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ey i have a SDMC DV8040 stb ,SoC-Amlogic S805X,CPU-Quad-core 1.2 GHz,GPU-ARM Mali-450,RAM-1GB,Storage-8GB it currently runs custom made android 9


i want to install Armbian linux to it .. i tried almost every youtube video methods to install but none of them worked .. but i was able to serial communicate with it but functions are limited ..please help me


@remolaan  If your box has the s805x cpu (not s805 as your title indicates), you might have success following these instructions: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/17106-installation-instructions-for-tv-boxes-with-amlogic-cpus


Using the meson-gxl-s805x-p241.dtb or meson-gxl-s805x-libretech-ac.dtb

and the u-boot-s905x-s912 uboot file


I'm not aware on anyone having ever tried this, but it might work.

Posted (edited)

photo_6050887898590462596_y.thumb.jpg.9f350f0c4030c4e9dfae279bc60a5d7e.jpgDear SteeMan,

Is there any way to install a more recent version of Armbian with a newer kernel version on this board?
Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by embedder_dev
image upload




I know this board is somewhat obsolete. I just want to have a clue where to begin to start working towards developing a current version for this board, because I have hundreds of this board.


@embedder_dev - if you want to seriously put some work into making armbian work with those, maybe have a look at the xdarklight tree: https://github.com/xdarklight/linux - the branch meson-mx-integration-6.2-20221226 is quite close to v6.1-lts (see: https://github.com/hexdump0815/linux-mainline-and-mali-generic-stable-kernel/blob/lts-v6.1/misc.m8x/patches/xdl-vs-mainline-v6.1.49.patch ) or you try to get one of the latest branches working - this tree even has hdmi support for the old meson8 socs and might be a good start for bringing up armbian support for those socs if case you want to invest some time into it - good luck

Posted (edited)

Maybe we can bundle our effords regarding a working S805 image?


I also have hundreds of new TV sticks (not boxes) with an Amlogic S805 (Meson 8B). The original Android ROM has the codename stvm8b. Currently I only have a working Android 4.2.2 image with a patched kernel for real 1080p output which can be flashed using TWRP onto the internal eMMC.


I really would love to get some kind of more recent and non-Android image up and running. It's a real struggle to get any custom images as most links are dead already which makes it more complicated.


Currently I have full UART access to the device and I'm able to interact with the uBoot shell. I also see the full kernel output of the working Android image and have a root shell there. But as others already pointed out kernel 3.10 is way to old to be used in production. So "porting" a more recent kernel would be great.


My main goal is to get a Linux image up and running on the box which makes it still useful as device for digital signage or as a small webserver.


Some more details on the hardware:




uBoot output dropping to shell:


no sdio debug board detected 
TE : 76654
BT : 15:34:06 May 13 2015
##### VDDEE voltage = 0x044c

CPU clock is 792MHz

DDR mode: 32 bit mode
DDR size: 1GB (auto)
DDR check: Pass!
DDR clock: 636MHz with 2T mode
DDR pll bypass: Disabled
DDR init use : 14831 us

Boot From SDIO C
SD_boot_type: 00000002
card_type: 00000003
ucl decompress...pass
Boot from internal device 1st eMMC on SDIO C

