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Radxa N10 and Tinkerboard 2

Süleyman Poyraz

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8 hours ago, Süleyman Poyraz said:

But I couldn't find CSC image for Tinkerboard 2. Is that uses same image with RockPi N10 or did you forget to add to download page under to CSC images lists.

Things are missing with a reason - support costs real money and we receive no help in this regard. All what exists or lets say most is a gift from developers community around Armbian. First cover this - currently your share is below 0.5%, then asks for more.


Cover expenses of this question is our cost (answering support questions is another way how we loose our money while receive nothing in return, usually not even a genuine appreciation), which means we are not even close to possible to cover actions of your questions. Not a single cent (!) never ever came from a direction of Asus or Radxa, while your donations are not covering the electricity costs of the server this message is stored ;) Since you are asking for some services, I understand you have a plan how you will cover expenses of developing them? We don't. Growing Armbian more on our expense is just not going to happen. It is on you to cover the level that is now. For start cover existing expenses away from us or join and do things we need to do in your interest.



Donate 20.000 EUR (per year per board), and we will happily provide support and I will not need to waste my precious time for informing you how there is nothing we can do for you ... 


Instead of sending questions here, keep continuous pressure to vendors - why they don't pay this relatively small bill? And repeat that question over and over again. Tell your friends to do the same. And contribute as much as you can.

Then perhaps things will change and your question won't sounds ... ridiculous.

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Friend Don't make me poor literature.


If you say we shared a csc image for tinkerboard 2, I may ask where is this image.

Secondly, as someone who owns tinkerboard 2, I'm already constantly putting pressure on asus, which is a vendor. 


When I saw the armbian, I wanted to try and find and fix the problems in this image and provide you with individual support. 


But that's how I found your "give us money or shut up" attitude wrong.


Your language is quite offensive.This can backfire if you continue with the "we're here for you idiots" mood every time you post an image. 



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8 hours ago, Süleyman Poyraz said:


But that's how I found your "give us money or shut up" attitude wrong.


8 hours ago, Süleyman Poyraz said:

and provide you with individual support. 


There are 1000+ people that also wants to kill me with a "favour", which is nothing else but covering your interest. Don't you agree? I have give you those links that you will follow and perhaps understand. More then that it is not possible to do. We are supporting you with best effort and our effort is already at a very extreme range. 

If you find a bug, but you would like to fix it, hire someone to fix it for you and send a patch:
https://docs.armbian.com/Process_Contribute/ You don't need to give me money. Give it to someone else.

This is your support contract:


@Süleyman Poyraz Topic was split and moved to respective "board bring up forum" ...

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  • Igor changed the title to Radxa N10 and Tinkerboard 2

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