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  1. Werner's post in Why use Armbian when Ubuntu works on ARM? was marked as the answer   
  2. Werner's post in Minimal image gone was marked as the answer   
    Build your own if you need it: https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/
  3. Werner's post in Static IP on Orange Pi 5 pro was marked as the answer   
  4. Werner's post in CVE-2024-6387: RegreSSHion vulnerability was marked as the answer   
    Existing installations can simply be apt update/upgraded since both Ubuntu and Debian released fixed versions for their supported userspaces.
    Armbians rootfs packages, which are used for building new images, have been recreated and pre-built images available for download are being rebuilt/replaced as well.
    tl;dr: mitigation is in the works/already done
  5. Werner's post in How to enable SecureBoot? was marked as the answer   
    There is no UEFI or Secureboot available on this board. However you may want to try this: https://github.com/edk2-porting/edk2-rk3588
    and then https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/How-to-Enable-Security
  6. Werner's post in Boot from NVME was marked as the answer   
    Make sure to 
    - write SPI during the mentioned armbian-install process
    - that /boot directory has been populated on the NVMe. If not mount and copy files from sd manually there.
  7. Werner's post in NanoPi Neo Last Official Build was marked as the answer   
  8. Werner's post in Error with default compilation options was marked as the answer   
    known issue
  9. Werner's post in Stuck on "Starting kernel..." was marked as the answer   
  10. Werner's post in File names for a newbie was marked as the answer   
    Not necessarily.  IIRC Gnome was selected because of its mature Wayland support. So the UX might differ on other constellations.
  11. Werner's post in Missing build? was marked as the answer   
    Maybe the mirror in question was syncing at the moment. If EU works fine other should as well after a bit of waiting.
  12. Werner's post in Apt.armbian.com Focal - does not work anymore? was marked as the answer   
    Ubuntu can, we cannot. Unfortunately.
    About userspace upgrades:
  13. Werner's post in Build Armbian in Distro box? was marked as the answer   
    Not support yet
    We also need some time to prepare and roll-over stuff to a new environment.
    Also check https://github.com/armbian/build/issues/6527
  14. Werner's post in firmware file rtl_bt/rtl8852bu_fw.bin not found was marked as the answer   
    Did you try installing armbian-firmware-full via apt?
  15. Werner's post in How to build a specific release? was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately this is not the case (yet). Tags are more or less just for archiving the state of the build framework at a certain point of time (usually at release). Due to its design we are not there yet to have working tags that could reproduce older images.
    It is our goal to have this working at some point but things are processing very slow.
    VERSION doesn't do anything and is pure cosmetics.
  16. Werner's post in Kernel 6.1 vs 5.10 was marked as the answer   
    Both 5.10 and 6.1 are vendor bsp and have nothing in common with collabora/mainline.
    Their hw support status should be more or less identical.
    mainline is 6.8 or 6.9-rc
  17. Werner's post in Allwinner H616: Flash eMMC via USB was marked as the answer   
    armbian-install is meant to be used inside the running Armbian system from microSD card. It copies itself to NVMe or eMMC or whatever options are available and can be utilized. This tool does not work "offline".
    Anyway. I never did something like that by myself but maybe you find some hints when you google for keywords like "h616 fel sunxi-fel emmc".
    fel mode seems something like Rockchips maskrom to utilized the rkdevtool. Maybe Allwinner has something similar
  18. Werner's post in OPi 5 + Images / Server images missing from download page was marked as the answer   
    Maybe they are still being assembled. Release is planned.
    Check for server images here and then do apt update/upgrade once its released: https://fi.mirror.armbian.de/archive/orangepi5-plus/archive/
  19. Werner's post in How to enable extra kernel modules when compiling from source? was marked as the answer   
    =y means the driver/functionality is directly compiled into the kernel
    =m means it will be built and made available as kernel module
  20. Werner's post in ZFS module not built on Jammy/Bookworm legacy/edge. Solutions or alternatives ? was marked as the answer   
    https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/Developer Resources/Building ZFS.html
    [ 424.596656] zfs: module license taints kernel. [ 425.491531] ZFS: Loaded module v2.2.99-311_gd9cb42da9, ZFS pool version 5000, ZFS filesystem version 5  
    tested on OPi5 with kernel 6.7.1
    Getting it working on legacy 5.10.y rk Android-hackedtogether kernel is a bot tougher.
    Spoiler: patching method does not work anymore, at least not for me . Tested with 5.10.160...
  21. Werner's post in Linux headers. Unable to locate package was marked as the answer   
    You need the kernel headers matching your kernel version. Older headers will not work.
    However we  had (have?) some issues with the repository so you may need to switch to a different kernel version which also has the matching headers in the repo.
  22. Werner's post in flash spi issue on opi5 was marked as the answer   
    Providing logs with 
    armbianmonitor -u  helps with troubleshooting and significantly raises chances that issue gets addressed.
  23. Werner's post in Clone from one SD-Card (32GB) to another (128GB) was marked as the answer   
    Provide boot logs to get an idea what happens inside.
  24. Werner's post in Why aren't the A76 cores running at 2.4 GHz??? was marked as the answer   
    Enable OC overlay via armbian-config
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