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  1. Hi peoples, updating my old NAS (odroidH1 OMV) 1TB SSD New set-up: BPiM5 armbian bullseye - OMV samsung 2TB SSD installation up and running but... OMV or sudo fdisk -l cannot see new Samsung 2TB SSD (I have 2 of these, one will be back-up) I have connected ssd's via sata usb3.1 cable
  2. I am wondering if anyone else has had any success getting Armbian installed on a Banana Pi M5. I'm definitely a noob at this. After thinking the first M5 I tried it on was perhaps defective, but after trying on a second M5 I had the same result, board will not boot and the Green, Blue and Red lights on the board are all solid (not blinking). I'm afraid I may have bricked both boards. I used bpi-copy to flash the on-board emmc and did not receive any errors in the process. I am unable to boot from emmc or sd card at this point. I tried flashing the SD Card with Debian Bullseye and then on another attempt Ubuntu server (both images had worked previously) but to no avail. If anyone has tips or information that could lead me in the right direction, I sure would appreciate it.
  3. Good morning everyone. My problem is that I had armbian installed in emmc and using armbian config I changed it to usb but I did not update the boot to sd and when I restart it only shows what I put in the photo and it remains black. Is there any way to fix it. By pressing reset with the HDMI unplugged it tries to start but stays in initramfs. Thank you
  4. PRETTY_NAME="Armbian 22.08.7 Bullseye" NAME="Debian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="11" VERSION="11 (bullseye)" VERSION_CODENAME=bullseye ID=debian HOME_URL="https://www.debian.org/" SUPPORT_URL="https://www.debian.org/support" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.debian.org/" Hello everyone and thanks for accepting me in the forum. I recently bought a banana pi M5, intalled armbian but i can't use i2c, I tried to enable i2cA and i2cB from armbian-config without success. I have also tested numerous dts files with no success. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you.
  5. Hello all, As subtitler guy, I experienced many troubles making aegisub work. , I finally made the subtitle editor, working with hardware under armbian jammy but having still annoyances. I want to share my thought and my discoveries on it. First I would like to thanks all who post on this already, including alternative ways such as schroot and of course the armbian team for the improvements of the boot .. schroot allow to run an linux in a linux. According to what I experienced, meson driver development is leaded by oibaf and in advance in ubuntu but here aegisub does exists only on debian. The idea was thus to boot on debian jammy and chroot in debian buster armhf at least or better bookworm arm64. By doing so, I crashed many time aegisub 3.2.2 due to lua badly supported. schrooting and debian bookworm gives many warning messages (see the pict below, I washed the lua script directory too) but goes further if we dare to skip assert warnings. Moreover, at this point, we are no more dealing with Llvm (software accel using 100% of CPUs) but meson-drm and panfrost (harware accel, using 20% of CPUs). aegisub still remains very fragile but very responsive. So today I decided to switch and to boot into bookworm directly. After launching aegisub 3.20.3 on arm64 with panfrost enabled (you can check this with glxinfo -B, or inxi -Gs), I discovered it is very stable but suffered of responsivity due to a flood in the logs Hewitt has just given... a patch yesterday against "panfrost ffe40000.gpu: l2 power transition timeout" log flood here: https://lkml.org/lkml/2024/3/22/977 You will also be unable to set brightness by software (too bright for my eyes) at least on xfce4, trying my luck with all techniques https://askubuntu.com/questions/894465/changing-the-screen-brightness-of-the-external-screen that did not succeed except that ddcci-dkms gave me a clue during install : BACKLIGHT_CLASS_DEVICE disabled in this kernel I suggest enabling dkms and this for future kernel and taking Hewitt patch into account. With these findings, did someone has noticed the same and manage to make sound and videos responsive without unsync? PS/ For now, the armbian is on a sdcard, the log flood may be the cause of the unsync. I have to test further. Trying with latest jammy and schrooting under bookworm.
