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  1. Hi, It is very hard to start OS (community version, downloaded from here). The system doesn't start at all, if the keyboard is already attached. I've discovered some magic moment during the startup process, when I can attach keyboard and system goes further. In most of moments the boot process stops, as soon as I'm attaching the keyboard. Lines are scrolled too fast to let me note what moment is "successful". Also I've noticed that the chip is very hot, when the keyboard is attached. It's much colder when keyboard is detached. Another small issue is that functional keys don't work. Though Ctrl/Alt and other similar keys do. My keyboard is an "aluminum" Apple keyboard. Didn't try other. Also I wonder if there is any way to change screen resolution for console. It looks like environment setting doesn't take effect. Only 1920x1080 resolution works. It's not so suitable for me.
  2. I am trying to build Armbian using command below. I use 25.02.0-trunk armbian build version in docker. However I don't get kernel source package after succesful building. I get only following debs: armbian-bsp-cli-bananapim2zero_25.02.0-trunk_armhf__1-PC7e64-V62c4-H9299-B6e44-R7697.deb armbian-bsp-cli-bananapim2zero-current_25.02.0-trunk_armhf__1-PC7e64-V62c4-H9299-B6e44-R7697.deb armbian-config_25.02.0-trunk_all__1-SAfdf5-B8c21-R448a.deb armbian-firmware_25.02.0-trunk_all__1-SA8dbb-B6c7f-R448a.deb fake-ubuntu-advantage-tools_25.02.0-trunk_all__1-B34ac-R448a.deb linux-dtb-current-sunxi_25.02.0-trunk_armhf__6.6.65-S943e-D0531-P78f8-Cc98cH5c21-HK01ba-V014b-B59f0-R448a.deb linux-headers-current-sunxi_25.02.0-trunk_armhf__6.6.65-S943e-D0531-P78f8-Cc98cH5c21-HK01ba-V014b-B59f0-R448a.deb linux-image-current-sunxi_25.02.0-trunk_armhf__6.6.65-S943e-D0531-P78f8-Cc98cH5c21-HK01ba-V014b-B59f0-R448a.deb linux-libc-dev-current-sunxi_25.02.0-trunk_armhf__6.6.65-S943e-D0531-P78f8-Cc98cH5c21-HK01ba-V014b-B59f0-R448a.deb linux-u-boot-bananapim2zero-current_25.02.0-trunk_armhf__2024.01-S866c-Pf814-Ha5c2-Vc5a9-Bdacf-R448a.deb I remember getting source package after building armbian 2 years ago ./compile.sh \ BOARD=bananapim2zero \ BRANCH=current \ RELEASE=noble \ BUILD_MINIMAL=yes \ BSPFREEZE=yes \ OFFLINE_WORK=yes \ BUILD_KSRC=yes \ KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no \
  3. Hello guys, i'm trying to connect that ili9341 display with my m2 zero but it wont work. My armbian Version: Armbian_23-02-0-trunk_Bananapim2zero_lunar_edge_6.1.11_xfce_desktop The display has a pinout that matches with the raspberry pi, so also the banana pi m2 zero would do the job, since it has the same pinout like the raspberry pi has. It uses 26 pins to connect to the banana pi m2 zero gpio output pins. 3 buttons and a touch panel are available but i only want to use the lcd for now. I edited the armbianEnv.txt to open the spi port and added my overlay tft.dts to /boot/overlay-user but i cant get a picture on the screen, Its just glowing white. Am I missing something? Are my gpios numbers in the overlay correct? do i have to install additional software? I would be very happy for tips or help! My armbianEnv.txt : verbosity=1 bootlogo=false console=both disp_mode=1920x1080p60 overlay_prefix=sun8i-h3 rootdev=UUID=39f6ab06-e14f-4885-8454-717c5405f006 rootfstype=ext4 overlays=cpu-clock-1.2GHz-1.3v spi-spidev param_spidev_spi_bus=0 user_overlays=tft usbstoragequirks=0x2537:0x1066:u,0x2537:0x1068:u My overlay tft.dts /dts-v1/; /plugin/; / { compatible = "allwinner,sun4i-a10", "allwinner,sun7i-a20", "allwinner,sun8i-h3", "allwinner,sun50i-a64", "allwinner,sun50i-h5"; fragmen@0 { target = <&pio>; __overlay__ { display_pins: display_pins { pins = "PC0", "PC3"; function = "gpio_out"; }; }; }; fragment@1 { target = <&spi0>; __overlay__ { /* needed to avoid dtc warning */ #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; display: display@0 { compatible = "adafruit,yx240qv29", "ilitek,ili9341"; reg = <0>; pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&display_pins>; spi-max-frequency = <16000000>; rotation= <270>; bgr; fps = <10>; buswidth = <8>; height = <240>; width = <320>; reset-gpios = <&pio 0 25 0>; /* GPIOA 6 */ dc-gpios = <&pio 0 24 0>; /* GPIOA 3 */ debug = <3>; }; }; }; __overrides__ { rotation = <&display>, "rotation:0"; fps = <&display>, "fps:0"; debug = <&display>, "debug:0"; }; };
