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EspressoBin Kernel 5.6 Not Found?


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According to the changelogs on https://docs.armbian.com/Release_Changelog/, the 20.08 version on September upgrade the EspressoBin to the Kernel 5.6 and the next version 20.08.3 it was updated to the 5.8 kernel. When I go to the archives for the Espressobin (https://archive.armbian.com/espressobin/archive/) I cannot find the 5.6 version. Is there any reasons for that or is a missing link?


Kind regards,

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1 hour ago, AveryMason said:

Is there any reasons for that or is a missing link?


This is a location that you need to follow: 

Archive only contains older releases.


We produce images this way:


5.6.y was probably not a part of images release or we did some mistake. In any case, its and older build ...

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