  6. Hello everyone, I've recently started migrating a project for Banana Pi M5 from Debian 10 Buster to Armbian, because I've found that the latest versions of it now support the GPU, Mali G31, and come with Panfrost OpenGL driver, which is crucial for this project. Everything was perfect until I had to implement two features: operating with TV via CEC and showing boot logo. Quickly about the last one - as I've understood, we have to use Plymouth, but I didn't really get how to do it, I've tried to activate it but had no success (how exactly see under paragraph). However, it doesn't work on Server Images (even on those that were compiled with build tools and activated option BOOT_LOGO in kernel conf), but in GUI Images everything is fine with it. Also I've tried using uBoot logo (boot-logo.bmp.gz), but also no success. # Adding "splash quiet loglevel=0 logo.nologo" to extraargs in "/boot/armbianEnv.txt" # Activating bootlogo in "/boot/boot.cmd" (am I even supposed to edit this file?) sudo plymouth-set-default-theme -R customtheme # It contains our logo # sudo update-initramfs -c -u # In fact, it runs automatically sudo reboot # ... sudo plymouthd sudo plymouth --show-splash Now about CEC. I've made some observations: CEC Under Debian # Sorry, there is no support for Shell syntax highlighting apparently. pi@TEST:~$ uname -a Linux TEST 4.9.312-BPI-M5 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Mar 1 01:44:35 UTC 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux pi@TEST:~$ cec-client -l libCEC version: 4.0.4, compiled on Linux-4.9.0-8-arm64 ... , features: P8_USB, DRM, P8_detect, randr, Exynos, AOCEC Found devices: 1 device: 1 com port: AOCEC vendor id: 0000 product id: 0000 firmware version: 5 type: unknown pi@TEST:~$ ls -l /dev/*cec* crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 503, 0 Feb 14 2019 /dev/aocec pi@TEST:~$ echo 'standby 0' | cec-client -s -d 1 opening a connection to the CEC adapter... pi@TEST:~$ # Works fine. pi@TEST:~$ echo 'on 0' | cec-client -s -d 1 opening a connection to the CEC adapter... pi@TEST:~$ # Works fine. pi@TEST:~$ sudo lsmod | grep cec pi@TEST:~$ sudo find /lib/modules/ -name "*cec*" pi@TEST:~$ # No CEC module in lsmod or modules overall, but works fine. pi@TEST:~$ It uses AOCEC on 4.9 Linux kernel. Works flawlessly. All the parts in "/boot/boot.ini" concerning CEC: ... ### voutmode : hdmi or dvi setenv voutmode "hdmi" # setenv voutmode "dvi" # HPD enable/disable option setenv disablehpd "false" # Enable/Disable CEC setenv cec "true" ... ### Normal HDMI Monitors if test "${display_autodetect}" = "true"; then hdmitx edid; fi if test "${hdmimode}" = "custombuilt"; then setenv cmode "modeline=${modeline}"; fi if test "${cec}" = "true"; then setenv cec_enable "hdmitx=cec3f"; fi ... # Boot Args setenv bootargs "...${cec_enable} sdrmode=${sdrmode}" ... If I set cec "false" this happens: pi@TEST:~$ cec-client -l libCEC version: 4.0.4, compiled on Linux-4.9.0-8-arm64 ... , features: P8_USB, DRM, P8_detect, randr, Exynos, AOCEC Found devices: 1 device: 1 com port: AOCEC vendor id: 0000 product id: 0000 firmware version: 5 type: unknown pi@TEST:~$ ls -l /dev/*cec* crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 503, 0 Feb 14 2019 /dev/aocec pi@TEST:~$ echo 'standby 0' | cec-client -s -d 1 opening a connection to the CEC adapter... unable to open the device on port AOCEC ERROR: [ 2233] AllocateLogicalAddresses - failed to allocate device '0', type 'recording device' ERROR: [ 2233] failed to find a free logical address for the client ERROR: [ 2233] failed to register the new CEC client - cannot allocate the requested device types ERROR: [ 2233] failed to register a CEC client pi@TEST:~$ # Doesn't work pi@TEST:~$ Here, "/dev/aocec" doesn't sweep away when setting CEC to false. It just becomes unaccesible. CEC Under Armbian pi@TEST:~$ uname -a Linux TEST 6.6.8-edge-meson64 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Dec 20 16:02:07 UTC 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux pi@TEST:~$ cec-client -l libCEC version: 6.0.2, compiled on Linux ... , features: P8_USB, DRM, P8_detect, randr, Exynos, Linux, AOCEC Found devices: NONE pi@TEST:~$ ls -l /dev/*cec* ls: cannot access '/dev/*cec*': No such file or directory pi@TEST:~$ echo 'standby 0' | cec-client -s -d 1 autodetect FAILED pi@TEST:~$ echo 'on 0' | cec-client -s -d 1 autodetect FAILED pi@TEST:~$ sudo lsmod | grep cec pi@TEST:~$ sudo find /lib/modules/ -name "*cec*" /lib/modules/6.6.8-edge-meson64/kernel/drivers/media/cec /lib/modules/6.6.8-edge-meson64/kernel/drivers/media/cec/usb/pulse8/pulse8-cec.ko /lib/modules/6.6.8-edge-meson64/kernel/drivers/media/cec/usb/rainshadow/rainshadow-cec.ko /lib/modules/6.6.8-edge-meson64/kernel/drivers/media/cec/platform/cec-gpio /lib/modules/6.6.8-edge-meson64/kernel/drivers/media/cec/platform/cec-gpio/cec-gpio.ko /lib/modules/6.6.8-edge-meson64/kernel/drivers/media/cec/platform/meson/ao-cec.ko /lib/modules/6.6.8-edge-meson64/kernel/drivers/media/cec/platform/meson/ao-cec-g12a.ko /lib/modules/6.6.8-edge-meson64/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/bridge/synopsys/dw-hdmi-cec.ko pi@TEST:~$ sudo modprobe cec pi@TEST:~$ sudo modprobe cec-gpio pi@TEST:~$ sudo modprobe ao-cec pi@TEST:~$ sudo modprobe ao-cec-g12a pi@TEST:~$ sudo modprobe dw-hdmi-cec pi@TEST:~$ sudo modprobe pulse8-cec pi@TEST:~$ sudo modprobe rainshadow-cec pi@TEST:~$ sudo lsmod | grep cec rainshadow_cec 16384 0 pulse8_cec 24576 0 dw_hdmi_cec 12288 0 ao_cec_g12a 12288 0 ao_cec 16384 0 cec_gpio 12288 0 pi@TEST:~$ # cec.ko isn't in libs so in lsmod there is no such module, but why "modprobe cec" gives no error? pi@TEST:~$ ls -l /dev/*cec* ls: cannot access '/dev/*cec*': No such file or directory pi@TEST:~$ # And activating modules just doesn't help, there is still no any "/dev/*cec*" device pi@TEST:~$ It doesn't use any of CEC on 6.6.8 Bleeding Edge Linux kernel (I've tested it before on stable 6.1 kernel, but it didn't work as well, I've activated some modules concerning CEC in kernel config and built using the latest possible kernel, thinking it will change something). Just doesn't work. AOCEC module is compiled and launched though, but it doesn't use it at all since there is no "/dev/*cec*" device. All the parts in "/boot/boot.cmd" concerning CEC: ... setenv sdrmode "auto" setenv voutmode "hdmi" setenv disablehpd "false" setenv cec "false" ... if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum} ${prefix}zImage; then ... setenv bootargs "...${cec_enable} sdrmode=${sdrmode}" ... Somehow, it misses the part where we should set "cec_enable" variable. What if I restore it and set to true? But I don't really think it will change something, as "/dev/aocec" existed on Debian even when CEC was disabled. That didn't work, as well as adding "hdmitx=cec3f" to extraargs in "/boot/armbianEnv.txt". There is just no CEC device in "/dev/", I don't know which type of problem is that - module, overlay, kernel?? Yes, I've used v4l, and it also fails because it doesn't find any "/dev/*cec*". Anyway, I hope this problem can be resolved and thanks to everyone for attention, have a happy new 2024 year!
  7. Hello, I've started a project where I'd like to setup a Bananapi M5 with two wifi adapters to use in hotel room for example. So one wifi adapter will connect to the hotel wifi, and the other will be in access point mode with dhcp for my devices to connect to. I think the proper terminology is AP-STA. So I have purchased one Comfast CF-953AX which uses the mt7921au chipset (0e8d:7961) to test in access point mode as it supports this: Supported interface modes: * managed * AP * AP/VLAN * monitor * P2P-client * P2P-GO The issue I have come across is the hostapd fails to start: nl80211: Failed to start radar detection: -22 (Invalid argument) I think I've tracked it down to the wifi region not being set: sudo iw reg get global country 00: DFS-UNSET (2402 - 2472 @ 40), (6, 20), (N/A) (2457 - 2482 @ 20), (6, 20), (N/A), AUTO-BW, PASSIVE-SCAN (2474 - 2494 @ 20), (6, 20), (N/A), NO-OFDM, PASSIVE-SCAN (5170 - 5250 @ 80), (6, 20), (N/A), AUTO-BW, PASSIVE-SCAN (5250 - 5330 @ 80), (6, 20), (0 ms), DFS, AUTO-BW, PASSIVE-SCAN (5490 - 5730 @ 160), (6, 20), (0 ms), DFS, PASSIVE-SCAN (5735 - 5835 @ 80), (6, 20), (N/A), PASSIVE-SCAN (57240 - 63720 @ 2160), (N/A, 0), (N/A) sudo iw reg reload command failed: No data available (-61) ..and you cannot set it, I think this post may explain it better than me: https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?t=44942 Is there a way to set the wifi region? Thanks
  8. @Igor I tested the XFCE, CLI and Minimal Bullseye images from https://armbian.com/bananapi-m5 (2022-11-30). I tried to build myself one from master (current and edge - bullseye/desktop/xfce), same outcome: it shows the Splashscreen and then stops here: I don't have a USB-to-TTL adapter, so I can't provide more debug informations. The only images that still boot (reliably!) from the SD card are the ones archived here https://imola.armbian.com/archive/bananapim5/archive/ that still used the Kernel 5.19.16. The switch to 6.0.x occurred two weeks ago: https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/ce61bd7827d42c63bc1f763dad5c7e4717e1f75b I tried to checkout the previous commit (20d388b) and to build an image from it, but it failed: So I can't confirm, but I'm under the impression that all the images since the switch to Kernel 6.0.x don't boot anymore from the SD card.