  4. Dear Community, I'll build a Developer Team specially for Banana Pi Boards!" GPIO Libarys I started updating/modifing the old GPIO-Libarys, so they can be used on the latest builds! I want to build a Team, for GPIO-Libary Development, for porting these Libarys: WiringPi-Node WiringPi-PHP WiringPi-Perl WirinigPi-Ruby gpiozero rpi-gpio Updating and modifying these: RPi.GPIO BPI-WiringPi2-Python BPI-WiringPi2 At the end, all currently working GPIO Libarys are: luma.oled RPi.GPIO BPI-WiringPi BPI-WiringPi2 BPI-WiringPi2-Python Armbian Build System for Banana Pi I started building the build-system for full banana pi support! Anyone who would like to join the developer-team, just pn me, post in this thread, or contact me on github or discord!" I created a GIthub-Organisation for this project and a Discord Server. A Domain & VPS Server is commin Monday!" Goals: Support ONLY for Banana Pi Boards Board Determiner Script which exports Board-Infos, required by gpio-libs (usual located at: /var/lib/bananapi) APT-Mirror Archive Hosted by our project-teams vps-server! ( Mirror stores all latest gpio-libarys we specially build for using on latest builds and other packages we'll develope in future) Added APPGROUPS: Pentesting, TV-Box, Server-Side, Game Desk & Development Revised menu for selecting extensions and other additional items Revised config menu Adding additional build options A Web-Based Project-Server Hosted Build-System will be build and available on the project-page, where you can build images remotely, according to you settings made in the WebInterface, with live progress & build-log + downloading compressed own image-release. A publish option will be added to, where you can upload your builded image to any Cloud/Storage we provide. Revised device trees According to APPGROUPS and Enabled Extensions: I2C, SPI, UART are enabled in the gpio_develope extension, and all requirements for gpio-programming are pre-installed, the gpio libs are pre-installed too. If you have some Ideas, what we could add or which wishes we can make true, just reply in this post, or contact us. Github Organisation Discord greetz, hexzhen3x7
  5. I am listed as the community maintainer for the Banana Pi M2 Zero. I haven't actually done any maintaining but I am thinking about doing so now. But before I do, a couple of quick questions. 1) The latest build (as far as I can see), is Aug-31st, 2023. Do I have that right? Or am I missing something? 2) The main page for the Banana Pi M2 Zero (https://www.armbian.com/bananapi-m2-zero/) shows a link to Armbian_community_24.11.0-trunk.273_Bananapim2zero_bookworm_current_6.6.54_minimal.img.xz which is for "Minimal/IOT images with Armbian Linux v6.6". Is that a generic build for all community maintained sunxi hardware? Or is that a specific Banana Pi M2 Zero build and I just don't know where the main builds are stored? 3) I happen to like the Banana Pi M2 zero but are there are reasons that anyone can think of that makes it a waste of my time to maintain this older board? Apologies for the basic questions. I am trying to get up to speed so that I can begin contributing to Armbian. UPDATE: I answered questions 1 and 2 by referring to the https://docs.armbian.com/Board_Maintainers_Procedures_and_Guidelines/ page. And, I answered question three myself. The Banana Pi M2 Zero is still manufactured and sold as of 2024 and I use it in one of my products. So I will get down to the business of supporting it with Armbian.
  6. Hi, I recently purchased a Banana Pi M2 zero, and I can't seem to get the OTG port to work with any kind of operating system. I have tried all of the normal remedies like cable issues, power supply, etc. With no luck. I know Armbian is usually the best OS for these little boards, but I can't seem to get a keyboard or mouse to work with it. Although it boots up just fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  7. After flashing the sd card with armbian and booting it, it asks me to enter the root password, however the keyboard that is plugged in isnt detected and nothing is typed on the screen. Ive already tried bookworm and jammy, both cli and minimal-cli variants. It is not a keyboard or usb related issue, i tested it with an older version of armbian and the keyboard still works.