TE : 301370

System Started

U-Boot Version: 2011.03-ad3b84b(20150513.153356)
clr h-ram
DRAM:  1 GiB
relocation Offset is: 2feb4000
show partition table: 
part: 0, name :       logo, size : 2000000
part: 1, name :   recovery, size : 2000000
part: 2, name :       misc, size : 2000000
part: 3, name :       boot, size : 2000000
part: 4, name :     system, size : 40000000
part: 5, name :      cache, size : 20000000
part: 6, name :     backup, size : 20000000
part: 7, name :       data, size : end 
MMC:   [mmc_register] add mmc dev_num=0, port=1, if_type=6
[mmc_register] add mmc dev_num=1, port=2, if_type=6
SDIO Port B: 0, SDIO Port C: 1
power init
out reg=c110804c,value=dfffffff
IR init done!
register usb cfg[0][1] = 3ff6c19c
register usb cfg[0][2] = 3ff6c184
NAND:  EMMC BOOT: not init nand
do not init nand : cause boot_device_flag without nand 
get_boot_device_flag: init_ret -1
get_boot_device_flag EMMC BOOT: 
Emmckey: Access range is illegal!
[mmc_init] SDIO Port C:1, if_type=7, initialized OK!
[mmc_get_partition_table] skip cache partition.
Partition table get from SPL is : 
        name                        offset              size              flag
   0: bootloader                         0            400000                  0
   1: reserved                     2400000           4000000                  0
   2: cache                        6c00000          20000000                  2
   3: env                         27400000            800000                  0
   4: logo                        28400000           2000000                  1
   5: recovery                    2ac00000           2000000                  1
   6: misc                        2d400000           2000000                  1
   7: boot                        2fc00000           2000000                  1
   8: system                      32400000          40000000                  1
   9: backup                      72c00000          20000000                  1
  10: data                        93400000         13ec00000                  4
mmc read lba=0x12000, blocks=0x1
mmc read lba=0x12001, blocks=0x1
mmc_read_partition_tbl: mmc read partition OK!
eMMC/TSD partition table have been checked OK!
i=0,register --- emmc_key
MMC BOOT, emmc_env_relocate_spec : env_relocate_spec 59 
set_storage_device_flag: store 2
bad chip version!!!
efuse mac is : ac:db:da:3d:c4:e5 
set ethaddr is : ac:db:da:3d:c4:e5 
usid is MH0507015420365
mmc flash is used high freq
info->dtbversion = 1025
      Multi dtb tool version: v2 .
      Multi dtb detected, support 5 dtbs.
        aml_dt soc: stvm8b platform: dongle variant: 1g
        dtb 0 soc: stvm8b   plat: dongle   vari: 1g
        dtb 1 soc: stvm8b   plat: dongle   vari: 512m
        dtb 2 soc: stvm8b   plat: normal   vari: 1g
        dtb 3 soc: stvm8b   plat: normal   vari: 1gcm
        dtb 4 soc: stvm8b   plat: normal   vari: 512mcm
      Find match dtb: 0
vpu clk_level in dts: 3
set vpu clk: 182150000Hz, readback: 182150000Hz(0x701)
Net:   Meson_Ethernet
init suspend firmware done. (ret:0)
cvbs trimming.1.v5: 0xa0, 0x0
preboot new...
check board version...
bad chip version!!!
efuse mac is : ac:db:da:3d:c4:e5 
set ethaddr is : ac:db:da:3d:c4:e5 
usid is MH0507015420365
mmc flash is used high freq
info->dtbversion = 1025
Hardware version information has been written and the check is successful
hdmi tx power init
mode = 8  vic = 16
set HDMI vic: 16
mode is: 8
viu chan = 1
config HPLL
config HPLL done
reconfig packet setting done
Hit Enter key to stop autoboot -- :  1 tstc enter

exit abortboot: 1


The original name was "MyGica ATV185" and each device has a Quad-Core processor (Cortex A5, 1 GHz), 1 GB RAM, 8 GB internal eMMC storage, a WIFI module, 1x USB2.0, 1x microSD slot, 1x HDMI plug and 1x microUSB as power supply.


The device should be the same like the ODroid C1


Would love to participate in the process of creating a useful image for the S805 platform and especially for this piece of hardware.

Edited by codiflow

I already got some "late night success" 🎉


Thanks to the work from @granitr in the following thread I could already successfully boot the stvm8b using the default meson8b-onecloud.dtb


root@onecloud:~# uname -a
Linux onecloud 6.6.21-current-meson #1 SMP Wed Mar  6 14:48:45 UTC 2024 armv7l GNU/Linux
root@onecloud:~# cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Armbian-unofficial 24.5.0-trunk bookworm"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="12 (bookworm)"
ARMBIAN_PRETTY_NAME="Armbian-unofficial 24.5.0-trunk bookworm"


Currently it just seems that WIFI is not (yet) working – HDMI output worked directly from the beginning.


I will keep everyone posted here on my progress 🙏


Hello there! I want to ask a question about burning images into SD cards. I followed the steps of OP, I tried to burn the image via DD and via balenaEtcher, and both of them didn't created a boot partition (balenaEtcher did warn me that the image does not contain a partition table). As far as I recall, those files like uEnv.txt, .dtb, etc must be placed in the boot partition, am I right? Did I do something wrong, or did I should somehow create those parts by myself? Thanks!


@A J  I'm not sure which image you have burned, but most images do not have a separate boot partition, they just have one ext4 partition that contains everything.  Images that have a separate /boot partition do that either because of limitations of the u-boot version being used, or because they want to provide easier access to the /boot via a non linux platform (i.e. windows) for accessing the contents of that partition.



I successfully booted my S805 TV box using an Armbian SD card. Have you tried to install Armbian onto the eMMC?

I have broken several of my TV boxes trying to install Armbian onto the eMMC using scripts. The reason was that my TV box's bootloader was located somewhere in the eMMC, which got overwritten by installing Armbian.

Can you help me with that?


hello i want too to install armbian on mk808B plus , actually it runs librelec . anyone can give me instructions or links to images please ?


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