  9. Greetings all; I have a pile of bananapi-m5's, all used behind a home.arpa local network. I am the only one here, and no one but me will ever have access to these machines. So I need full access from any other machine on my local network. I updated one that I am slowly configuring to drive a bigger enter5+ 3d printer. New mobo in the rinter so I am starting from square one. Using klipper and mainsail as web interfaces to klipper. Now it goes to a no screen condition at about the time it used to bring up the login requester, but I can still access it via ssh -X me & my pw., but don't have full access cuz x or whatever is not running. I need it to be running a full desktop, which it was prior to the upgrade a day or so back but after I login from its own keyboard. The ssh -X login I have now has not even run udev, so klipper can't find the printer which is identified as its /dev/serial/by_id, but there is not a /dev/serial now. So, how do I make an uptodate Jammy install, think I've logged in to a fully working desktop? rpi4b's do it. Thanks all, Take care & stay well
  10. Logs: https://paste.armbian.com/kasujazuwo Hi, I've been looking to run the desktop version of Armbian on the M5 however it will not start (blank screen, no signal). I can see the Debian Icon at startup, and the Armbian Icon at shutdown. startx does not bring it up, however sudo startx will but I'm not sure if this is the best way. I have tested: Armbian_22.11.3_Bananapim5_bullseye_current_6.1.4_gnome_desktop.img Armbian_22.11.3_Bananapim5_bullseye_current_6.1.4_cinnamon_desktop.img and both are the same. Any ideas are appreciated! Thanks.
  11. Hello, I have tried Bullseye CLI image 30nov from https://www.armbian.com/bananapi-m5/ flashed with etcher to ensure integrity on sdcard sandisk A1 64G It appears that it loops in /scripts/local-block giving up to mount armbian root even with correct UUID why does it loop like this?
  12. new release date 8/21, boot goes thru first boot stuff ok, but when it starts the gui, hdmi dies and monitor shuts off, no ssh access either.Tried to dl xfce version, won't. Advise gheskett@shentel.net Earleir image worked fine until update this morning, is now stuck in uboot loop forever. Thanks
  13. Hi! I try to use GPIO on BananaPi M5 board. But interface doesn't work. Armbian 23.05.1 Jammy with Linux 6.1.30-meson64. /boot/armbianEnv.txt: verbosity=1 console=both overlay_prefix=meson fdtfile=amlogic/meson-sm1-bananapi-m5.dtb rootdev=UUID=d099eb25-cf52-43fb-b826-535b9109637f rootfstype=ext4 overlays=w1-gpio usbstoragequirks=0x2537:0x1066:u,0x2537:0x1068:u m5@bananapim5:~$ dmesg | grep w1 [ 7.568386] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed [ 7.607814] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed [ 7.620109] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed [ 7.662444] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed [ 7.671512] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed [ 7.677156] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed [ 7.689428] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed [ 7.693341] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed [ 7.711606] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed [ 7.714019] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed [ 7.784669] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed [ 7.836363] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed [ 7.877654] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed [ 7.915447] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed [ 7.975862] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed [ 7.983126] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed [ 18.143361] w1-gpio onewire@0: gpio_request (pin) failed Have any ideas?