  8. Hello, I installed 2022-09-27-Armbian_22.11.0-trunk_jammy_edge_lubuntu_5.19.6-qt5-swap-bpi-p2z-10804MB.img on my Banana Pi Zero and it works great! I run sudo apt update , sudo apt upgrade ... Hours later, time to reboot. The board reboots and crashes.. See pic. Hmmm can't attach pics for some reason. First error I see on the screen says Failed to load '/boot/dtb/sun8i-h2-plus-bananapi-p2-zero.dtb libfdt fdt_check_header(): FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC No FDT memory address configured. Please configure the FDT address via "fdt addr <address>" command. Aborting! Then a bunch of other errors ERROR: Did not find a cmdline Flattened Device Tree Could not find a valid device tree Script failures.. No ethernet found.. Eventually => Also had some fun fixing the github public key before I was able to do apt update.
  9. Hello, community. For a while now, I've been trying to configure the input and output of i2s0 without success. The closest I've come to a result was with the adau7002 configuration, but I'm experiencing synchronous noise, as if the issue were related to a CLK. Let me provide some details to see if anyone can guide me. I have a Banana Pi M2 with Armbian 23.11.1 Bookworm and Linux 6.1.13-current-sunxi. I have a pcm1807 connected to the input, configured with SPI, outputting i2s left justified in 24bit, and operating as a master. The pcm is connected to a 24.5MHz crystal. My goal is to configure the system to capture audio in a generic i2s format and then play it back in the same way through the output, as I have an amplifier connected to it. My other question is whether it's possible to reconfigure the pins using an overlay. Currently, my pin configuration is as follows: PA10 = LRCLK PA16 = BCLK PA20 = SDI PA21 = SDO i tried reconfigure the pins but i couldn't ☹️ I am attaching the adau7002.dts to provide additional information: /dts-v1/; /plugin/; / { compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-h3"; fragment@0 { target-path = "/"; __overlay__ { adau7002_codec: adau7002_codec { #sound-dai-cells = <0>; compatible = "adi,adau7002"; status = "okay"; }; }; }; fragment@1 { target = <&i2s0>; __overlay__ { status = "okay"; pinctrl-0 = <&i2s0_pins>; sound-dai = <&adau7002_codec>; pinctrl-names = "default"; }; }; fragment@2 { target-path = "/"; __overlay__ { sound_i2s { compatible = "simple-audio-card"; simple-audio-card,format = "i2s"; simple-audio-card,name = "adau7002"; #simple-audio-card,dai-link = "left_j"; simple-audio-card,bitclock-slave = <&dailink0_slave>; simple-audio-card,frame-slave = <&dailink0_slave>; simple-audio-card,mclk-fs = <512>; simple-audio-card,widgets = "Line", "Line In Jack"; simple-audio-card,routing = "PDM_DAT", "Line In Jack"; status = "okay"; simple-audio-card,cpu { sound-dai = <&i2s0>; }; dailink0_slave: simple-audio-card,codec { sound-dai = <&adau7002_codec>; }; }; }; }; }; I use for capture this command: "arecord -D hw:0,0 -f S16_LE -t wav -r 48000 -c 2 -d 10 -V stereo -v >test.wav". But when I want to switch S16_LE to S24_LE you can hardly hear anything, although the noise persists with both formats
  10. Hello, I'm using a BPI M2 Zero (with H3 Chip) to control two relays on CON2-P05 / PA11 and CON2-P03 / PA12. During the boot process there is a high level present at the pins, which is driving the relays. Is there a way to create a DTB overlay to drive the pins to a low level during boot. My userspace application uses libgpiod to control the pins. I'm familiar with compiling and activating overlays, i would just need help to write the correct .dts file. Thank you very much in advance
  11. I am running bookworm on a banana pi m2 zero. It comes up properly and connects to Wifi and to the attached LAN adapter, so I can access it via SSH on both interfaces. BUT, when I disconnect the keyboard, it doesn't boot properly anymore and I cannot connect to it. I attached a monitor to take a look at the startup messages and found that it hangs at starting the hostname service (see screenshot) How can I get it to boot properly?
