [ 7.424889] rockchip-dmc dmc: Get wrong frequency, Request 400000000, Current 856000000 [ 180.539062] rockchip-dmc dmc: Get wrong frequency, Request 800000000, Current 856000000 [ 180.570767] rockchip-dmc dmc: Get wrong frequency, Request 800000000, Current 856000000 [ 180.676165] rockchip-dmc dmc: Get wrong frequency, Request 800000000, Current 856000000
  4. Hi guys , I installed the Buster WIP image on my M4 V2 and it appeared to be functioning ok wifi,USB etc all working until this morning. It wouldn't boot so I connected a serial cable and saw where it failed ( I think it part of the uboot process) ERROR: Did not find a cmdline Flattened Device Tree Any ideas why this should suddenly happen ? I have two V2's running this build and the other is still working fine
  5. Hi All, here is a quick howto for flashing a Nanopi M4 V2 I did this using a Linux box and a USB TTL serial cable) 1) Download an image from https://www.armbian.com/nanopi-m4-v2/ 2) Start a terminal 3) cd to the folder containing your download 4) Unzip your download to extract the *.img file 5) Connect an sdcard or eMMC to your pc ( I used a transcend adapter ) 6) Run lsblk to identify your device, in my case it returned /dev/sdc 7) Run mount to ensure it is not mounted and unmount it if necessary ( umount /dev/sdc or umount /dev/sdc1 ) 8) Run dd if =NameOfYourImage.img of=/dev/sdc status=progress 9) When completed ( it takes a while ) make a directory to enable you to mount your device ( mkdir /mnt/MyDevice) 10) Run mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/MyDevice 11) nano /mnt/MyDevice/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf 12) Add these two lines and save the file [device] wifi.scan-rand-mac-address=no 13) Unmount the device (umount /mnt/MyDevice) 14) Put the device( sdcard or eMMC ) in the M4 - DO NOT APPLY POWER YET ! 15) Connect a serial cable to the UART pins on the board and attach the other end to a USB port on your PC 16) Issue this command picocom -b 1500000 /dev/ttyUSB0 ( I'm typing this at work but I think this is correct ) this should connect you to the M4 17) Apply power to the M4 and you should see the boot output 18) Login as root with password 1234 ( you'll be prompted to change the password ) 19) Run armbian-config to configure wifi 20) Ensure you have an ip address ( ip a ) and look for wlan0 21) Reboot the M4 having removed the serial cable first. In my case It all worked - your case may be different.
  6. Hi all, I'm a bit out of date with regards to a working image for the NanoPi M4 v2 board. I have @pask image which works great but having to boot from the sd card and flash a bootloader patch to eMMC card whenever you reinstall ( I constantly break installs by over experimenting with stuff I don't know enough about ) is a bit of a pain. Anyone know of an image I can just download and flash ?
  7. Hi all, is it ok to run apt update and apt upgrade on @pask M4 v2 image - just thinking something might alter the bootloader
  8. pkfox

    M4 V2

    As the other thread is getting a bit cluttered I thought I'd start a new one. Thanks to the good work of @pask and others we now have a working image for the M4 v2. However, despite following instructions to the letter. I can't get the board to boot from the eMMC card, in fact I don't think the board even recognizes the card ( I've tried different ones ) Also not being able to connect via a serial cable is hampering my attempts at debugging the boot process. Cany anyone put up a Muppets guide on the steps required to achieve this ?
  9. pkfox

    M4 v2 image

    Hi guys, can anyone give me a link as to where I can download a working image for the new Nanopim4 v2 - the friendly arm download section is very confusing - it states there is an eMMC image but when I downloaded it it didn't contain a *.img file that I could flash but a lot of other *.gz *.img files e.g. boot.img etc etc
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