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Hello. I am new to Armbian.


My Banana PI M2 (already a disappointment, bad purchase on my part) is up and running but will not reboot all the way. It shuts down but does not restart again.  Any ideas how to go about troubleshooting and fixing this?


It is a deal breaker for what I planned to be a headless system. It needs to be restartable without physically pulling the plug to do so.


Welcome on board.


Can you try with some older versions, than we might start to find a solution. I don't recall such problems with this board. BTW - how do you power the board?


Thank you. It reboots now. At some point I will see if a fresh 5.20 Jessie does it again. I had not found the older versions yet.


I had wanted Xenial and there was a 5.14 of it so it is a MAJOR win for me all around.


Will there be future Armbian releases with Ubuntu?


Power is 2A through the power port, not usb.


We are constantly updating all supported boards. Some boards get big, some minor changes.


Expect one update soon - it's coming with apt-get update && apt-get upgrade manner. Some upgrades might result in error, check this.

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