  12. Armbian build: Armbian_23.8.1_Bananapim2zero_bookworm_current_6.1.47 Hardware: BananaPi M2 Zero I am using pure CLI environment, and when the output is on screen I can't really tell what is the resolution or the refresh, but the monitor is 1080p@60 and it seems to be matching. Although when I run apps that use SDL2 for example; the resolution is changed, and I tried to set a fixed resolution but there seems to be no way to do so in Armbian. I changed the boot settings and those are correctly set with 1080p@60; then I tried to use xrandr (I have X11 installed as I have SDL2 installed too), and it says "can't open display" (I assume because I have no X app running?); so I am basically stuck at this point. Is there a global setting that force the OS to a specific resolution? Is my CLI running really at 1080p@60? How can I tell an app running in X server to set itself to the same resolution of the current CLI? Thanks
  13. I am working on a project with armbian 23.8.1 embedded in a banana pi m2 zero. I need to use the spi 0 with the two select chips. When I initialize I can only initialize spidev0.0 or spidev 0.1. There is no way that can initialize both. Configure the armbianEnv.txt file with the following parameters: overlays= spi-add-cs1 spi-spidev param_spidev_spi_bus=0 param_spidev_spi_cs=1 Also try other combinations and nothing. Then try to modify the .dtb file by adding cs-gpios and changing status = "okay" but it doesn't work
  14. I did try the latest Armbian 23.5 Bookworm on my banana pi m2 zero with allwinner h3 chip and I couldn't get the USB OTG port working (i. e. no keyboard recognition) and eth0 also did not work. After a lot of searching I found an old image (BananaPi-M2zero_Armbian_2021.08.1_bullseye_CLI_5.10.60.img) which did work. I wonder what happened to the kernel Kernel 6.2.y edition and why those crucial hardware features are not working anymore. Is there a vault somewhere of older armbian software revisions?
  15. Can anyone provide any information on getting the GPU driver working with a Banana Pi M2 Zero? It supposedly has a Mali 400 GPU. In my tests, it seems I am stuck with Mesa software rendering with OpenGL. When I write a program that creates an OpenGL 2.0 ES context, the vendor and renderer both list Mesa and performance is terrible (2-10 fps and GLSL shaders are incorrect) when rendering even the simplest scenes. I am using DRM (Direct Rendering Manager) with boots straight to a CLI and no desktop environment if that makes any difference. With the same code and same conditions on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, OpenGL works perfectly in my tests. I am using the most recent Armbian linked on the banana pi wiki page for the product. I tried to build the Mali driver for the Mali 400 GPU from source using this command: KDIR=/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build USING_UMP=0 BUILD=release make But receive this error: Makefile:122: CONFIG_TRACEPOINTS required for profiling Makefile:92: /lib/modules/6.0.9-sunxi/build/.config: No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target '/lib/modules/6.0.9-sunxi/build/.config'. Stop. When I think means I don't have header sources for my kernel. I looked through apt cache and it doesn't have the source for my kernel listed. What can I do to get actual OpenGL ES 2.0 GPU hardware support (or even OpenGL 3.0 core profile) working on this hardware with Armbian?
  16. Login: Pi What the password? No 1234,root,bananapi,armbian
  17. Hello, Is it possible to set the speed of the UART3 to 921600 baud instead of 115000? How to do it? I need to connect to an arduino at that speed. I have tried with minicom but I can't get it. I have also tried to put the following command dtoverlay=miniuart-bt in /boot/armbianEnv.tx but it doesn't work either. to 115000 if I can connect well, therefore the port works correctly Is there any way?
  18. I am using armbian on banana pi m2 zero with screen 1920x360. For some reason display controller didn't tell edid, so banana using default value and it doesn't look right (only a few more than half of the screen displaying anything). I want to use this screen, so I want to override default values. How this can be done? I tried setenv video-mode sunxi:1920x360-24@60,monitor=hdmi saveenv but this didn't work (saveenv tells `Saving Environment to FAT... Unable to use mmc 0:1...`) and before booting u-boot tells `Loading Environment from FAT... Unable to use mmc 0:1...` I am using armbian jammy (Armbian_23.02.0-trunk_Bananapim2zero_jammy_current_5.15.80_xfce_desktop)
  19. ls /sys/class/udc > UDC ls:write error: Device or resource busy I'm trying to get an armbian device (banana pi m2 zero and/or the orange pi zero LTS) to function as a USB client, but I can't seem to get the above step working. Any suggestions? lsof UDC returns nothing. On the RaspberryPI 4 this worked without issue
  20. Hello, im trying to map the i2c-2 to some GPIO ports and have to rewrite the device-tree on armbian 22.04. I'm failing miserably and have no idea how-to do it. I managed to compile the i2c-gpio.ko kernel module as it is not part of the armbian 5.15.89-sunxi kernel. However, here i'm stuck and cant manage to make it happen. On RPi it was simple adding an overlay to config.txt: dtoverlay=i2c-gpio,bus=2,i2c_gpio_sda=27,i2c_gpio_scl=17 /boot/overlays/i2c-gpio.dtbo I'm trying to replicate that for Armbian, here is my dts file: // Overlay for i2c_gpio bitbanging host bus. /dts-v1/; /plugin/; / { compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-h3"; fragment@0 { target-path = "/"; __overlay__ { i2c_gpio: i2c@2 { reg = <0>; compatible = "i2c-gpio"; gpios = <&pio 17 0 /* sda */ &pio 27 0 /* scl */ >; i2c-gpio,delay-us = <2>; #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; }; }; }; fragment@1 { target-path = "/aliases"; __overlay__ { i2c_gpio = "/i2c@2"; }; }; fragment@2 { target-path = "/__symbols__"; __overlay__ { i2c_gpio = "/i2c@2"; }; }; __overrides__ { i2c_gpio_sda = <&i2c_gpio>,"gpios:4"; i2c_gpio_scl = <&i2c_gpio>,"gpios:16"; i2c_gpio_delay_us = <&i2c_gpio>,"i2c-gpio,delay-us:0"; bus = <&i2c_gpio>, "reg:0"; }; }; What am I doing wrong?
