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Hi there!

I recently installed Armbian (Stretch: Armbian_5.83_Nanopifire3_Debian_stretch_next_4.14.115) on my new NanoPi Fire3.

I was able to boot, but it responds so slow, that it is unusable!

For example, when I SSH into it, it takes a log time to show me the login prompt. 

When I enter the username and press enter, it takes about 5 seconds to ask me for password.

When I enter password, it takes about 10 seconds to show me the Armbian banner.

I wasn't even able to go past the changing of unix password on first login, because it just "froze".

I have installed the image twice on my SD card, just to make sure it isn't a corrupted install.


I'm using a good PSU, and a good quality Samsung EVO 32GB sd card.

I have tried installing DietPi, and FriendlyElec's 64 bit xenial image, without problems!

This behavior happens only with Armbian. I want to use Armbian because I understood that it supports Docker on the Fire3 (is this true?)

I haven't tried the Ubuntu version of Armbian, since it has Desktop, and I'm looking for a headless OS.


BTW, is the Armbian Stretch image for the NanoPi 64 bit?



Thank you guys for the excellent work!

14 minutes ago, meetyg said:

I was able to boot, but it responds so slow, that it is unusable!

Try some older kernel versions (armbian-config -> system -> alternative kernels) or older images https://dl.armbian.com/nanopifire3/archive/ if that solves the problem. We are using different kernel and u-boot than FriendlyARM image or FriendlyARM image + bloatware (Dietpi). 


It is really strange what is happening to you. Never heart or seen such on this board ... it could only be slow this way if SD card is a broken one. I will check last version on my board later on ...


Yes, Docker works OOB.

19 minutes ago, meetyg said:

is the Armbian Stretch image for the NanoPi 64 bit?

Of course.


Runs like a Porsche :) http://ix.io/1JNh


Can you provide logs: armbianmonitor -u and a picture of PCB ... check if memory chip numbers perhaps begins with SEC710 K4B4G16 So far this problem was related to boards that have more than 1GB (NanoPC+)


Thanks for your reply.

I will try an older version, and check the memory chip numbers.

The SD card is the same one I used for Dietpi, so I don't think its the problem. I installed Dietpi before Armbian, then tried Armbian (because lack of Docker support in Dietpi/FriendlyElec kernel).

Then when I saw that Armbian was stuck/slow, I reinstalled Dietpi just to check. All this wad done on the same Sd card, and currently Dietpi is running fine on it.


I'm not sure I will be able to run Armbianmonitor on the Nanopi with latest version. Its simply to slow to do anything (as if it were underclocked to 1 hz or something). Every keystroke in SSH takes a few seconds to show up.


I'll update after flashing...


OK, so here are my findings:

I was able to use a previous version of Armbian. Then I went back to the newer version and it worked!

But, there is a difference: 

Last time, I did all the connection to NanoPi using a Windows laptop, directly connected to the NanoPi. This tine I was using an older Linux netbook, also directly connected to the NanoPi (ethernet cable).

I am suspecting this has has to do with the ethernet speed, as my older Netbook has a slower 100mbps NIC, and my laptop has a 1000mbps NIC.

I then connected it again to my newer laptop and the sluggish response was back. So I played a bit with the NIC speed, and as I lowered it, the responsiveness was better, but still not perfect.

Lastly, I connected it to my 1000mbps switch, and while it is usuable, it is sluggish to respond: For example, when running ´htop´ on an idle system, the uptime sometime freezes, jumping 2-5 seconds.


As I mentioned before, all this behaviour didn't happen with other images I tried. I suspect that maybe there is a wrong configuration of NIC on Armbian (at least on last version, I haven't had the time to go back again to earlier version and test it again connected to the switch). Maybe it has to do with tx offloading like I read some other board have problems with?


Armbian monitor logs are here:



BTW: The memory chips are NOT from the problematic numbers. 


Thanks for your help!

2 hours ago, meetyg said:

I suspect that maybe there is a wrong configuration of NIC on Armbian

Unlikely, but possible that some values in the NIC driver are not fine tuned due to hw quality issues (not an Armbian problem) - similar did happened on some boards. There is nothing in the logs,  I am not able to reproduce and there are no other reports ...  there is little to go on with. Something with your network? It could be just bad cabling? Change them.


19 hours ago, meetyg said:

because lack of Docker support in Dietpi/FriendlyElec kernel

But you are fine with overall low quality kernel which is hard to rebuild and (will not/never did) receive no security nor functional update? And you are fine that Dietpi, which adds no value to hardware functionality, is spying on you OOB? And with series of security holes that are made in the conversion to something?

People are running Kubernetes/Docker clusters with this board running Armbian. Fire3 is most appropriate (best bang/$) and no one ever reported network sluggishness.


OK, so maybe its a wierd combination of hardware/software incompatibilities.

I can live with slowness I get now, since its much faster than when I first started.

I will try to play with network setup to see if I can improve something. 


I really dont want to run FAs kernel just tried it to compare, to see if its a HW or OS problem.

Thats why I'm here asking for help.


Thanks for now! I will update here if I find a solution, for knowledge.

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