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so after many hours of trial and error I have managed to get the latest Armbian with Kernel 6.1.27 running on my old mxq s805 tv box.


Albeit only thing that is not working is hdmi output and wifi. 

So for anyone else trying to accomplish something similar, my steps were:



Downloaded the latest release of this build for the onecloud device as it also runs on the s805 amlogic chipset (props to the developer for still updating)


Burn the image to your sd card.

Then after the image is burned, create a textfile on the root of the sd card and name it „uEnv.txt“

Paste the following and adjust the .dtb file to your corresponding device. My case is the mxq


APPEND=root=LABEL=armbi_root rootfstype=ext4 rootflags=data=writeback rw console=ttyAML0,115200n8 console=tty0 no_console_suspend consoleblank=0 fsck.repair=yes net.ifnames=0

Save the file, insert the sd card in your device connect it to LAN and ssh in to the device (check the ip in your router)


So, ssh root@your.ip.adress.x

Password is 1234 by default.


And that is that. I currently have it running for 4hrs with no outage. PiHole and PiVPN both installed and running.


I hope this could help anyone out trying on a similar device. Credit goes to the devs and contributors. I just put the pieces together and made it work as my own builds wouldnt run so I resorted to this much better solution.


p.s: If anyone is interested for my reasoning of updating from a old build, it was because i was using 5.14 rc2 kernel that was bugging with wireguard.

And as mentioned no hdmi output and no wifi. Wifi should be fixable hdmi rather not to my understanding.

Take care and have fun



HI pro,

Can you tell me which version you are using? I tried downloading version Armbian_23.08.0-trunk_Onecloud_jammy_current_6.1.51.img.xz and following your steps but it cannot boot into ARMBIAN

Thanks :D


Does that image contain an s805_autoscript and/or aml_autoscript file at the root of the sdcard?


Here's a copy of mine for an MXQ model (note that in my uEnv.txt, it uses a custom m201 dtb)


If that doesnt work, then you'll need to get access to serial console to see what the stock uboot is doing, and what sdcard (mmc) files it's looking for on boot.



Hello there! I want to ask a question about burning images into SD cards. I followed the steps of OP, I tried to burn the image via DD and via balenaEtcher, and both of them didn't created a boot partition (balenaEtcher did warn me that the image does not contain a partition table). As far as I recall, those files like uEnv.txt, .dtb, etc must be placed in the boot partition, am I right? Did I do something wrong, or did I should somehow create those parts by myself? Thanks!

Image used:



@embedder_dev - there is no proper u-boot for s805 and the u-boot (plus other bootloader parts) are somewhere in the middle of the emmc (if it even is emmc and not nand) - so better do not touch the emmc if you are not very familiar with such topics and stay on the sd card to avoid accidently bricking the box


@Jens J. where did you get that custom DTB file? 


I booted my MXM tv box s805 amlogic, it works, but it doesn't detect any USB device, seems like a problem in the DTB file. 

But I can't find any other file on the internet that would work with my kernel:


Linux onecloud 6.7.9-edge-meson #1 SMP Wed Mar  6 14:54:01 UTC 2024 armv7l GNU/Linux

Other stuff seems to work, at least ethernet works fine.


Pls let me know how you created the custom DTB


Thanks in advance.


Hi all,

I can confirm the following image works on Armlogic based box:



Target device:

Ravo RVBX15V3 (Android box intended for arabic TV content)

SoC: Armlogic  Meson8B / s805

WiFi chip: RTL8189ETV (not supported by kernel 6.x.x, as explained in Werner's link)

HDMI doesen't seem to be working either


Boot process failed at first attempt, due to missing s805_autoscript in boot partition of SD Card.

I followed advice from Jens and copied some files from a previous deployment, resulting in the following structure:


├── aml_autoscript
├── aml_autoscript.cmd
├── aml_autoscript.zip
├── armbianEnv.txt
├── armbian_first_run.txt.template
├── boot.bmp
├── boot.cmd
├── boot.scr
├── config-6.6.21-current-meson
├── dtb
│   ├── meson6-atv1200.dtb
│   ├── meson8b-ec100.dtb
│   ├── meson8b-mxq.dtb
│   ├── meson8b-odroidc1.dtb
│   ├── meson8b-onecloud.dtb
│   ├── meson8m2-mxiii-plus.dtb
│   └── meson8-minix-neo-x8.dtb
├── dtb-6.6.21-current-meson
│   ├── meson6-atv1200.dtb
│   ├── meson8b-ec100.dtb
│   ├── meson8b-mxq.dtb
│   ├── meson8b-odroidc1.dtb
│   ├── meson8b-onecloud.dtb
│   ├── meson8m2-mxiii-plus.dtb
│   └── meson8-minix-neo-x8.dtb
├── initrd.img-6.6.21-current-meson
├── s805_autoscript
├── s805_autoscript.cmd
├── System.map-6.6.21-current-meson
├── uEnv.txt
├── uImage
├── uInitrd
├── uInitrd-6.6.21-current-meson
└── vmlinuz-6.6.21-current-meson








Posted (edited)

Hi all,


I got a s805 box from my wife's cousin. He bought it ridiculously cheap here: https://www.olx.pl/d/oferta/tv-box-przystawka-do-telewizora-CID99-ID10w7q1.html

The power adapter broke after a few hours, so he let me take it. I got a new adapter and had some play with the box.20241020_203105.thumb.jpg.b115653caae5299a17d887e3bafc1faf.jpg


The box seems to be an MXQ clone. The software is probably a direct copy, with only the boot logo replaced.


Data extracted from the factory software:

model: m201
Android: 4.4.2
Build number: KOT49H.20160507 test-keys
Kernel version: 3.10.33
rwf@YDsoft #1
Tue Jul 7 11:40:39 CST 2015


I was able to boot onecloud and odroidc1 images. The `s805_autoscript` script is missing in the builds, so I had to manually instruct (through UART) U-BOOT to load kernel from the SD card. The odroidc1 worked a little better in that there was HDMI output.


To make this a little more robust, I forked the build repository and added a separate board and a boot script for it. I copied odroid's fixes for HDMI to dtb for this board. I did not test boot from other devices than SD card, but in theory USB should work, too.

here is a branch: https://github.com/domin144/armbian-build/tree/mxq

this commit was tested to work: https://github.com/domin144/armbian-build/commit/bce6f677e0a6a3dd0ee4ce1fdc4cee8befcdd0b820241111_191313.thumb.jpg.6920837b3f46df012c9d5d9884b09639.jpg


This is not of pull request quality, but will hopefully give someone a better starting point.

HDMI output was working

wired network was working

WIFI does not seem to be working


Edited by Dominik Wójt

Forgot to add a build command for the image:




@Dominik Wójt My apologies for bumping this thread with an essentially useless post but I figure I might as well ask as a last resort, could you please upload a pre-compiled image? I've tried on multiple PC's with multiple distros and have ran into different errors on each setup. If not a pre-compiled binary do you perhaps have another way I could get in contact with you to ask some questions? Like I said I really hate to be a bother but I'm amazed by the fact that your comment isn't even 2 weeks old when I've owned this 'MXQ' branded box for close to a decade now lol, just would really love to see some newer software running on it but info and resources for all of this is all over the place if not scarce. 

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