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I'm using the debian jessie v2.9 image, I've mistakenly used an 8GB SD card and setup my system now, I would like to move this to a larger SD card, I can DD the image to a new card, is there boot scripts that I can force to re-run to resize the partions?





You can do it this way:


First do a copy to larger image, than execute those commands manually to expand to whole space:

fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
d ENTER # delete
1 ENTER # partition 1 which is the only one
n ENTER # create new
p ENTER # primary
ENTER # default number is 1
ENTER # default start
ENTER # default end
w ENTER # write to disk


# when system gets back

resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p1

Got to love how any question I have is already answered – and most concisely so. 


Running a very happy Cubox homeserver now (LEMP, ProFTPd, Samba, Owncloud, Rsync). Thank you for maintaining Armbian while entertaining user questions at the same time – I made a small donation today.

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