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I would like to enable the wifi/bt chip on Tanix TX5 MAX


I am running armbian 20.10 with 5.90 kernel with the meson-g12a-tanix-tx5max.dtb

The system does see the wifi chip, but it is not working / not listed in ifconfig as wlan0

dmesg output:


[    9.558455] RTW: module init start
[    9.558462] RTW: rtl88x2bs v5.2.21.3_28325.20180614_COEX20180430-5e5e
[    9.558464] RTW: build time: Oct 14 2020 11:49:19
[    9.558466] RTW: rtl88x2bs BT-Coex version = COEX20180430-5e5e
[    9.558505] RTW: rtw_inetaddr_notifier_register
[    9.558718] RTW: == SDIO Card Info ==
[    9.558723] RTW:   clock: 50000000 Hz
[    9.558725] RTW:   timing spec: sd high-speed
[    9.558728] RTW:   sd3_bus_mode: FALSE
[    9.558730] RTW: ================
[    9.558732] RTW: CHIP TYPE: RTL8822B
[    9.558796] RTW: [HALMAC]11692M
[    9.558798] RTW: [HALMAC]HALMAC_MAJOR_VER = 1
[    9.558802] RTW: [HALMAC]HALMAC_MINOR_VER = 3
[    9.558804] RTW: [HALMAC]HALMAC_PATCH_VER = 8
[    9.558966] RTW: [HALMAC]12079M
[    9.558969] RTW: [HALMAC]HALMAC_MAJOR_VER_88XX = 1
[    9.558971] RTW: [HALMAC]HALMAC_PROTOTYPE_88XX = 4
[    9.558972] RTW: [HALMAC]HALMAC_MINOR_VER_88XX = 3
[    9.558975] RTW: [HALMAC]HALMAC_PATCH_VER_88XX = 8
[    9.559261] RTW: rtw_hal_config_rftype RF_Type is 2 TotalTxPath is 2
[    9.559267] RTW: Chip Version Info: CHIP_8822B_Normal_Chip_UMC_D_CUT_2T2R_RomVer(3)
[    9.560221] RTW: WARN [HALMAC][WARN]halmac_mac_power_switch power state unchange!
[    9.567872] RTW: WARN rtw_halmac_poweron: Power state abnormal, try to recover...OK
[    9.568069] RTW: SetHwReg: bMacPwrCtrlOn=1
[    9.636026] RTW: is_valid_id_status: HALMAC_FEATURE_DUMP_LOGICAL_EFUSE
[    9.636076] RTW: HW EFUSE
[    9.636082] RTW: 0x000: 29 81 00 3C  09 10 28 00  AA 04 AD 75  10 0E 30 0B
[    9.636104] RTW: 0x010: 27 27 27 27  27 27 27 27  27 27 27 02  00 00 FF FF
[    9.636967] RTW: EEPROM ID = 0x8129
[    9.636970] RTW: EEPROM Version = 0
[    9.637007] RTW: EEPROM Regulatory=0x01
[    9.637011] RTW: EEPROM Board Type=0x01
[    9.637014] RTW: EEPROM Enable BT-coex, ant_num=1
[    9.637019] RTW: hal_com_config_channel_plan chplan:0x7F
[    9.637022] RTW: EEPROM crystal_cap=0x1e
[    9.637024] RTW: EEPROM ThermalMeter=0x1c
[    9.637026] RTW: EEPROM Customer ID=0x00
[    9.637029] RTW: EEPROM SupportRemoteWakeup=0
[    9.637033] RTW: EEPROM PAType_2G is 0x0, ExternalPA_2G = 0
[    9.637036] RTW: EEPROM PAType_5G is 0x0, external_pa_5g = 0
[    9.637038] RTW: EEPROM LNAType_2G is 0x0, ExternalLNA_2G = 0
[    9.637041] RTW: EEPROM LNAType_5G is 0x0, external_lna_5g = 0
[    9.637043] RTW: EEPROM TypeGPA = 0x0
[    9.637045] RTW: EEPROM TypeAPA = 0x0
[    9.637048] RTW: EEPROM TypeGLNA = 0x0
[    9.637050] RTW: EEPROM TypeALNA = 0x0
[    9.637053] RTW: EEPROM rfe_type=0x3
[    9.637129] RTW: is_valid_id_status: HALMAC_FEATURE_DUMP_PHYSICAL_EFUSE
[    9.637137] RTW: EEPROM efuse[0x3D7]=0xf2
[    9.637140] RTW: EEPROM efuse[0x3D8]=0xf0
[    9.637667] RTW: rtl8822b_fw_dl fw source from array
[    9.712631] RTW: ERROR [HALMAC][ERR]Polling Bcn_Valid_Fail error!!
[    9.712709] RTW: ERROR [HALMAC][ERR]halmac_send_fwpkt_88xx fail!!
[    9.713077] RTW: ERROR download_fw: download firmware FAIL! status=0x46
[    9.713139] RTW: _debug_dlfw_fail: 0x80 = 0x0060
[    9.713204] RTW: _debug_dlfw_fail: 0x10F8 = 0x00000000
[    9.713272] RTW: _debug_dlfw_fail: 0x10FC = 0xfafafafa (0/5)
[    9.713335] RTW: _debug_dlfw_fail: 0x10FC = 0xfafafafa (1/5)
[    9.713398] RTW: _debug_dlfw_fail: 0x10FC = 0xfafafafa (2/5)
[    9.713462] RTW: _debug_dlfw_fail: 0x10FC = 0xfafafafa (3/5)
[    9.713524] RTW: _debug_dlfw_fail: 0x10FC = 0x80000275 (4/5)
[    9.713603] RTW: _debug_dlfw_fail: 0x3A = 0x28
[    9.713679] RTW: _debug_dlfw_fail: 0xF6 = 0x01
[    9.713741] RTW: _debug_dlfw_fail: 0xC0 = 0x800003f2 (0/5)
[    9.713803] RTW: _debug_dlfw_fail: 0xC0 = 0x8000008c (1/5)
[    9.713865] RTW: _debug_dlfw_fail: 0xC0 = 0x800003f2 (2/5)
[    9.713926] RTW: _debug_dlfw_fail: 0xC0 = 0x80000080 (3/5)
[    9.713986] RTW: _debug_dlfw_fail: 0xC0 = 0x80000080 (4/5)
[    9.717535] RTW: 0x0000      0x9e 0x82 0x03 0xdc 0x92 0x00 0x03 0x20 0x23 0x7c 0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00


I have firmware blobs extracted from the stock android. I tried to put them to different locations, like /lib/firmware/ , /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/ and so on but that didn't help
Does anyone running the chip with success? Any thoughts on what I am missing?
Thanks in advance


maybe the reason is some compiler only see /hal/rtl8822b/hal8822b_fw.h but didn't see hal/rtl8822b/hal8822b_fw.c

so , the code like this in hal8822b_fw.h will become empty, that's why firmware load failed

extern u8 array_mp_8822b_fw_ap[106848];
extern u32 array_length_mp_8822b_fw_ap;
extern u8 array_mp_8822b_fw_nic[161240];
extern u32 array_length_mp_8822b_fw_nic;
extern u8 array_mp_8822b_fw_wowlan[103328];
extern u32 array_length_mp_8822b_fw_wowlan;


to slove this ,  just copy hex fiirmware part from hal8822b_fw.c to  hal8822b_fw.h, detail in this commit.



I have the same tv box and I tried this solution but it did not work.  The module compiles but when I load it I get the same error.  I looked into the code and it seems like the FW is accessible but not loading in memory.


Any other solutions I can try?



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