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Orange Pi RK3399 status LEDs


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I now have the habit to use the status LEDs on my Orange Pi Zero(s), and would like to do the same on my RK3399.
The files indicated in this thread don't exist for the version of Armbian I'm using (very recent build by @martinayotte).



      ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P.        OS: Debian 10 buster
    ,g$$P""       """Y$$.".      Kernel: aarch64 Linux 5.6.2-rockchip64
   ,$$P'              `$$$.      Uptime: 54m
  ',$$P       ,ggs.     `$$b:    Packages: 527
  `d$$'     ,$P"'   .    $$$     Shell: bash 5.0.3
   $$P      d$'     ,    $$P     CPU: Unkown @ 6x 1.512GHz [78.7°C]
   $$:      $$.   -    ,d$$'     GPU: rockchipdrmfb
   $$\;      Y$b._   _,d$P'      RAM: 155MiB / 1920MiB


Is there anything I can add to have some kind of hearbeat or mmc use with the LEDs? The heatsink is way too small, and I'm getting lots of brutal shutdown...

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If I interpret the schematics correctly, all LEDs are hardwired to power rails or SATA controller.
So there is no way to change the functionality via software.
The only way to get your desired functionality is to add an additional LED via GPIO pin and apply proper DT configuration.

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