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Removal of edge headers apt package deleted full file tree


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Yesterday, I wanted to remove the linux-headers-edge-meson64 package. (Board: odroidc2)


As a consequence, the entire SD card and all mounted devices got deleted and I had to reinstall my entire system.


scritch@odroidc2:~$ pstree -Aap 189643
apt-get,189643 remove linux-headers-edge-meson64
  `-dpkg,189662 --status-fd 54 --no-triggers --force-depends --abort-after=1 --remove ...
      `-sh,189663 /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-headers-edge-meson64.prerm remove
          `-find,189664 ./ -type f -exec rm {} +
              `-rm,189913 ./media/NAS/Public/Bilder/IMG_1097.JPG...


I cannot imagine what I did wrong with removing this package, but I also cannot believe that such a major bug exists.

@All others: You have been warned. :)

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

1 hour ago, Scritch said:

You have been warned.

You have also been warned about edge software, where this not very well tested packaging method is used. Fixed on my private expense in the meantime: https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/3316 

1 hour ago, Scritch said:

@All others: You have been warned.

People read very poor. Software has no warranty whatsoever, especially EDGE (does this name express stability?)





Long term preventive:


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THank you for the quick fix.


vor 9 Stunden schrieb Igor:

People read very poor.


Appears to me like an out-of-context general statement of your personal conviction. :)


Nobody here expressed any complaints. Just trying to help by reporting bugs.

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2 hours ago, Scritch said:

Appears to me like an out-of-context general statement

That is correct. If you got my attention, I will not throw this opportunity away.


2 hours ago, Scritch said:

Just trying to help by reporting bugs.


Since you don't pay for software nor for its maintaining, that is putting a pressure and stealing money from people that maintain this software. We already have hundreds of tasks waiting for help (to help you) while end users are not allowed to raise bugs. Why? Because already bug management (prioritizing bugs without fixing them) project exceeds our budget for magnitude and because fixing bugs costs millions you have no intention to cover. Your covering current costs is below 0.5%, which you should understand if you have clicked and read FAQ from previous post.


Try to find some other ways to help. I expose one, but there are many others. Finding us more work, while not helping with resources, is dead end. Not sustainable. Pointless.

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What an insight.

Reporting bugs as a regular end-user is considered in first place as putting a pressure and stealing money from people that maintain this software.


Consider to put this statement into your FAQ.

Such a statement would definitely have prevented me from stealing your time. I could not find this understanding yet here.

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On 12/5/2021 at 2:45 PM, Scritch said:

Reporting bugs as a regular end-user

Do you have a problem with a build system functioning? https://github.com/armbian/build/issues


Problem in your Linux system is your problem, there is no bug acceptance service /  best effort supports apply. 


Most of users believes that bugs can easily be fixed when found and reported. They even happily volunteer to test and report. But we expect something from you to be able to answer:





We have a long lists of bugs which we think to fix once (or not), while we have to ignore a lot of others that we are unable to do anything about. Dear end user, you were very lucky that I didn't lose a week to fix this bug, otherwise I would not be this gentle. I would be furious. I knew quickly where the problem was, because we have changed that not long ago, and I am sure there are many other problems that needs to be discovered. They can be found the way you have experienced, and I am truly sad, we didn't want that such thing happens, but testing is expensive and you are not willing to pay for. We also can't and there is really nothing we can do - better then other distributions which also test live - with upcoming (edge / beta) builds. If you want things on professional levels, start with volunteering, bring in your own resources, ...


We don't have resources to record & maintain bugs users find, period. Which is why we ask you to drop your complains on forum. Anyone can pick them up, fix and send to the right place. If he wants, mostly not many people invest into your well being. How do you expect we will find time to resolve them? We have jobs and families to deal with. While there is nothing from end users on the table. You seems to even be distressed because I have exposed this (obvious but under the surface) problem? You should not be. 


Imagine how much bugs there are in open source software, imagine how much in this cheap junk Linux code (arm sbc) that we are dealing with? And there is very little support from any side. Just demands, complains, demands, like you would paying high bucks for some professional service. Nothing that would motivate me to happily do something for you.


On 12/5/2021 at 2:45 PM, Scritch said:

Such a statement would definitely have prevented me from stealing your time.

As we both know, most of people doesn't read. Most of them doesn't even google. Just fire and demand. If should be clear that your request are creating costs and I should not be wasting more time to prove our point.




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I know you don't look for advice. However, as I can perfectly understand the situation you are in and would like armbian to become an (even more) successful project, I want to share my perspective:


From 99% of all end-users, you cannot expect to receive support in the scope you definitely require, because they use the boards you support in small home-projects and not commercially. People have their own unrelated full-time jobs and families.


However, the success of Armbian is in the fundamental interest of all vendors whose boards you raise to an entirely new level of support and usage. When Armbian dies because of too few ressources, they will lose their customers. They are the central entry point and the stakeholders who commercially benefit from all your efforts. Don't scare away the small end-users who want to have some fun on the few hours they have on some weekends every year with their home-projects.



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