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I am trying to make bluetooth and wireless working on my board base on rk3328
I am able to boot the board and wired network work

i am able to ssh to the board.

everything seems to work well except :

  • Wifi / Bluetooth
  • Front led

For now i will concentrate on the wifi / bluetoot


I can clearly see the wifi chip : RTL8723CS on the board.
even if rk3318-config show RTL8703bs 

Detected board features:                                       x
x Chip type: RK3328 - Serial: URKXXXXXx 0000000003242e         x
x CPU Leakage: 0x0d - Logic Leakage: 0x0b - CPU Version: 0x1   x
x Internal flash: eMMC                                         x
x Wifi device: Realtek RTL8703bs - Device ID: 024c:b703        x

i tried to modprobe rtl8723bs , but that's do not do anything.


Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advanace

5 hours ago, Dmytro Ovdiienko said:

@ZippyHow did you manage to solve it?


I cannot enable the Bluetooth on my Tinkerboard.


Here I have a post created on StackOverflow: https://superuser.com/questions/1698728/cannot-enable-bluetooth-on-tinkerboard-armbian

It contains technical details


For the tinkerboard you can post in the official armbian tinkerboard forum, since the Tinkerboard if officially supported.

I have a rk3288 board, but it is a tvbox board with ap6330 and not a tinkerboard, so can't give you a real advice about.


You got some right hints about these:

# Extract from the /boot/config-5.10.60-rockchip

# CONFIG_BT_HCIUART_RTL - is not set


These config options are for direct in-kernel support of bluetooth via serdev framework.

This is the way I set up AP6330 (which is broadcom) on my rk3288 box but also for broadcom and realtek bluetooth on rk322x and rk33x8 boards (in particular I had the chance to test against rtl8703bs, AP6334 and AP6330).

You need some other configuration bits in the device tree if you want to go this way, and it can be a bit painful getting things squared out. As an example, this is the dts overlay to enable rtl8703bs bluetooth on rk322x.


AFAIK the Tinkerboard on armbian uses the "legacy" userspace way with rtl_attach binary. Since it is just an userspace executable, it is easier to configure than the kernel serdev way. I never dealt with it so can't be of any help, but maybe people on the tinkerboard armbian forum can surely be more helpful.


Note also that, despite the rtl8723bs chip provides wifi and bluetooth connectivity, the wifi communicates via SDIO bus and the bluetooth via simple serial UART. Usually the two parts are pretty independent each other: in practice, you can consider like two different chips on the same package.



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