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Long command entry in Putty serial terminal causes the display to get messed up


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I apologize if this is not specific to armbian but it's really becoming a problem for me


I am using Orange pi Zero LTS board and the Armbian image provided in the official downloads page (Armbian_21.08.1_Orangepizero_focal_current_5.10.60.img). I use the serial terminal and Putty in a Windows 10 PC to use this board


uname -a result:

Linux orangepizero 5.10.60-sunxi #21.08.1 SMP Wed Aug 25 18:19:32 UTC 2021 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux

I am using the serial console to control the board. If I type in a long string in one line, after a certain number of characters the string wraps to the beginning of the line by itself. The command itself is still correct it just doesn't display properly, and pressing backspace messes up the display further. This is especially annoying if I am in multiple subfolders and the path of current location takes up a good number of characters in one line.


Is there any setting in the OS that can fix this? I would ideally like to remove any limitations on the number of characters in a single line.


This problem apparently doesn't happen if I ssh into this board, but there is a noticeable delay when I type anything while using ssh. I would like to know if there is a fix for this in the serial terminal.




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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

This is a problem with the echo behaviour of putty and serial ports. I have the same, it is not armbian related. 


Try to test out other ssh clients (Windows has built in ssh for example), maybe they handle these linebreaks better. 

As a workaround you can configure bash to not list the complete path you're in at the moment :)

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