  14. Hello All, I spent mainly a week figuring out why it was a nightmare with cinnamon on debian I thought it was a matter of cinnamon version and/or mesa version of panfrost but it was a modeline detection problem from xorg. After trying my luck I finally discover where the bad duck resided on debian versions : - bullseye who was lagging , managing to use mali accel but overflowded with log errors - bookworm was loosing HDMI signal just after login in.. I will only talk about bookworm In fact, cinnamon internal xrandr, tool who detect the screen modelines, fails to access and to grab screen EDID modelines like xrandr did. it results it acts like it was in headless mode. Taking this into account I reinstalled the xorg-dummy-video pacakge and my /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/01-armbian_defaults.conf l provided in then it succeed to login in low res. 720x480 declared in /boot/armbianEnv.txt. Fromcinnamon it is impossible to change the resolution display, the display tool did not react in cinnamon-settings, it crashes. I have to use the alternate arandr. to change the screen resolution on each reboot
  15. Banani Pi M5, Armbian_23.02.2_Bananapim5_bullseye_current_6.1.11_xfce_desktop into SD card, USB drive connected and auto mounted in fstab. Boot loop looking for system into USB. I have to disconnect USB then it boots up from SD. Any help?
  16. Support file: https://paste.armbian.com/enivosames I have connected an LCD touch display via HDMI and USB to the M5. The display shows messages during booting or shutdown but then "freezes" leaving the last few lines of the boot process displayed but does not show the console or anything else. What am I missing?
  17. I've installed the latest Armbian Bookworm Cinnamon desktop image to the EMMC of the Banana Pi M5, but it does not display anything on the HDMI output after startup. Here's what happens when I start the system: - Starts loading the kernel (I can see the startup messages) - Shows the "Armbian" loading screen (with the spinning icon) - Switches back to the startup messages for a bit - Shows a black screen with a single "_" in the top left corner - After a few seconds my screen says that there is "No Signal" The Banana Pi still seems to be running, I can see the lights. Any idea what happens and how to fix it? FYI, this is how I installed it: - Flashed SD card with latest minimal armbian image - Boot from SD card - Mount USB with latest Armbian Bookworm Cinnamon desktop image on it - Install bpi-tools and copy new image to EMMC - Shutdown, remove SD card, and restart
  18. Hello, BPi M5 freezes after a couple of hours running randomly. - use armbian Armbian 23.02 Bullseye ( 6.1.11) - same effects with Armbian Bookworm CLI kernels 6.1.x 6.2.x Now tried Sinovip Ubuntu (kernel 4.9.x ) aud it is running for days ! form their Homepage armbian from Sinovip page link also freezes... Why Armbian ( or Kernel 6.x ?) freezing . also found that USB power (for my data-USB-HDD) will be switched OFF during boot mostly . tried uhiubctl with permanant switch ON .. -> starts better - can ust USB-HDD in fstab ... but System freezes (include: USB no longer with power ) Is there any script to be change during boot or depends it to kernel ? hidden powersave options ? I want use it for a 24/7 running System (nextcloud) - any ideas ? g.l Fred
  19. Hi! Recently I've tried Armbian 22.11 Jammy for my banana Pi M5. Initial setup without any error message. When I do the speaker-test but no sound output. Can I know how to add the sound card driver into the OS? Thanks
  20. I had another distro and power button nicely shut down the system and it doesn't with armbian. I have read some things about it but I'm not even sure if they apply to this board or they are updated, about acpi events, logind and AR100, and I've read the official schematics of the board. It seems the button is connected to ADC pins. I installed acpid but acpi_listen reports nothing. But evtest does! root@bananapim5:~# evtest /dev/input/by-path/platform-adc_keys-event Input driver version is 1.0.1 Input device ID: bus 0x19 vendor 0x1 product 0x1 version 0x100 Input device name: "adc_keys" Supported events: Event type 0 (EV_SYN) Event type 1 (EV_KEY) Event code 259 (BTN_3) Properties: Testing ... (interrupt to exit) Event: time 1687334663.436476, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 259 (BTN_3), value 1 Event: time 1687334663.436476, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------ Event: time 1687334663.948482, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 259 (BTN_3), value 0 Event: time 1687334663.948482, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------ Is there a way to tell the system that this is event is an acpi event or a driver would be needed? I don't think I can make a real driver but I think I could get read the event from /dev/input/by-path/platform-adc_keys-event with python or something. If I can't I could always wrap evtest and make it do the reading. Thanks!
