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1 - NEO-8M GPS Satellite Positioning Module for Arduino STM32 C51 $7.49 USD on Ebay.



NOTE it is using TTL output.  Validated USB GPS connection to work fine.


2 - Uxcell a14041500ux1216 MAX232CSE Transfer Chip RS232 to TTL Converter Module COM Serial Board for $7.37 USD (Amazon)


I connected PPS pin to Pin #1 on RS-232 interface.


Using Linux connected USB port and RS-232 port to laptop.


I see GPS chit chat fine on two serial intefaces.


Using this for a new PFSense box QOTOM Mini PC.


Transport ==>


USB power coming from QOTOM Mini PC and RS-232 coming from GPS/TTL converter.


NOTE: PFSense is BSD.


I see only one serial interface using command line 


/dev: cat cuaU0


$GNTXT,01,01,02,u-blox AG - www.u-blox.com*4E
$GNTXT,01,01,02,HW UBX-M8030 00080000*60
$GNTXT,01,01,02,ROM CORE 3.01 (107888)*2B
$GNTXT,01,01,02,FWVER=SPG 3.01*46


This is coming from the USB serial connection (and power).


I have the RS-232 9 Pin (from TTL to RS-232) plugged in to Quotom serial com port #1.


I do not see this port using command line where as I saw this in Linux.


If I power the GPS externally I see chatter from the RS-232 connection fine with Linux but not in BSD.


Any suggestions?


I am currently using a Sure GPS with a PPS modification on another PFSense box and it is working fine.





Well posting out loud here figured it out.


1 - bios serial port settings were off.  Here there are 4 serial ports out and none were enabled

2 - PFSense baud rate was incorrect


All is well now.  Apologies for the fuss.





Hmm... rather than say Pin #, use the signal line, e.g. Tx, Rx, CTS, RTS, DTR, DCD, etc...


Just a thought - for PPS, drop it on the DCD line for UART - GPSD can pick this up - this is a well known "hack" called the Macx-1 mod that was used with Ublox 6/7 with PL2303.

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