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i tried to use wlan0.


I added an "ap6210" in /etc/modules.

I added in /etc/network/interfaces 


auto wlan0
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ap-scan 1
wpa-scan-ssid 1
wpa-ssid mywlanssid
wpa-psk andthepassword

During loading i see two lines about ap6210


INFO Loading Module 6210   (or similarly)

Fatal Module Ap6210 not found


I wonder, how can I add the needed files?


I am using this Image: http://www.igorpecovnik.com/2014/09/07/banana-pi-debian-sd-image/ 

Debian wheezy 4.1.2


In the discription is a hint, that everything should available.


Many thanks in advanced for an hint.

Im not very involved in linux. 





There is a different wireless driver in kernel 4.x+ (actually 3.16+)




but unfortunately it's a litle buggy at the moment. Looking and waiting for a solution.


As I understtod, that the 4.x is not good for WLAN.


Now I installed the 3.x Image. But unfortunately the same Problem.


I added the ap6210 in /etc/modules 

Then i changed the /etc/network/interfaces and enabled the auto wlan0 und so on.


During reboot i recognized the problem with the ap6210 and then - i received a lot of blocks with numbers. And the system was dead.


I must put my disk into another linux, changed the settings back. Now it was possible to boot the banana.


So what is wrong?


Thank in advanced.


Huh, I am a bit confused. Image with kernel 3.4 should work normally but it's possible that you need to use this module:




Its from Cubietruck which is practically identical.


I am sorry - I have not so much experience with linux adminstration.



  On 7/29/2015 at 6:59 PM, Igor said:

Huh, I am a bit confused. Image with kernel 3.4 should work normally but it's possible that you need to use this module:




Its from Cubietruck which is practically identical.


Did that mean I should add bcmdhd in the /etc/modules and then therefore also add the auto wlan0 in /etc/network/interfaces?


Yes, I'll simplify this procedure some day.


Wrote on mobile phone


Okay I tried it. I added bcmdhd to /etc/modules at the and of this file.

Unfortunately i receive an error.

Here some parts of the dmesg output.

[    7.336061] pm: parse wifi_used failed
[    7.358025] bcmdhd: got gpio2, mapped to irqno-22
[    7.365082] dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl: call customer specific GPIO to turn on WL_REG_ON
[    7.369999] [wifi_pm]: No select wifi, please check your config !!
[    7.489597] =========== WLAN placed in POWER ON ========
[    9.491839] 
[    9.491846] failed to power up wifi chip, retry again (4 left) **
[    9.491852] 
[    9.498944] dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl: call customer specific GPIO to turn off WL_REG_ON
[    9.503874] [wifi_pm]: No select wifi, please check your config !!
[    9.507997] =========== WLAN placed in POWER OFF ========
[    9.514979] dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl: call customer specific GPIO to turn on WL_REG_ON
[    9.519904] [wifi_pm]: No select wifi, please check your config !!
[    9.633960] =========== WLAN placed in POWER ON ========
[   11.638495] 
[   11.638502] failed to power up wifi chip, retry again (3 left) **
[   11.638508] 
[   11.645598] dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl: call customer specific GPIO to turn off WL_REG_ON
[   11.650508] [wifi_pm]: No select wifi, please check your config !!
[   11.654626] =========== WLAN placed in POWER OFF ========
[   11.661617] dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl: call customer specific GPIO to turn on WL_REG_ON
[   11.666520] [wifi_pm]: No select wifi, please check your config !!
[   11.780500] =========== WLAN placed in POWER ON ========
[   13.785147] 
[   13.785154] failed to power up wifi chip, retry again (2 left) **
[   13.785160] 
[   13.792245] dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl: call customer specific GPIO to turn off WL_REG_ON
[   13.797160] [wifi_pm]: No select wifi, please check your config !!
[   13.801338] =========== WLAN placed in POWER OFF ========
[   13.808333] dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl: call customer specific GPIO to turn on WL_REG_ON
[   13.813244] [wifi_pm]: No select wifi, please check your config !!
[   13.927228] =========== WLAN placed in POWER ON ========
[   15.931815] 
[   15.931822] failed to power up wifi chip, retry again (1 left) **
[   15.931828] 
[   15.938927] dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl: call customer specific GPIO to turn off WL_REG_ON
[   15.943849] [wifi_pm]: No select wifi, please check your config !!
[   15.947965] =========== WLAN placed in POWER OFF ========
[   15.953461] 
[   15.953465] failed to power up wifi chip, max retry reached, exits **
[   15.953473] 

I wonder what means: No select wifi, please check your config !!


Which config is it?


Than let's check which modules do you load. What's inside your /etc/modules or better what's loaded:




It should be:

cpufreq_userspace       3524  0 
bcmdhd                539724  0 
sunxi_ir                4037  0 
bnep                   14462  2 
hidp                   17640  0 
rfcomm                 58686  0 
bt_gpio                 2741  0 
wifi_gpio               6375  2 bcmdhd,bt_gpio
hci_uart               25000  0 
bluetooth             264185  12 bnep,hidp,hci_uart,rfcomm

and which script.bin are you using. Where is /boot/script.bin pointing to?



# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
cpufreq_userspace       3524  0
bnep                   14462  2
a20_tp                  3365  0
8021q                  18593  0
garp                    6072  1 8021q
stp                     2032  1 garp
llc                     5365  2 stp,garp
sunxi_ir                4037  0
hidp                   17640  0
rfcomm                 58686  0
hci_uart               25000  0
bluetooth             264185  12 bnep,hidp,hci_uart,rfcomm
hid_roccat_koneplus     6978  0
hid_roccat_common       1364  1 hid_roccat_koneplus
hid_roccat              4768  1 hid_roccat_koneplus
spidev                  6366  0

srcipt.bin is pointing to 

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      22 Jul 12 08:02 script.bin -> /boot/bin/bananapi.bin

OK. than you need to load some extra modules - in this order:

rfcomm hidp

You can skip some but first try this order.

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