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cubietruck doesn't recognize usb keyboard while booting


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Hey guys,

my cubietruck doesn'T recognize my usb keyboard at all, while he is booting. It is a logitech mk300 wireless keyboard. with aruntu and other stuff it worked without a problem. The keyboard works, i am writing this text with it. When cubie boots, it checks the usb devices and sais unable to get device descriptor. Is this a known bug? I have no other keyboard, so cubie is useless for me... I have tried different images and versions, allways the same error...

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cubietruck starts, the whole checkup process runs, while he is checking the usb devices he sais cant get device descriptor (error=-1), then everything goes on. When the login is coming up, i cant do anything, no input is recognized.

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i just tried another keyboard (sadly its only a usb numpad, so i cant work with it) and it worked. Cubie said again, that he had no descriptor blabla, but when he asked for login data, i could input numbers. It seems, that it has just a problem with my wireless keyboard :(

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it worked for no reason, i unplugged it many times, restarted cubietruck and suddenly it worked. Now i have many other problems like no hdmi sound, impossible video play and so on, but thats another topic^^ this can be closed

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