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[Noob Question] I´am Trying my Orange PI PC connect via intern Serial to 3D Printer (Klipper)


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hey Guys,


at first , i has no unix skill 😉 

i try to connect my printer serial without usb. i use a mks robin e3p

(https://github.com/makerbase-mks/MKS-Robin-E3P/blob/master/Hardware/MKS Robin E3P V2.0_001/MKS Robin E3P V2.0_001 PIN.pdf)


i would use the serial connection on the "WiFi" Port. On Orange Pi i has tryed S0 to S3 (S1 - S3 enabled at  "armbian-config").


"ls /dev/serial/" are empty and i get no connection. is it generally not possible or i forget some essential?


i hope someone knwo what i mean 😛



for my opinion i plug it right


<a href="https://ibb.co/FD5x2sH"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/FD5x2sH/1648588063171.jpg" alt="1648588063171" border="0"></a>


<a href="https://ibb.co/843VSHR"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/843VSHR/1648588063163.jpg" alt="1648588063163" border="0"></a>


Edited by Timm0
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