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Posted (edited)

as i didn't found a perfect UI for my cubie and me and i always liked the look and feel of crunchbang, i developed a little script in the past to bring #! to my cubietruck.
It should also work on every other debian based image, but i mainly targeted igor's image since it seemed to be the best base to start from.
NOTICE: crunchbang has EOL-status, no updates coming from them!
I mainly use it even though, because its very fast and stable on my cubie.

This script could be injected into building process or can be run on a fresh 'install'. Just use the get_crunchy.sh script and relax or download the image from second post.
It's tested on debian jessie and wheezy, other releases may work too.
How-To (existing target, base image):

git clone https://github.com/Isotop7/crunchbang_UI.git && cd crunchbang_UI
chmod u+x get_crunchy.sh
sudo ./get_crunchy.sh
sudo restart

How-To (building igor's image):


Adjust the parameter AFTERINSTALL in igor's compile.sh to

AFTERINSTALL="wget -q https://github.com/Isotop7/crunchbang_UI/archive/master.zip&& unzip master.zip; cd crunchbang_UI-master; \
chmod u+x get_crunchy.sh;./get_crunchy.sh; cd .. && rm -rf crunchbang_UI-master"

**NOTICE:** If you use it while building you have to wait in first boot and have to login in console mode the first time in order to change the root password.


Please let me know if this has worked for you.


UPDATE: Testing for build integration is done. Also i would like to announce that i will presume my little work and head over to getting a script working to deploy bunsenlabs (the community driven successor of #!) to our devices. This will happen when bunsenlabs Hydrogen is out of beta-status, which is likely to happen really soon. I'll keep you updated.

Edited by Isotop7

Official download:



based on:


- mainline 3.4.108 / jessie

- crunchbangUI

- own config


Download HERE 2015/08/20

(file is located at my owncloud server, ftp or something else will be setup soon and if its needed)



Unzip and flash it to your uSD-Card and fire your machine up.
Wait on first boot for generating ssh keys.



>> "I'm unable to login"

On second boot change to another tty and login there first to change root password. Then reboot your device and it should work.

Donate to igor and thank him for his work!

- edited #!-openbox config (conky,openbox menu)

- script will deploy openbox config


- added package 'scrot'


Testing for build integration is ongoing. Also i would like to announce that i will presume my little work and head over to getting a script working to deploy bunsenlabs (the community driven successor of #!) to our devices. This will happen when bunsenlabs Hydrogen is out of beta-status, which is likely to happen really soon. I'll keep you updated.


Nice to hear this! I made two test installs yesterday, one on Wheezy and one on Trusty. I got some errors but in both cases I got the system up & running. I didn't investigate what exactly was a problem and what was missing.


Keep up.


Nice to hear this! I made two test installs yesterday, one on Wheezy and one on Trusty. I got some errors but in both cases I got the system up & running. I didn't investigate what exactly was a problem and what was missing.


Keep up.


I messed up the installation of compton. Its not necesseary to run and its possible to set want_compton to no.

But it should work now :)

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