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I recently upgraded from an Odroid HC2 to and Odroid HC4.


I reinstalled the OS following the instructions on armbian.com, flashing onto a MicroSD.


After migrating the apps (mostly dockers), I found that restic (backup tool) was generating out of memory errors and bringing the system to a halt in a way the HC2 didn't. This surprised me as it's overall higher specced, and the configuration was otherwise identical.


After some troubleshooting, I realised there was no swap drive specified, and that creating a swap eliminated my out of memory errors.


I'm not sure if the source of the "problem" is the swapfile here, but it at least stopped the problem occurring.

7 hours ago, Gabriel White said:

configuration was otherwise identical.

You migrated from armhf to arm64. This means all binaries are changed. Also kernel is a bit more recent but I doubt there is a source of problem since we would have more similar out of memory reports. 


7 hours ago, Gabriel White said:

I'm not sure if the source of the "problem" is the swapfile here, but it at least stopped the problem occurring.

OMV changes / breaks some optimisations Armbian makes and add their own. Perhaps this was not done properly and you ended up without memory extension. We don't use swap in any case, but compressed memory to extend memory.

You can add additional swap file, to test, but it is probably some memory leak in the application layer, libraries. I would check that possibility first.

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