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Hey guys,


I just received an orange pi 5b, pcb says version 1.1.

Unfortunately, the HDMI is dead, out of the box. No display is being recognized. The pi boots, though.


Then I had a closer look at the HDMI connector on the board. I wonder if the HDMI ever works for anybody. The traces are connected in the wrong place, especially the DDC lines for monitor data and the hotplug detect is mixed up.

The picture confirms that. The pin on the lef is supposed to be hotplug detect, but it routed like a differential pair and connects to a capacitor. The other trace of that pair is also in the wrong place.


Can some of you confirm that? Does you HDMI work an a 5B rev 1.1?


Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, PhreakShow said:

Can some of you confirm that? Does you HDMI work an a 5B rev 1.1?

I have a OPI 5 with the official wifi card. I recently tried a hack that was mentioned in an older thread to use the dtb for orangepi-5b and I ended up not having HDMI either. The board did boot up correctly but no luck with HDMI. Switching back to the non 5b dtb worked. Wouldn't exclude this could be a software issue. Did you try the official image?

Edited by OttawaHacker

I tried a few images, but from what I see on the pcb it is a hardware issue, no matter the image. I hoped someone here might use an OPI 5B and shed some light, if their pcb looks the same with or without a working HDMI.


I'm not sure I can see the issue you're pointing out. 


In your image, the part you have circled looks OK to me. 


Can you explain in more detail what I should be looking at, the error/issue or am I missing something?


I think you are missing something, or I am. 


Have a look at the HDMI pinout. Starting from the right in my picture, theres  four differential pairs, they seem to be ok on the board. I added a piece of layout from another project for comparison.




Then on the left, there's hotplug, 5V, some unused pins and the ddc lines. If you compare them to the actual 5B's layout, there has to be an error. They are connected like this:




How can this be a working connection? Also, why are those lines routed differentially, with caps in the lines? And why are the ESD diodes not connected to them?

I know it's barely visible in the image, but someone with an actual 5B should see that plain as day.




OK.  As I said, I didn't see anything wrong...that's because I don't know this in detail, or at all :).  Here's a pic of my OPi 5, not a 5b, for your comparison.  Looks very different:




Thats true, 5's layout is different. There's schematics for the 5 pcb and they are correct. Very odd.


Waiting for someone who got the 5B with a working HDMI.


I got the 5B brand new, connected it to my monitor and thre's no image. The monitor works, the cable works. xrandr lists HDMI but no active monitor.


Then I had a look at the layout but didn't find any schematic. Maybe I am wrong and it is connected correctly. But then again, why is there no image.

Posted (edited)

I have a Opi5B v1.1 16Gb Ram 256 emmc with working HDMI. I'm using it now to post this. I originally booted it with the preinstalled android OS on the emmc. It worked but everything was in Chinese and the I couldn't set the the display to the right Res, didn't really mess with it not planning on running android. Then installed Joshua-Riek/ ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS Current Release v1.19 to the emmc. So far it works great, auto recognized my 35" LG 21:9 at native 3440x14400 res (android didn't).  Smooth YouTube playback only tested 720p. HDMI audio doesn't work on Chromium but Firefox works great. I've only had it up and running for about an hour but OTB it runs better by far then any ARM SBC I've used (and better then when I upgraded my i7 8700 to windows 11 the keyboard works it didn't on the windows 11 upgrade.)





Edited by FilmGab

I booted my OPi5B from SD card with Armbian dd'ed to it and with the 5b DTB enabled.

I logged in via ssh and ran armbian-config as root.
System - Hardware
I enabled rock-5b-hdmi1-8k and rock-5b-hdmi2-8k overlays.
I rebooted and HDMI output started working.

So `armbianEnv.txt` reads now:

overlays=opp-oc-24ghz rock-5b-hdmi1-8k rock-5b-hdmi2-8k



And looking at the overlay source (dtc -O dts) , the hdmi1-8k and hdmi2-8k can not both be effective at the same time.
They also seem to nullify the opp-oc-24ghz overlay. If I remove them again, the HDMI output still works. Puzzling.
So I don't know if they actually have a made a difference (and only needed to be used once?) or whether the change and the start of HDMI working was a coincidence.

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