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I'm not sure if this is off-topic, but I'd like to ask the forum about a problem.  My goal is to run RPi-Cam-Web-Interface (http://elinux.org/RPi-Cam-Web-Interface).


I have 5.20 Jessie server 3.4.112 that has been updated/upgraded on an Orange Pi One with a gc2035 cam on an expansion board from aliexpress.


As a first step I got the cam working.  There are some threads in this forum that made that easy. 


I then installed github.com/roberttidey/userland since it includes raspimjpeg - a key element in the RPi-Cam-Web-Interface toolchain.  But when I run raspimjeg I get the error


* failed to open vchiq instance


Google has solutions that involve permissions on the vchiq device, but I don't have a vchiq device in /dev.  And that got me thinking that there might be a fundamental problem with my approach.  Has anyone installed RPi-Cam-Web-Interface (or raspimjeg) on an Orange Pi One? Or maybe, I hope, there's something obvious I've overlooked?


I must disappoint you, vchiq is RPi (Broadcom) only technology. I guess this is needed for JPEG compression using VPU? There are some projects which does exactly that, at least for older chips. I guess it should work on H3 too. I didn't save the link, so google it.


No. Forget anything you know about Raspberry drivers specifics. Drivers are completely different. From my point of view, only 40 pin header is somehow compatible with Raspberry. Besides, GPU has nothing to do with HW accelerated video/JPEG encoding/decoding, for that there is VPU.


raspimjpeg cannot be ported to OPi as it is too much dependant on RaspberryPi only technology. Ask for similar tool on IRC #cedrus channel, freenode server.


I hear you loud and clear.  I have to admit I was harboring some misconceptions, thinking there was more similarity than not.  

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