  21. When I try to do "apt upgrade" on a brand new SD Card that has been just flashed I get a "kernel panic". This is the whole error: https://paste.debian.net/1283664 And this is the armbianmonitor -U log: https://paste.debian.net/1283662/ The board runs fine with debian with 4.9.x kernel supplied by manufacturer. Armbian is the second image I try because I need a newer kernel. I'll try to find one that is less new. Thank you for your support! EDIT: I tried again without wifi and it worked flawlessly. I can't make it crash with a wired connection. I used the same wifi plug with Debian and I never had an error but maybe there's a bug in the driver in this image or something... Oh! it's there in the kernel panic. [ 555.599414] Call trace: [ 555.601829] ODM_RA_TxRPT2Handle_8188E+0x110/0x390 [r8188eu] [ 555.607435] rtl8188eu_recv_tasklet+0x364/0x3a0 [r8188eu] [ 555.612782] tasklet_action_common.constprop.0+0x13c/0x150 It's indeed something with the wifi plug. It's a TP-LINK WN725N
  22. Could someone with a BPI-M5 confirm whether it has crypto extensions? Could you run `cryptsetup benchmark` or `openssl speed aes-128-cbc`? Thanks!
  23. u-boot from Armbian_23.02.0-trunk_Bananapim5_sid_edge_6.2.0-rc3_minimal.img hangs if I try to boot with my USB hard disk connected. I replaced it with u-boot from Armbian_22.08.7_Bananapim5_bullseye_edge_5.19.16.img and that one works fine. U-Boot 2022.10-armbian (Feb 12 2023 - 17:20:43 +0000)bpi-m5 Model: Banana Pi BPI-M5 SoC: Amlogic Meson SM1 (S905X3) Revision 2b:c (10:2) DRAM: 3.8 GiB Core: 384 devices, 27 uclasses, devicetree: separate MMC: sd@ffe05000: 0, mmc@ffe07000: 1 Loading Environment from nowhere... OK In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: eth0: ethernet@ff3f0000 Autoboot in 2 seconds starting USB... Bus usb@ff500000: Register 3000140 NbrPorts 3 Starting the controller USB XHCI 1.10 scanning bus usb@ff500000 for devices... error in inquiry If I unplug the USB hard disk then also the newer u-boot works fine: scanning bus usb@ff500000 for devices... 4 USB Device(s) found scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
  24. Hi, Banana Pi M5 here. Really thanks so much by your generous work with Armbian software. I did a try with: Armbian 23.02.2 Jammy XFCE Armbian 23.02.2 Bullseye XFCE Armbian 22.11.3 Jammy XFCE Armbian 22.08.7 Jammy XFCE But only 22.08.7 loads desktop. The others versions does not load desktop after Armbian logo load screen, but I can login through SSH. I'm not proficiency with computers, I used Linux from many years ago but as an entry user, it's only a hobby, so excuse me if this problem is solved, but I don't find a solution in forum neither the Internet and I'm with these problems for months. Does anyone know how to solve the issue with screens? Other details: Power sources used with BPI-M5: - AC/DC Adaptor Model DSM-0530 (5V 3A) supplied with BPI-M5. - Original raspberry foundation AC adapter Model KSA-15E-051300HE (5.1V 3.0A) supplied with RPI-4B. SD cards: - SanDisk Ultra 64GB (never issues with RPI-4B neither Windows) - Kingston Canvas Select Plus 32GB (never issues with RPI-4B neither Windows) I'm trying Linux flavors because I like Ubuntu a lot for different applications, and I would like to use Kodi too. In Armbian 22.08.7 I thought that Kodi did not have GPU acceleration because options menus were really slow at 1080, but then I saw in the changelog that I was wrong trying v22.08.1 because Armbian included BPI-M5 support on Armbian 22.11.1, so I would like to give it a try. Thanks so much
  25. Hi! Using the vanilla ARMBIAN image 23.02.2_Bananapim5_bullseye_current_6.1.11_minimal Enabling the provided uartA and uartC dtbos fails. Here is the output from the boot process, as captured via the Serial Debug interface: 238 bytes read in 3 ms (77.1 KiB/s) Applying kernel provided DT overlay meson-uartA.dtbo failed on fdt_overlay_apply(): FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND 238 bytes read in 3 ms (77.1 KiB/s) Applying kernel provided DT overlay meson-uartC.dtbo failed on fdt_overlay_apply(): FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC It seems that this image provides invalid dtbos, likely not properly built alongside the same kernel image. I'm happy to help debug this as I have a system at the ready.
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