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How to clone SSD (nvme) to SD Card


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I thought it would be easy, but I am now turning in circles, so I am asking here.

I have a working system booting on NVME (when no SD card inserted), with two partitions nvme0p1 (256Mb) and nvmeop2 (40Gb) 


I would like to clone my working system on a SD card.

How shall I proceed?


I am not asking details instruction, only the rough path I should follow (e.g. dd partitions, tune2fs ......).


PS: I thought it would be easy, but whatever I do, the system keep taking /boot on the nvmeop1, so I really struggle to boot on the /boot of the SD card

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

@Tony3 You've to edit the UUID in armbianEnv.txt to the one of your SD card.  You could find it with the Gnome Disk-utility or with blkid in terminal.

And edit the UUIDs of the mounting points in /etc/fstab


For "cloning" you could use sudo cp -ra /source/* /destination

Edited by royk
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I'd suggest using dd to get an exact clone; that way, you don't have finagle UUIDs.

Assuming your destination is larger than your source, I'd run the following from a third device with both drives available:

dd if=/dev/<source> of=/dev/<destination> bs=4M 


That's how I migrated from SDcard to an NVME drive without any headaches whatsoever. If you want to grow the filesystem to consume the full drive after you've dd'ed, you can use fdisk/parted/gparted to do so. Just make sure you note the starting sector when re-creating the partition table. Then it's just a matter of growing the filesystem (xfs_growfs, resize2fs, etc).

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