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Hi All,

I am looking for h3consumption utility to change ddr freq (I want to set ddr and processor as low as possible) Could someone help me ?

Best Regards,


  On 12/9/2019 at 7:05 AM, sirob said:

Hi All,

I am looking for h3consumption utility to change ddr freq (I want to set ddr and processor as low as possible) Could someone help me ?


wasnt that a utility this is only included in some (now very old) kernel 3.14 legacy images?

this utility doenst work in mainline - as I know...




# This tool patches fex/script.bin, adds commands to /etc/rc.local and

# adjusts /etc/defaults/cpufrequtils to control board consumption. Works

# only with H3 devices running legacy kernel.


see also the following thread:




Thank you for your answer Guidol, I wget the latest h3consumtion script (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/armbian/build/master/packages/bsp/h3consumption) thanks to tkaiser, but it does not fits to Nano Pi Neo.

I used armbian-config instead to successfully change processor consumption, but temperature is too high. Reduce the DDR clock is really what I need.

I modified script.bin thanks to you,. Thank for your help  I added "dram_clk=360" to uboot environment with armbian-config but it does not seems to decrease the temperature.

  On 12/9/2019 at 3:14 PM, sirob said:

but it does not fits to Nano Pi Neo.

I used armbian-config instead to successfully change processor consumption, but temperature is too high.


Does you Neo has a legacy (kernel 3.x) armbian?

The Neo has a H3 CPU, but why should a Neo be too hot? My Neo wasnt never too hot or do you run from battery and want to save energy?


Linux nanopineo 5.3.9-sunxi #19.11.3 SMP Mon Nov 18 18:49:43 CET 2019 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
CPU temp:      54°C CPU temp:      54°C 

Without heatsink it is normal, I think, but with previous configuration I never come over 50° so I try to reach this. 

What range of temperature do you have ? If I use a closed enclosure, temperature increases to 80° and I stop the board.

With h3consumption and a 3.4.113-sun8i I can keep under 50° reducing number of cpu and ddr freq, if I use a closed enclosure, so that's what I try to have.

  On 12/9/2019 at 3:23 PM, guidol said:

Does you Neo has a legacy (kernel 3.x) armbian?

The Neo has a H3 CPU, but why should a Neo be too hot? My Neo wasnt never too hot or do you run from battery and want to save energy?



Linux nanopineo 5.3.9-sunxi #19.11.3 SMP Mon Nov 18 18:49:43 CET 2019 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
CPU temp:      54°C CPU temp:      54°C 

Without heatsink it is normal, I think, but with previous configuration I never come over 50° so I try to reach this. 

What range of temperature do you have ? If I use a closed enclosure, temperature increases to 80° and I stop the board.

With h3consumption and a 3.4.113-sun8i I can keep under 50° reducing number of cpu and ddr freq If I use a closed enclosure, so that's what I try to have.

  On 12/9/2019 at 4:04 PM, sirob said:

Without heatsink it is normal, I think, but with previous configuration I never come over 50° so I try to reach this. 

What range of temperature do you have ? If I use a closed enclosure, temperature increases to 80° and I stop the board.

With h3consumption and a 3.4.113-sun8i I can keep under 50° reducing number of cpu and ddr freq If I use a closed enclosure, so that's what I try to have.


My Neo is only with the heatsink from FrienlyElec/FrienlyARM and the PCM5102A-Audio-Hat.

In the summer I had 53° and now in the winter only 43° running without enclosure - while running ondemand governor 480-1008Mhz

My Neo2 is running in the silver NAS-case (they sell) here in the winter also with 45°


My NanoPi A64 is running without enclosure and a little heatsink at 32° .

Also the OrangePi One does run cooler than 40° with plastic enclosure (but not a complete-closed one) 


which closed case do you use? the "new" black metal one?


I use my own enclosure (and I will not change) so I try to keep thermal settings back, if someone knows how to downscale DDR reduce CPU number and Freq on a NanoPi neo (like in the 3.4.113 kernel for example with h3consumption), it should be great ^^^^^

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