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[SOLVED] Access Point in Orange Pi Zero v1.5 NOT WORKING

Go to solution Solved by Werner,

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Hi everyone, 


I am trying to set up the Access Point on my Orange Pi Zero running Armbian_20.08.1_Orangepizero_focal_current_5.8.5. I am using the onboard wifi module.


I have tried the next approaches:


1) I have tried https://orangepiweb.es/wifi-access-point.php and I can see my board as access point, but I can't connect. (I am receiving AP-STA-DISCONNECTED after handshake complete)


2) I have tried configuring it by sudo armbian-config but dnsmasq fails to start, so I can see my board as access point, but I can't connect. (I am receiving AP-STA-DISCONNECTED after handshake complete)


3) I have tried https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/access-point-routed.md, along with https://askubuntu.com/a/1170073 for achieving dnsmasq to start. I can't see my board as access point either.


I don't know what else to do get it working.


Any idea?



Please provide armbianmonitor -u

30 minutes ago, Werner said:

Just verified on my OPi Zero v1.1 that everything works as expected. WLAN is visible and I could connect to it.

RaspAP was originally designed for Raspbian which I think is based on Buster now.

Maybe retry with a clean start on Buster instead of Focal:https://redirect.armbian.com/orangepizero/Buster_current

Ok, using sudo armbian-config with https://redirect.armbian.com/orangepizero/Buster_current is working.


Kind Regards,



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