  21. I'm using Banana Pi M2 Zero with Armbian Debian GNU/Linux 10 (Buster). Compiled the image myself with the latest source code using the armbin/build repository. I want to be able to do serial communication on pins 8 and 10. I'm looking for something to appear at /dev/ttyAMA0, so I can communicate with it. I saw some other forum posts which mentioned it'll happen on /dev/ttyS0 , however even that is not happening. The serial communication is working via FTDI (using the USB side connected to the Banana Pi), which indicates there is no problem with the other device. This is what the configuration looks like using "sudo minicom -s". +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | A - Serial Device : /dev/ttyS0 | | B - Lockfile Location : /var/lock | | C - Callin Program : | | D - Callout Program : | | E - Bps/Par/Bits : 115200 8N1 | | F - Hardware Flow Control : No | | G - Software Flow Control : No | | | | Change which setting? | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Screen and keyboard | | Save setup as dfl | | Save setup as.. | | Exit | | Exit from Minicom | +--------------------------+ I have enabled "uart1" using "sudo armbian-config -u" -> System -> Hardware. Connecting Rx, Tx on the pins 8 and 10 also does not show up in "dmesg" How do I go about debugging the issue or finding the root cause of the problem? Many thanks!
  22. Hi All, I am trying to enable HID gadget on Banana Pi M2 Zero with latest Armbian OS for it. I followed the instructions in following link,but no luck: Switch USB port from OTG to HOST mode I get modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'g_hid': No such device when I enter modprobe g_hid. I appreciate any help. Thanks
  23. I don’t own banana pi but I’m thinking of buying it for the project we’re going to do. I have raspberry pi zero but mediapipe is not working. Can I install this library on m2 zero? I would be glad if you help. Thank you.
  24. I don't own banana pi but I'm thinking of buying it for the project we're going to do. I have raspberry pi zero but mediapipe is not working. I'm thinking of doing image manipulation and this is the most important library in my code. That's why I'm trying to do a detailed research because my budget is limited. Thank you for your help 💯
  25. About 6 months ago I started a music project with the Raspberry PI Zero 2W. The project is a module to generate weird and wonderful drone music/sounds (example here) Because of the fact that it's nearly impossible to got hold of the Raspberry PI Zero 2W, I want to "port" the project to an alternative and available board with the same footprint and pinout; the BPI M2 Zero would be perfect. I have quite a challenge though; See image: The exact setup below with an Raspberry PI Zero 2W (O/S: Bullseye 11) and the install procedure described here, runs absolutely fine --- but now I want this setup to run on the BPI M2 Zero (O/S: "Armbian_20.05.1_Bananapim2zero_buster_current_5.4.43_desktop" downloaded from here) I appreciate that the BPI M2 Zero has a different architecture - but I guess with the lack of support (compared to the Raspberry PI) I can't figure out how to get this setup running. Has anyone got experience getting the two boards "talking" ? I need the setup to be the same as I already have the PCBs produced you see. I haven't seen a Armbian version of Bullseye 11 ... but I don't think it's absolutely necessary to have the same O/S. I guess what matters is that the Audio's board install-script (curl https://get.pimoroni.com/phatdac | bash) is re-worked to run on the BPI M2 Zero. I am willing to offer a financial incentive for your time (ping me).
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